Wednesday, November 17, 2010

School Update: Week of 11/15/10

Monday, November 15, 2010

When I picked up Andrew from school today, Ms. Faruolo mentioned to me that Andrew was a little "W-I-L-D" today. I had explained to her and Ms. Quiroz at dropoff about Andrew waking up Friday and Saturday nights for a few hours and not sleeping much this weekend. We thought/hoped that Andrew's behavior was due to sleep deprivation. He definitely was a lot more difficult this weekend so I definitely could see him misbehaving in school today since he's still trying to catch up.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

James and I picked up Andrew from school today. We asked his teachers about his behavior today and both said he was much better. He still wasn't as good as he normally is, but there was lots of improvement from yesterday. I am still hoping that this was because of a lack of sleep and not as a sign of things to come. I mentioned to them that I worry that Andrew has gotten used to school and his teachers. And where he was once reserved and timid, he may start acting like his high-energy self.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A little while ago, Andrew's teachers asked us to create a Family Page showing Andrew's family. Basically, we just needed to add pictures of our family and label their names. The pages would then be laminated (and thus no 3D embellishments) and bound into a book that would be available for the kids to look at in class. Our first thought was that we would put pictures of Andrew and his family with all the different modes of transportation that we had pictures of thinking he would really like that--trains, boats, airplanes, etc. I had also found these foil stickers with trains, airplanes, boats, and trucks to place on the page as well.

When I started looking through our pictures, I wanted to include all our "immediate" families...the three of us, his four grandparents, his two aunts and uncles and their respective spouses and children. It ended up being quite a lot of pictures; and it was too hard to fit them on the page without the photos and in turn, faces being tiny. In an effort to keep it somewhat simplistic (and not too consume too much of my time), we just included pictures of parents and grandparents. I know we could have fit all the pictures of all the family. And now that it's turned it, I am a little disappointed that I just didn't put all the pictures in. When we showed it to Andrew this morning, he liked looking at the stickers the most and then the picture of him with Thomas the Train.

We got ready and headed to school. After dropping Andrew at his classroom, I stuck around so I could attend chapel with Andrew. I had been wanting to go since he started going, but his teachers wanted the kids to get used to chapel before visitors sat in. Usually, the kids will sit with their parents and/or guests in the back of chapel. But I wanted to first see Andrew sit with his class and see how he acted in chapel. At the suggestion of his teachers, I had told him that I was going to be there so he wouldn't freak out and want me. So, I explained to him I wanted him to stay and sit with his class; and then, next time I came, he could sit in the back with me. I told him that he didn't need to cry, but could just wave to me. When I asked him if that was okay, he told me "yes." At the suggestion of his teachers, I came in after the kids were seated. Andrew's class was in the front row on the right side of chapel. And Andrew was sitting with Ms. Quiroz on his left and Emily on his right. He has talked about sitting next to Emily so I guess we have confirmation that he does!

Anyways, chapel began and Andrew sat nicely and followed along. For a couple of minutes, I saw him snuggle with Ms. Quiroz and later sit in her lap. I wasn't sure if that was okay, but later I asked her about it and she said it was okay, but they would still like for the kids to sit on their own. During a couple of the songs, I saw Andrew moving his head left and right dancing and him following along with some the hand gestures. It was really cute. He seemed to be having a good time. And I was happy to see him sitting nicely and paying attention to the chapel helpers especially with his lackluster behavior as of late. After chapel was over, I stayed a little while so that Andrew could see me. As his class walked in their line, he finally caught sight of me. I waved to him and said "bye". He gave me a little smirk and continued to walk with his class. I was happy that he didn't put up a stink or fuss about wanting to come to me.

When I picked him up from school, his teachers said he was good today and there were no problems with his behavior. So, I am really hoping his misbehaving was due to his lack of rest. But we'll see!

After school, we went to the park across the street for a little bit. I had promised him yesterday that I would take him to Yogurtland since he's been asking for it (after he eating his yogurt, he drank the melted remnants out of his cup and then proceeded to grab my cup and drink from it making sure there were no drops left). From there, we drove to Dr. Isenhower's office where she examined Andrew's eyes and said everything looked good and she didn't feel that anything was broken. She also did an eye examination and she said both eyes looked fine as well.

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