Saturday, October 27, 2012

YMCA Fall 2012 Soccer Game #5: Team Houston @ Dallas

This morning, we had our soccer game after missing Game #4 while in Seoul. Nonna drove in this morning and it was perfect timing as she met us at the house before we needed to leave for the YMCA.

Andrew was very much concerned about scoring a goal in order to earn Boulder, another Rescue Bot, as his prize. He was on offense the first quarter and had some touches on the ball--but not enough to score a goal. And I could see the disappointment on his face. I think he even went to talk to James about how he didn't score.

He came back into the game the third quarter on defense so there wasn't much opportunity to score then of course. And then, in the fourth quarter, he was back on offense, but he wasn't able to score then either. He was running towards the back of the pack. He didn't play badly, but he wasn't as good as we have seen him. And he is entitled to an off-day so we weren't disappointed in him by any means.

James and I actually talked after the game that maybe Drew is putting too much pressure on himself about scoring a goal. He gets so down on himself when he doesn't score right off the bat. So, I talked to Andrew later this afternoon about how we will find other ways that he can earn his prizes and it won't be just about scoring goals. I told him we just want him to try his best out there and have fun.

As for the game, we had a few kids score some goals so we were very happy for them because it does so much for their confidence and self-esteem. After the games earlier in the season when they were getting killed, you could see the disappointment in their faces and how they were getting down on themselves. So it's so wonderful to get to see them finally score and be excited about it. We are very proud of our kids and thrilled for them. Go Team Houston!

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