Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Play Date at the Osbornes

This morning, we travelled out to the burbs again to go visit the Osbornes. Andrew totally loves both Gavin and Shane so it makes for a great play date. When we arrived, the boys immediately went to go play in their play room. So many toys and Andrew was like a kid in a toy store with all the new (to him) toys. The boys even did a little art time with coloring and Toy Story stickers.

Eventually, the boys went to go play trains in Gavin's room and read books. That was really sweet seeing them read next to each other and look at the books the other one had. Gavin and Andrew can play so well together. And yes, Gavin and Andrew mainly play together, but Baby Shane can totally keep up with those older boys. He totally holds his own! It's amazing how fast he's growing up!! I really shouldn't call him Baby Shane anymore!! And Andrew is really good with Baby Shane. He would always come back and play a little bit with him and is very sweet to him. Think he's totally ready for a sibling!? Ha! He's probably nicer to them because he only sees them for a little while and they don't live with us and don't monopolize Mommy and Daddy's time and attention!

All the playing must have built up an appetite because the boys all ate really well. They scarfed down grapes, strawberries and PB&J sandwiches. Gavin and Shane are really good eaters and I like Andrew seeing it. Usually, kids will eat better if other kids are eating too. Peer pressure again, I guess?!

Later, the boys played on Gavin's ride ons. And they were so giggly about it too! It was hilarious watching them go around the house as fast as they could. Before we knew it, it was getting close to nap time so we said our goodbyes and headed home. Andrew conked out in the car of course.

I love getting to talk with Andrea and spending time with her and the boys whom Andrew and I totally adore. I just realized that we have had two playdates in a row with people that we met from Gymboree. Well, kind of. Andrea and I had seen and talked before at the Montrose story time, but we didn't get to know each other better and become friends until Gymboree.

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