Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Kingdom of Sweets and Stories

Tonight, we attended the annual bookfair at Andrew's school. This year's theme was the Kingdom of Sweets and Stories. The fellowship hall of the school was transformed into a winter wonderland with candy and cookies all over not to mention a great big gingerbread house in the middle! Andrew and I had stopped by for a little bit yesterday after school for a little preview party, but I didn't want to stay too long so he could enjoy it tonight, which was also Grandparents Night. Since Granddad and Nonna don't live in Houston and Papa is in Beaumont working, Ngoai was the one who it would be the easiest to join us.

Ngoai actually came up after work and went to speech therapy with us. Then, we came home to chill while we waited for Daddy to get home from work. Once we arrived, we saw the food line was long so we walked into the book fair to look around. I decided I would wait in line for our meal while Andrew looked around with Daddy and Ngoai. During the preview party yesterday, Andrew looked at a few books that he might want, but I told him he had to wait for his daddy to buy it for him. Apparently, he chose The Polar Express, but Ngoai wanted to buy it for him. The line went pretty fast and we got our meal--Italian food from a local restaurant called D'Amico's. Andrew enjoyed his noodles with spaghetti sauce and some of our lasagna. After we ate, we walked to his classroom for the classroom visits with his teachers. They had put out our family pages for viewing as well as grandparent pictures that we had provided. Andrew was so happy to see his pictures!

By then, it was almost 7pm and we headed back into the book fair for the singing portion of the evening. They were going to have each age level come to the front to sing some songs they learned during their music class with Ms. Winke. When Ms. Faruolo first told us what was planned, I have to admit I had my doubts. I didn't think Andrew would go through his "shy mode" and not want to go in front of everyone to perform. The kids were going to perform on the floor in front of the stage (for safety reasons). We saw a bunch of kids already there jumping and screaming in excitement. Andrew was curious and wanted to go see what the commotion was about. So off he went and he mainly stood around and watched the other kids. Then, it was time for the two year olds to perform. Since Andrew was already there, I guess the teachers just assumed he was up there to perform. They told him to sit down with the others and handed out the rhythm sticks. And so he did. Then, the song started and sure enough, my little guy followed along and did really great. And then, they did the song again--I guess the first time was a warm up!? But I was so happy and proud! All the kids were so adorable!! We really enjoyed it! But when their turn was over, we immediately got Andrew and walked out since it was so crowded. And we wanted to get home sooner so Ngoai could drive home and Andrew could get to bed. We quickly went back to his classroom to say goodnight to his teachers and since they asked if we could come back to they could take a family picture of us.

It was a great night and I don't think I will ever forget Andrew's first school performance!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Brackenridge Park

This morning, we took the kids down by Brackenridge Park to ride the zoo train. Andrew has been talking about riding a train in San Antonio since the last time we went so I figured the one at Brackenridge would do the trick. It's very similar to the one at Hermann Park, but I knew he would still like it. Peter and Kathryn have rode it before, but they still wanted to go with us.

We boarded the train with Andrew sitting with James and me, but Kathryn and Peter wanted Andrew to sit with them. Andrew agreed so we sat him in between his two cousins. Andrew was all about looking at the surroundings especially the crossing and bridges. He even tried to look down the track! We decided it might be more prudent to have him sit back with us. At least this way, Daddy could hold onto him while he looked down at the track.

After the train ride, we drove over to another side of the park where there was a playground. This time, Andrew ran around mostly with Peter. The kids enjoyed following each other and going on the see saw and slides. Then, it was time to head back to Nonna's for some lunch and for Andrew's nap.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Sea World's Christmas Celebration

This morning after breakfast, we went to park in Nonna's neighborhood in the morning to let the kids burn off some energy especially Andrew so he could take a nap so we could head to Sea World after he woke up. The kids had fun running around especially Andrew who had tons of fun "racing acorns" down the slides (another fine contribution from Daddy!) ;) Andrew had been asking to go back there ever since our last trip to San Antonio. Additionally, they were having a Christmas Celebration that sounded like fun. As Andrew napped, we got ready so we could leave almost immediately after he woke up. We ended up getting to Sea World a little after 330pm

After looking at the show schedule, we had a little time before the next Polar Express 4-D Experience showing; and Peter wanted to ride the Shamu Express first. We walked over there and relized that Andrew was too short to ride it. We tried to explain that he had to be bigger to ride it. He was definitely disappointed, but didn't fuss too much thankfully. We instead thought we would take him to catch the tailend of the Azul show. We quickly walked over to the arena and saw some dolphins and birds. Andrew seemed happy so it worked out well. Then, we walked back over to the Shamu Express just as John, Sharon, Peter and Kathryn were walking off.

We then walked to get into line at the Polar Express. We had been telling Andrew about it and explained how he would have to wear these glasses in order to watch the show. It was difficult for him since they were too big, but he held them up at first. I guess he got tired of holding them so he asked me if I would hold them. Daddy and I weren't sure if he could stay for the eighteen minute show. We weren't sure if it could keep his attention long enough. We weren't sure if he would get scared by the noise and special effects. But Andrew sat still and was mesmerized by the show. I still can't believe how good he was!! And he did ask for "more Polar Express" after the show so he must have liked it!

There was a playground nearby the theatre (the same one Andrew played on our last trip). We had some time before the Sesame Street Christmas show so we let the kids go play for a while. Kathryn was so sweet following Andrew around and making sure he was okay. It was so cute!! And Andrew loves playing with her as well. And when we left the playground, he wanted to hold her hand! Totally melted my heart. Then, he wanted to hold Uncle Johnny's hand with his other hand. But then, he quickly changed his mind and wanted to hold Peter's hand. Loved it!!

We walked over the arena for the Sesame Street show. I quickly noticed a guy with a picture frame and clipboard. I figured it must be to take pictures after the show. Yup! So, we signed up and then went to go find our seats. It wasn't too crowded, but we chose to sit in the back in case Andrew wanted to leave. The show started and Andrew was entralled!! He clapped and laughed. He watched so intently!! And Peter and Kathryn got into the show as well. Later, bubbles (in lieu of snow) fell from the ceiling and many of the kids ran down to go play it in. Andrew said he wanted to go too so I took him. But when we got up there, he was more into seeing the characters up close much like many of the other kids too. After the show was done, we got in line (we ended up being first in line!) and anxiously awaited the characters to make their way back on stage. Elmo, Big Bird, and Cookie Monster came up; and we were escorted on stage. Andrew immediately walked over to Elmo and hugged him. We took our pictures and left the arena heading back to park exit.

I wanted to take a couple of family pictures in front of the Christmas tree so we stopped there. And sure enough, there was a penguin who we could take pictures with too. Kathryn and Andrew wanted to so we got in line and waited to take pictures with the penguin. Then, we headed out and went back to Nonna's house for some dinner. It ended up being such a fun and amazing time today. We had a blast! I was so happy that Andrew got to experience both the Polar Express and Sesame Street shows. He was so excited getting to meet the Sesame Street friends! We couldn't have asked for more!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

This morning, we drove to San Antonio to celebrate Thanksgiving at Nonna's house. Granddad and Uncle John and his family were going to drive down from Austin as well. We left Houston around ten o'clock and hit a little bit of holiday traffic. We stopped at Columbus to grab a little lunch at McDonalds. Andrew finally fell asleep about forty-five minutes outside San Antonio. He woke up when we got to Nonna's and didn't want to go back to sleep. Granddad was already there and Nonna was busy in the kitchen cooking. Andrew quickly immersed himself in the toys. Shortly thereafter, John, Sharon, Peter and Kathryn arrived at the house. Andrew quickly wanted to play with Peter and Kathryn. He was so excited to be with them!

We had our Thanksgiving feast a little after 4pm. Andrew loved the mashed potatoes and crescent rolls. He liked the sweet potato casserole and unfortunately, wasn't too big into the turkey, but I managed to get him to eat a few bites with gravy anyhow. Nonna did a wonderful job and everything was so delicious!! Totally stuffed!!

After dinner, Daddy wanted to let Andrew run outside for a bit and decided to take him to the neighborhood park. Peter and Kathryn wanted to come along too. So, we end up all going to the park just to get some fresh air and get out of the house for a bit. It got dark and cold fast, but we let the kids run around for a little while in hopes they would go to bed easier tonight.

When we got back to the park, the kids played and later took baths. We recorded the Texas - A&M game so we could all watch it later after the kids went to bed. Unfortunately, it wasn't how we had hoped it turned out to be, but we still had a great Thanksgiving!! We have so much to be thankful about. First, thanks to Nonna for having us all over and for a wonderful meal. And I am, of course, most thankful for my husband and my son, both whom I love dearly. I am grateful for all of our families and our friends. I am so very thankful for our health and the wonderful life we are blessed to have.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!

Below are photos from our wonderful Thanksgiving. Please note the first four photos are from Nonna's camera.