Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Play Date at the Osbornes

This morning, we travelled out to the burbs again to go visit the Osbornes. Andrew totally loves both Gavin and Shane so it makes for a great play date. When we arrived, the boys immediately went to go play in their play room. So many toys and Andrew was like a kid in a toy store with all the new (to him) toys. The boys even did a little art time with coloring and Toy Story stickers.

Eventually, the boys went to go play trains in Gavin's room and read books. That was really sweet seeing them read next to each other and look at the books the other one had. Gavin and Andrew can play so well together. And yes, Gavin and Andrew mainly play together, but Baby Shane can totally keep up with those older boys. He totally holds his own! It's amazing how fast he's growing up!! I really shouldn't call him Baby Shane anymore!! And Andrew is really good with Baby Shane. He would always come back and play a little bit with him and is very sweet to him. Think he's totally ready for a sibling!? Ha! He's probably nicer to them because he only sees them for a little while and they don't live with us and don't monopolize Mommy and Daddy's time and attention!

All the playing must have built up an appetite because the boys all ate really well. They scarfed down grapes, strawberries and PB&J sandwiches. Gavin and Shane are really good eaters and I like Andrew seeing it. Usually, kids will eat better if other kids are eating too. Peer pressure again, I guess?!

Later, the boys played on Gavin's ride ons. And they were so giggly about it too! It was hilarious watching them go around the house as fast as they could. Before we knew it, it was getting close to nap time so we said our goodbyes and headed home. Andrew conked out in the car of course.

I love getting to talk with Andrea and spending time with her and the boys whom Andrew and I totally adore. I just realized that we have had two playdates in a row with people that we met from Gymboree. Well, kind of. Andrea and I had seen and talked before at the Montrose story time, but we didn't get to know each other better and become friends until Gymboree.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Gymboree Play Date at the Zoo

This morning, we met up at the zoo with a few of our Gymboree buddies--Kristi and her son Gareth and Marco and his daughter Eliska.

We saw the lions, tigers, and monkeys before heading over to the Childrens' Zoo and the merry-go-round. At first, Eliska was the only one who answered yes to riding the carousel. Marco went to go take her and then, Andrew changed his mind and said he wanted to ride too. So, we bought our tickets and went to go find Eliska and Marco. We were all sitting on the chariot when Gareth and Kristi found us. Apparently after we all left, Gareth changed his mind too. Got to love peer pressure!! But it was cute with everyone sitting together on the chariot.

After, we took the kids to the playground where they played for a good while. But Andrew decided he had had enough and wanted to go the petting zoo. I took him there while Gareth and Eliska finished playing at the playground. But they soon joined us and all the kids had fun brushing and petting the animals. Then, Eliska's mom, Mary, had finished her training early and was able to meet up with us. So, we let the kids play on the playground again while we waited until she could come find us.

Andrew had seen the train when we arrived at the zoo and kept hearing its whistle every now and then. He kept asking for it over and over again. The other parents took pity on him and said that they would be happy to ride it with us too. Lucky for Andrew that Gareth and Eliska both like trains!

After the train ride, we decided to go to lunch at Black Walnut in Rice Village. The kids did great behaving and eating nicely. I was totally impressed and proud of our kids!!! Eliska had to go home and take a nap, but Kristi and I stayed to have some gelato with the kids. After that, we called it a day and headed home to put our boys to sleep.

It was a wonderful time; we both had lots of fun! Mommy loves getting to talk to other adults...and not always just about the kids! Andrew and I really are very lucky to have met some really great people while at Gymboree and made some new friends.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Brushy Creek Park

While Daddy went to church with Granddad this morning, we (Papa, Ngoai, Uncle Foo, and I) took Andrew to Brushy Creek Park. We had gone there before during one of our trips to Austin and we thought Andrew might to play there again. It's such a nice play to take the kids especiallly since it's free to the public and a nice way to cool off!

We arrived a little before the ten o'clock opening time so we killed time on the playground. Andrew enjoyed climbing up and down and going down all the slides. He almost didn't want to leave to venture over to the waterscape area when it came to be ten o'clock.

Maybe he knew something because the water didn't start until a few minutes past the hour. Andrew was still a little hesitant to get in the water, but we found a few fountains lined up and said they were a train track since that worked so well with the sprinklers at my parents' house. Sure enough, it did the trick; and Andrew started to go through them and all the other water sprays. We jokes that some were showers so we pretended to wash up. He had a ball and kept making Papa play with him.

After lunch and nap time, we asked Andrew if he wanted to go to Uncle's pool (the neighborhood pool) or back to the water park. He chose the water park and headed there, but this time only
with Papa and Daddy in tow. Ngoai and Uncle went to the grocery store to buy some food for tonight's dinner.

It was so much hotter than this morning!! But Andrew had fun with Papa and Daddy. He could have cared less if I was there. But that gave me a chance to take pictures and just watch the boys play.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sailing with Granddad

This morning, we took Andrew on his first boat ride! We had been asking him for weeks if he wanted to go on Granddad's boat, to which he replied "yeah." We had tried to take him back in October, but it ended up being rainy so we had to postpone it until now.

Ngoai and Papa made the trip to Austin with us to visit Uncle Anh Tuan so Granddad invited all three of them along for the boat ride too. So, that morning, we all set off to meet Granddad at Rough Hollow Marina. On the drive down, Andrew would see all the boats and water and was getting excited.

When we got there, we first took an outdoor elevator lift contraption thing down to the slips, which Andrew loved. He kept saying "choo choo tracks"--everything to him resembles trains. ;) Anyways, then, we had to take a ferry boat over to Granddad's boat, so that was really his first boat ride ever. He let us put on his life jacket and wore it with no complaints (we also told him he would have to wear a special jacket on the boat). I wasn't sure how he was going to do on the ferry boat, but he did great. Whew!

Then, we arrived at Granddad's boat, the Trinity. It's a spectacular boat!! We got everything ready to go and set off. Andrew got on the boat with no qualms, but about three minutes into it, he says "all done." Ha! It was easy to see that he was a little tentative, but at least he wasn't bawling! Daddy and I were both worried about what to do if Andrew didn't like the boat. We were scared he might cry until he got off.

But we had a bag of tricks (or toys) to try to buy us some time. So, Daddy took him down to the cabin where they played Thomas trains--we brought along his new Take Along Airport to keep him entertained. They played for a while and then, I went down to trade places with Daddy. After awhile, I got a little seasick/claustaphobic being down there so Daddy and I switched again. We kept that up for a while. We also brought along some coloring books and stickers to pass the time too. Later, he was agreeable to go back up and he hung up there for a bit taking in the views. We showed Andrew the lighthouse, other boats, and jet skis. Then, he went back down into the cabin to play trains some more. After a little while, he went back up to the deck and hung out some more. It was easy to see that Andrew started to get more comfortable walking around the boat and was getting braver as time passed. Daddy, Uncle Anh Tuan, and Andrew all took a turn at steering the boat a little; and Papa helped a lot as a deck hand.

Around noon, we headed back for the marina; after which, we met up with Nonna and had lunch at the yacht club. Andrew ate his noodles and shredded cheese very well; and he also had some of Nonna's lobster. We were all watching some of the US World Cup game too--as were many others in the restaurant. It was lots of fun cheering along with everyone.

Then, it was time to head home and get Andrew down for a nap (he fell asleep in the car ride home, so did Mommy).

A most special thanks to Granddad for taking us on the boat. We had a fabulous time!! Thanks to Nonna for driving up to meet us for lunch. And thanks to Ngoai, Papa, and Uncle Anh Tuan for joining us and making the day even more special.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Happy 28th Month Birthday!

So, here's what the little guy (our 2 1/3 year old) has been up to his past month.

Andrew is talking up a storm lately. His speech has made such tremendous progress. He will say things that we haven't said in a while or just say in passing. One day, we were eating French baquettes and Andrew says "banh mi", which is essential bread in Vietnamese. We hadn't ever tried to teach him that particular word in Vietnamese. He just picked it up on his own from our conversations. Drew also loves to say "Mama see" or "Daddy see" to show us something. He will even try to turn our heads with his hands sometimes. Andrew is also beginning to try to sing songs. His favorite is Happy Birthday to You, which sounds more like "Happy Burday You" but it's progress. Andrew will now say that Daddy's name is James (which we corrected from "Babe") and my name is "NiNi" (which we don't correct--I like NiNi since it reminds me of all my nieces and nephews). There was one time during play date that he called me "Mommy" since the other kids were calling their mothers "Mommy". I don't know how much longer I can put off the transition from "Mama" to "Mommy" but I am going to try my damnest. Andrew also has learned to say "ma'am" at restaurants for our female servers. He will yell it out loudly trying to get their attention assuming they have nothing else to do. He is trying to get a drink or shredded cheese usually. For our male servers, he says "guy" which I assume they are less than thrilled about. We are trying to teach him "sir," but he likes to stick with "ma'am" and "guy." We are continuing with speech therapy every week still and feel it contributes a lot of Andrew's improved speech.

We also have noticed that we have a little jokester on our hands. He will say or do things just to get a rise or laugh out of us. He knows that his daddy's name is James, but all of a sudden, he will say "NiNi". Another funny thing that he does lately is he will hold our cheeks and put his face about two inches from our face and say something, namely something that he wants. He thinks by holding our face he will get our undivided attention. Usually, it's the word "choo choo", but he has also done it with food too.

Andrew's manners are getting improving too. There are times when Andrew will say "sorry" or "thank you" at the appropriate time without prompting from us. Sometimes when he is sent into time out, he will immediately say "sorry" thinking it will make it all better and he will get a reprieve. Nice try, kid.

Andrew still enjoyes drawing and coloring. He will draw in circles as wheels and sirens and lines as steam and ladders. He also now draws people with circle for their head and line for their body and will draw them in the front of the train or truck. Drew will also draw in the water for boats. And he still loves doing Arts & Crafts time especially with glue. He also likes to draw and trace objects on his Magna Doodle. Andrew still loves to play with blocks building the usual barrage of trains, airplanes, fire trucks, and garbage trucks. He will also try to match up and build with blocks of the same color so he will have areas of the same color. With Andrew's fondness of airplanes and fire trucks, Andrew has begun to like airports and fire stations even more. We draw them all the time! And he loves to dictate how many airplanes or how many fire trucks to have on the drawing. He also likes for me to draw a train track at the airport for the terminal trains. So, it's no secret that Andrew is obsessed with trains. But now, he has taken it a step further. He made up his own "choo choo jump" for when he jumps off the last stair. Everything always comes back to trains, doesn't it!?

In terms of eating, Andrew eats pretty much the same things as before. He has been eating a lot of blueberries even if they are sour. Drew's fondness for cheese has now grown to shredded cheese and grated Parmesan cheese. He has also come to love Jamba Juice and the kids chocolate chip cereal bar they have there. His little buddy, Gavin, goes frequently and there have been a couple times after the Barnes & Noble story time that we went them. Now, whenever he sees the sign, he will say "Jamba Juice." We don't go all the time, maybe once or twice a week as a snack. He also loves potato chips, especially barbeque ones. And Ngoai loves to feed this little obsession of his since she loves barbeque chips too. When we go out to eat, he always asks for green ice cream. Thankfully, he understands that not all restaurants have green ice cream and will be content with vanilla.

Drew does like some of his daily routine. When Andrew wakes up from his afternoon nap, Andrew likes to watch Mickey Mouse Choo Choo Express. Sometimes, he isn't fully awake and a little bit tired still so we will snuggle on the couch while he watches it. And Mommy likes the snuggling! But anyway, he loves this show--it's by far his favorite right now. We will still occassionally watch Dora and Diego, but not as much.

Drew has been really good about brushing teeth while we sing the ABCs. He will even put his toothbrush back in holder next to mine. He's also back to liking showers again. Moreover, we have (or rather, he has) added to our night time routine. Andrew always wants to eat two bags of fruit snacks during our night night books. Even if he eats something downstairs like fruit or ice cream, he will still want his fruit snacks upstairs.

He has also been sleeping through the night. There are times when he will still wake up like at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning, but that is the more the exception than the rule and usually only if something is amiss or if he's sick. It's funny there are night where either Daddy or Mommy will still wake up looking for him.

One unpleasant thing we have witnessed from Andrew lately is his whining and fussing. I hope it's still part of the terribles 2s and not permanent. He still whines over silly things when he doesn't get his way. And usually, it's over things that we don't mind giving him; he just has to wait or do something first. We wouldn't usually give into the whining, but we are so scared that he will make himself throw up. It's such a frustrating predictament. Hopefully, he whines and fusses less and less as he grows up.

On a positive note, in other behavioral news, Andrew's aggressive tendencies have degressed significantly. Unfortunately, they aren't totally gone, but he definitely hits, pushes, and swipes less. I am hoping all of our talks and time outs have finally made an impression. There have been times when he will still act out, but they are definitely less than before. Whew!

Drew is also becoming more independent. He loves to say "Drew do" and shun help from others. What things does Drew like to do? He likes to undress himself, walk the stairs, hold a cup, spread cheese like when we make pizza, pour liquids, feed himself, among other things. With "Drew do" comes a lot of "No, Mama." I feel like I am losing my baby. He is becoming more and more independent. I am proud and thrilled to see him grow up into a little boy, but I have to admit, it breaks my heart a little. They just grow up too fast. I need some machine to slow down time!

The procrastinator/staller also likes to use the age old tactic of "one more minute" or "one more" as in one more book. This is normally his MO when it's bed time. I think he uses fruit snacks to delay going to bed too. He's also a little negotiator too. Whenever we ask Andrew any question about choosing a person, Andrew will usually answer "both." Who do you want to put you night night? Both. Who do you want to take you a bath? Both. Even if we pose the question like "Do you want Mommy or Daddy to play with you?" Both.

We haven't been working pn his alphabet or numbers near enough. He recognizes some letters and numbers, but we definitely need to work on it more. And Andrew isn't as interested in his puzzles as he used to be. He's really good about counting 1 through 4, then will skip over 5 through 7, and then finish off with 8, 9, and 10. Sometimes, he will remember 6 though. We have been working on colors too, but he has a hard time with orange, yellow, and purple.

One little strange development from Andrew is that he prefers to lay on the floor of a restroom rather than the changing station. I don't know why this is. It's not the funnest thing for Mommy, but if Andrew is cooperative, then I will do it. Thank goodness for disposable changing pads. And unfortunately, Andrew still doesn't have any more interest in potty training. He will still sit on the toilet, but it's less and less. Though, he will tell us when he goes "poo poo." He will even tell us if it was him that farted. It's so funny!

Here's a picture of Andrew goofing off with Mary Ann and a video clip of an attempt at counting.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

1, 2, 3, 4

I got this video of Andrew dancing along to one of his favorite songs--Feist singing 1, 2, 3, 4 for Sesame Street. You can see him try to reenact some of the parts from the video like her waving over her hand, counting on his fingers, and spinning around. He usually will rock side to side like she does, but not this time.

**Note: I know most of the video is rather dark. Sorry, I didn't have time to turn on the dining room light.


I recorded Andrew tracing on his Magna Doodle. When I ask him what he is drawing, he even does his little thing and says "um" before answering.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Chrise Briggs Murrell

Tonight, I am writing with a very heavy heart. Just a little while ago, I learned of the passing of Chrise Briggs Murrell after a tough and devastating battle with cancer. Chrise was the wife of Andy, who is a former co-worker of mine and with whom have been friends since 2005. Chrise was also the loving mother to Andrew (a/k/a Drew also) who just celebrated his fourth birthday in May. She was diagnosed with Stage 4 adenocarcinoma back in December of last year (she started a blog shortly after she was diagnosed where she posted about her fight against cancer). And unfortunately, her treatment regime wasn't very successful. Back in May when all of us had gotten together, Andy had told us that they were stopping treatment and it would be just a matter of time. But this was still sooner than thought. Then again, it's altogether too soon. Chrise was much too young. I have so many emotions going through me right now. I knew it was coming and I had started to prepare myself mentally and emotionally, but nothing ever really fully prepares yourself for it no matter how much you try.

First, of course, there is heartache and grief. I am saddened at the lost of a friend. I am devastated at the lost of a loved one for one of my dear friends. I ache that Andy has lost his wife and Drew his mother. I feel so helpless that I can't do more for them. I am sad that Chrise died so young and won't get to grow old and gray with Andy or get to watch her beautiful son grow up. It breaks my heart that Drew has to grow up without his mother. This is probably what gets to me the most--to lose his mom so early on in his life. I can't help but to think what if Andrew lost James or me. It's seems so unfair.

I also feel a sense of unwanted familiarity. I can't help but to once again feel the loss of my aunt who lost her battle with cancer five years ago (cancer takes way too many lives!) I think about her often especially around mother's day and my birthday. Her birthday was June 5th (the day before mine) and for many years when I was younger, we would celebrate both together. Great memories. I miss her very much. Then, of course, I also think about my godparents, the Riggs, for whom I was named after. We lost Grandma Alberta in October 2003 and Grandpa Sidney in September 2006. These two people were unbelieveably amazing and my family owes so much to them for they helped them when they came over from Vietnam. They literally changed our lives. I will have to share the story of our two families another time. But what I am getting at is that losing loved ones is so hard. To this day, I am still incredibly moved by their loss and will always feel that loss in my heart. I can't imagine going through what Andy and Drew are going through right now in losing a spouse and mother.

I feel so vulnerable right now. My own mortality is staring me in the face. I am reminded once again how fragile life is and that you never know when it may end. I am so thankful for what I have, but there are times, I know I take it for granted. And I know it can all slip away in a moment. I was just sitting here writing my earlier posts about what a great time we had this weekend. Life was great. Life seemed so simple. And then I heard about Chrise. It makes you aware that in a blink of an eye, it can all be gone. It really puts it in perspective. I love my life; I love my husband, son, family, and friends. I am fortunate to be healthy and alive. I am so very blessed. But it makes me so scared at the thought of losing them or them losing me.

One of my favorite movies is "Dead Poets Society", which promotes Transcendentalism and more specifically Walden by Henry David Thoreau. Here's my favorite passage from the book:

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life..."

On days like today, I feel regret because I don't do more...I don't do enough. Do I really suck the marrow out of life each and every day. It becomes too easy to just put it all on cruise control and watch as life just passes you by. It makes me think that I need to do more. More of what?! Everything. Anything. Just more. Just better. To take what God has blessed me with and make it worthwhile.

I didn't know her long and didn't know her as well I wished I could have, but what I did know of her, Chrise was sweet, happy, and kind. On a less serious note, I always loved her fashion sense and style--Chrise was usually dressed so cute and had her hair done so stylish. But seriously, I admired the love and devotion she had for her family. She were a great wife and mom. I loved her spirit, smile, and sense of humor.

But my heart goes out to Andy, Drew, Chrise's family, and friends. I am so sorry for their loss. I am so sorry that I lost a friend and that they lost a loved one. I pray that they find some comfort and solace in this difficult time. I know she's in a better place and she isn't in pain any more. I know God has a plan for everything and everyone. And maybe His plan was for her to an angel in heaven above and she will watch over Andy and Drew. Chrise, may you rest in peace. I am glad I could call you my friend. I will think of you fondly and will miss you.

Chrise Briggs Murrell--December 7, 1978 - June 19, 2010

Volunteering at the allaintgroup Habitat for Humanity:

At Jenni's and Chris's engagement party:

The Murrell Family Photo Shoot taken by Drew Nguyen:

Happy Father's Day 2010

When making our original Father's Day plans, I wanted to spend half the day with just the three of us and then half the day with Papa and Ngoai. We had decided to spend the morning up here and then head down to League City later in the day after Drew's nap. But Daddy wisely remembered that beach goers would cause major traffic havoc on I-45 so we decided to drive down a little earlier. So, after Daddy opened his presents of dress shirts that Andrew helped to pick out (Daddy can never have enough dress shirts, right?!) and cards, we got our things ready to go down to League City. We stopped at one of our favorite little places and got breakfast tacos to go. As we waited, we picked out some goodies from the bakery. Love it! There was no traffic thankfully!!

Andrew said he wanted to go to the pool and since we are trying to get him more comfortable with the water, we obliged. Papa's gout was acting up and his foot was quite swollen. Papa wanted to relax at home for a little while, so just the four of us headed to the pool. Andrew quickly stepped into the pool with no hesitation and even got down on the second step of the big pool, which he was hesitant to do the last time we were there. Hooray!

Aunt Monica was having a Father's Day lunch with her parents and had them drop her off at the pool so she could spend the afternoon with us. Andrew enjoyed having her there with us and played with her on the steps. We had already been there over an hour and Andrew had gotten more than plenty of sun, so we headed back to Ngoai's and Papa's house.

Later, Andrew and Daddy both also got hair cuts and to wash off a little before his bath (and to have a little fun), we let Andrew run through the sprinklers. He had been asking for it several times since the last saying "water outside". Drew so loves the sprinklers now. It's funny how scared he was at first and how fast he's gotten over that fear. Afterwards, we just hung out the rest of the day around the house playing with Andrew and watching soccer, of course. After all, it was Father's Day so Daddy and Papa got to do what they wanted to and that was to watch the World Cup!

Ngoai cooked two delicious meals for Papa and James. Mommy helped as much as she could with cooking, but let's be honest, Ngoai did the bulk of the work!! We tried to think of the things that both of them love and came up with goi, which is like Vietnamese salad sometimes with chicken or shrimp and fish sauce. Then for dinner, we made eggrolls. So delicious!!! Ngoai's eggrolls are so so good! I could eat them all day!!

After dinner, we drove Aunt Monica home so we could visit Mr. and Mrs. Khatri. Andrew was so curious looking at everything in their house. He played with all their magnets on their refrigerators and whatever else he could get his hands on that weren't breakable!! He was shy at first, but came around after a little bit. It was good to get to visit with them. And they hadn't seen Andrew in ages.

We finally made our way home. It was a great day with some of my favorite guys. To my own dad, thank you for everything you have given to us and our family. You never cease to amaze me with your love and adoration of Andrew. And he totally loves and adores you too!! To all the other fathers in our lives including Granddad and all our uncles and all the dads of our friends, may you all have a wonderful day!! The world is a much better place with you gentlemen! We love you!

To the father of my son, James, I love you so much!! You are just the best father to our son. I love how you love him. I love how you miss him every day you go to work. I love how you play with him, read to him, are silly with him among other things. I love how he idolizes you. The two of you are my world and I am so grateful to have you both in my life. Thank you for making it all possible.

Time with Aunt Vinaya

Aunt Vinaya was in town for a visit to see her family especially her newborn nephew. She and Aunt Monica came by yesterday afternoon to spend a few hours with us. It took Andrew all about three seconds to befriend Aunt Vinaya again (another testament to him liking good looking girls!) Of course, he always has fun with Aunt Monica, but having two aunts pay attention to him is just too much fun! Andrew even asked Aunt Vinaya to read him a book. Too sweet! But as much attention that Andrew was getting from his aunts, us girls got to talk and catch up in between! Then, it was time for them to head back to League City for dinner.

But the three of us would have even more time to catch up as we were going to go out and have a little Girls' Night with some of Monica's friends. Daddy put Andrew to bed as I got dressed. Then, I hung around as long as I could until he fell asleep. I was scared that if he heard the garage door open, he would wake up and ask for me. Luckily, he fell asleep before I had to leave for Ruggles where we all met up and had some dessert before heading out.

Monica's friends were all going out in Sugar Land. It did strike me as funny that we we going out in the burbs versus somewhere here in town. ;) We first went to Baker St. Pub to meet up the rest of the girls. We had a few drinks there, but decided to head to Loggia where we also met up with Vinaya's cousins. We stayed at Loggia for the rest of the night where we drank and danced.

I did feel a little old not being able to drink and party like I used to! But it was just fun hanging out with my girls. It had been way too long and it definitely doesn't happen often enough!! Thanks for a great time, ladies! I love you both very much!!