Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ba Co

Great grandmother in Vietnamese is ba co pronounced pretty much like it sounds (short a; long o). Andrew can't say the co part, so he just calls her ba, which works for now. Anyways, Andrew loves his ba co something fierce. He always laughs with her. She can just look at him; and he laughs. It really touches me to see them together and especially when he smiles and laughs with her. I absolutely love it.

Here a video of the two of them at dinner during one of their exchanges.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Weekend Update

Saturday, April 25th

Today, my former boss and his wife, Tim and Kim, were once again hosting a crawfish boil at their house in Sugarland. We had actually gone last year when Andrew was just a little baby. Anyhow, it's hard for me to pass up any opportunity to eat the crawdaddies, so we headed over there in the afternoon. It was sprinkling on and off throughout the day, but that didn't spoil the fun. Andrew was very curious about the pool and the pool toys, but didn't want to venture into the pool. We didn't push the issue because of his recent ear infection.

Andrew was very social, interacting and playing with adults and some of the kids including a little boy not quite a year old and Tim's son, Camden, who was really sweet to Andrew sharing his toys with him. Andrew enjoyed eating some potatoes, watermelons, and lots of sweets. Mommy so enjoyed the crawfish! So delicious! And it was wonderful getting to see the Mathises again.

Sunday, April 26th

So, Sheil and I have been talking about getting the boys together for a play date while giving us a time to hang out. We thought the zoo might be best so that the 3 year age gap wouldn't be too evident. We had planned to go last week, but the weather was bad and Andrew was sick. So, we rescheduled for this morning.

The boys were so good. Sheil was kind enough to bring his wagon, but Andrew wasn't digging it at first. But he eventually got in and rode for a little bit, but definitely not as long as Mommy would have preferred (as I had to carry him most of the way). We got to see the red panda (he was sleeping). Andrew took his first ride on the carousel. He was fine at first, but I think he got a little scared as it went faster and faster. He ended up wanting me to hold him. Gage and Andrew had a great time at the playground too. Andrew is getting better about climbing around and in the jungle gym.

We then exited the zoo and headed towards McGovern Lake at Hermann Park. Sheil was smart to bring some bread so that we could feed the birds and ducks. The birds (mostly pigeons) seemed to have ample food so we focused our efforts toward the ducks. Gage was hilarious as he wanted to eat some bread before throwing it for the ducks even thought we told him we were going to eat lunch afterwards. Andrew tried to throw the bread, but had just as good as time watching Mommy do it. He would even laugh at times. Too cute! As promised to Gage, after the left, we went to Collina's in Rice Village for some pizza. Daddy was able to take a study break and meet us there. The man has to eat, right?!

It was such a great weekend. Good company, good food, and good times!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy 14th Month Birthday!

Andrew is still pretty active and very happy. He keeps me on my toes. He loves to play especially outside. Andrew loves to pick up rocks and dirt(sometimes trying to put them in his mouth). He loves to pick grass, flowers, leaves, or whatever else he can find too. When inside, he really enjoys playing with his trucks and cars. Andrew motorboats to imitate the vehicles revving. He still loves to look at books especially the ones with trucks and cars.

His favorite word is probably "dada". He even calls me "dada" now too. He will say "mama" occasionally, but it takes some coaxing or he has to be really tired or want me bad enough. After some work, we got him saying "mama" more often now. He has begun to say his own version of Ngoai. The easiest way I can explain is that it is pronounced closed to "why", but he says "wah." It's better than nothing. He is also really funny now when signing "please". When he wants something badly, he excitedly signs rubbing his tummy very fast and if he wants something really badly, he rubs his belly with both hands. Too cute!

Andrew pretty much calls every animal "ro ro" for dog. When we see real dogs, he says "ro ro" very quickly and points at them. Andrew loves to pat dogs especially the dogs of our neighbors. We have been trying to teach him the other animals, but no such luck yet. He loves to look for dogs and birds though. We have spent a good deal of time walking after birds in parking lots! He has started to recognize pigs too.

Andrew is really grasping the idea as to time and routine. For example, in the mornings when he wakes up, he will immediately say and look for "Dada". I get sad if I have to tell him that Daddy has already left for work--and Andrew will get sad too. Sometimes, he wants to go downstairs to look for him. On the mornings when James hasn't left for work yet, Andrew will want him to hold him and can get pretty upset when James has to leave. It just breaks my heart. Then, in the afternoon when it is around time for James to come home, when Andrew hears the door alarm chime, he looks towards the stairs and calls out "dada" too. If we are upstairs in his room or our room, he will look toward the door waiting for him to come through.

Andrew is still our little dancing machine. He loves to dance to all kinds of music--slow or fast. Almost daily, Andrew will start to dance next to our computers. He is asking for us to play music on Windows Media Player so he can see the visualizations. Andrew will also dance when he hears some music on the TV or on the ipod or when we are in the car...whenever the beat catches his fancy. It's so cute too when Andrew just starts to dance for people randomly without any music on especially girls. Maybe this is the beginning of his dating ritual or something. Either way, he shakes his hips and puts his hands up. I will have to post a video of it soon.

As for eating, Andrew loves adult food and drinks. He will want to eat and drink anything we do. For breakfast, he will eat Eggos like his daddy, but I have started giving him things like toast with butter or PB&J. For lunch and dinner, he loves chicken nuggets and french fries. Andrew also likes pizza and grilled cheese sandwiches. One of his favorite things to eat is dim sum. We go to a restaurant called Yum Yum Cafe in Rice Village; and Andrew eats so well. He loves the shrimp eggroll, dumplings, steamed buns, beef rice roll, and asparagus. Sometimes, he will eat faster than we can put it on his plastic placemat! And Andrew loves him some sweets--candy, cookies, cake, ice cream, all of it! But I am a proud mother that I can say that Andrew still loves fruits and vegetables. He likes berries, grapes, and mangos quite a bit. As for veggies, he loves carrots, corn, squash, and broccoli still. Sometimes, he chooses fruit and veggies over meat.

He is growing so fast and learning so much; and not enough time for Mommy to write about them all. Anyhow, here are pictures taken from our balcony tonight.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


With me feeling as bad as I was, I wasn't sure if I wanted to drive down to League City to see my folks. I definitely didn't want to get them sick either. But then, James and I talked about my taking Andrew to League City and spending the night so that my parents could help out with Andrew since James would be at work during the day and I didn't have the energy to tend to Andrew and play with him like normal. Ngoai and Papa agreed that it was a good idea and were graciously willing to help. So, we headed down to LC Monday morning. Andrew was happy to see Papa as always. We just hung out the whole day and got some rest. Of course, Andrew wanted to play and go outside in the garden, which we obliged him.

Tuesday morning, while Andrew seemed better, Mommy was worse. After a morning nap, I felt tons better. In the afternoon, Mommy even managed to run errands (Babies R Us and Target). Papa made a delicious chicken soup that Andrew and I ate happily. Since I wasn't totally 100% yet and Daddy had class that night, James asked if I wanted to stay another night. I wasn't sure what I wanted. Part of me thought it was a good idea to stay in League City, but another part of me wanted to go home and be with Daddy. Then, later on a separate occasion, Ngoai and Papa suggested the same thing! Well, since everyone thought it would be good to remain in LC, we decided to stay one more night. Andrew and I were feeling good enough that we played tennis at the park in Uncle Hung's and Aunt Hong's subdivision nearby. I feel that it's sometimes good to sweat when you are sick. Andrew enjoyed the time outside looking at dogs and playing on the playground. He did watch us play for a bit, but that didn't hold his attention too long. Though he laughed when we would hit the ball.

Today, Andrew seemed to be almost back to normal. He hasn't had a fever for two days now thankfully. He has been in really good spirits and is pretty happy like the little boy we all know and love. I felt a little worse this morning, but am feeling okay for the most part. We wanted to get Andrew out of the house for a bit so we went to Borders. Then, we had dinner and played outside in Ngoai's garden again. Boy, this kid loves the garden and/or being outside. Andrew has learned to feed the fish in the koi pond. He just loves to walk around and around. He also loves to "sweep" and play with all the brooms and garden tools that we let him play with. He is such a nut!

This evening, we headed back home. Andrew didn't want Daddy at first, but quickly changed his tune. It was "dada" this and "dada" that all night long. We both missed Daddy dearly and were glad to be home with him.

Thank you again, Ngoai and Papa, for all your help and everything!! Thanks especially for watching and playing with Andrew so I can rest.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Viruses Galore

Well, Mommy is full blown sick! I have a sore throat, am congested, and am totally achy! Andrew is doing okay...seems to be fairing much better than his mother. He has had fevers on and off all today, but for the most part, has been doing well considering. Daddy was so very sweet today. First, he took Andrew out this morning to get the antibiotics so that I could sleep in. Then, James made breakfast for us too. He also went with Andrew and I to Sports Authority so I could buy crocs for Andrew (wanted to use a coupon). And he also watched/played with Andrew so that I could rest throughout the day.

It sucks to be sick to begin with. But when you are sick with kids, it is so much worse. I just don't have the energy to do near enough. And then, I feel so guilty about not being able to play with Andrew. So, I am miserable all around. Before, I would just sleep and sleep in an effort to get well. But unfortunately, that strategy doesn't work too well with Andrew. But I have been taking more naps with him, which helps me, but also him too as he tends to sleep longer with someone next to him.

Another virus has attacked in the house being the one on my laptop. It's kaput. Argh! :( So, I am now on Daddy's laptop. Now, I have to back up all my files so that we can wipe it out. Fun times.

Anyhow, Andrew was funny with his new shoes. He didn't like them at first and was awkward walking in them. Here's a picture of him (looking and feeling better) and his new kicks.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The ER

Andrew had been under the weather since Thursday night. On Friday, as I mentioned before, he was okay...not great, but not too bad. He was feverish on and off; and I thought it might because he was teething. I didn't really think much of it since he wasn't fussy at all that day. Well, today, he wasn't doing too well. His nose was runny; and he was pretty congested. Later in the morning, he wasn't acting like himself. He was so fussy and just miserable. Not to mention, he was burning up too. We took his temperature under his arm, which was 101 degrees. We called the on call nurse at our pediatrician's office who affirmed our thought that we needed to seek medical attention. She suggested St. Luke's Minor Emergency Center. We knew exactly where it was as it was the same place where I took James when he broke his ankle three years ago back in b-school.

It was close to Andrew's nap, so we decided to let him sleep to get some rest. He slept okay, still warm though. After he woke up, he was better, but we still wanted to take him in to have him checked out. It was hilarious because on the car ride over, he was dancing to the music and in such a happy mood. What a 180 degree turn from a few hours before!! But we kept our course. Fortunately, the wait wasn't long as there wasn't many people there. Andrew did not like the clinic one bit. He cried when the nurse tried to take his blood pressure and temperature (understandable since it was rectally). Drew's temperature was 101.9 degrees. He was again upset with the doctor tried to check him out too. The doctor found that both ears were red; and his right ear had an infection. They gave him some Motrin to bring down his fever; and the doctor prescribed him some antibiotics. We went home so he could take his afternoon nap.

As per my earlier blog, Daddy and I had planned to celebrate our anniversary tonight while Ngoai and Papa watched Andrew. But not only with everything going on with Andrew, we had some severe weather storms--massive rain! After many discussions between us and them, we decided that we would forego dinner and only go the symphony so we wouldn't be gone too long. Ngoai and Papa did have some flooding in their neighborhood, but the water quickly subsided enough so they were still able to drive up.

So, we went to the symphony; and it was very nice. It was Brahms' First. Some of it was familiar, but some of it was very new. The guest violinist was incredible. I called Ngoai during intermission. She told me that Andrew was doing great playing and dancing to music. She told us not to worry about the little guy. Well, that is always easier said than done.

I started to get a sore throat while I was there. James offered to take me home, but we only had an hour left. So, after the concert, we headed to Walgreens to pick up his antibiotics, but our 24-hr Walgreens changed their pharmacy hours due to the economy. So, that sucked, but oh well. We arrived home; and Papa and Ngoai had just put Drew to bed 15 or so minutes before we returned. They said he was really good...that they really couldn't tell he was sick. I guess he puts on a good face for his grandparents. But that doesn't surprise me. He always does well for them and anyone who watches him. What a trooper he is!

James and I were talking in the car on the way to the symphony tonight. I asked him if it was sad that if I missed Andrew already (after having only left him 15 minutes before). I mentioned that I do miss the days where we could do as we pleased and go where we want when we went and not have to worry about Andrew. But I wouldn't trade this for the world. James and I were wrought with worry all today especially during the whole ER thing. It is crazy how freaked out we as parents become when it involves our kids. James is typically so laid back, but when it comes to A.J., it's a totally different ballgame. Even during the symphony, James and I did enjoy our time away and being alone together, but we missed Andrew terribly especially with him being sick.

There was even a moment that I thought how it would be if Andrew were there with us. I envision us taking him to a concert when he's a little older, him sitting in between us in whatever cute outfit I dress him us (suit maybe?), and me watching the expressions on his face hearing the music. They have this family concert series that I think would be perfect. I can't wait to share these moments with him. Funny how having kids really changes your life. I knew it would, but never imagined it to this level.

I want to close with another thank you to Ngoai and Papa for watching our little guy for us so we could celebrate. We really appreciate it!

Here are some pictures from today. Does Andrew even look sick? Ha ha! My sweet boy!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Dinner Guests

We have been trying to get together with Michael Lalor, one of James's MBA classmates, and his fiancee, Kathleen, for a while, but haven't been able to until tonight. We had a marvelous time talking and catching up with them. I loved hearing about their wedding plans. I can't wait for their big day. They are such a great people in their own respect and as a couple too.

Andrew was under the weather today; and he seemed a bit timid at first. But he finally warmed to them after a little while especially Kathleen. He really liked playing with her and showed off with the dancing. Our little ham!

It was cute because they asked us some advice regarding their upcoming nupitals, which was so coincidental since it was our anniversary today. Us, the old married couple, and them, the bethrothed. Too funny.

I was so glad to have this time with them. It had been too long; and I hope we can do it again soon.

Happy 5th Anniversary!

Today marks the fifth anniversary of our marriage. Wow, it sounds even weirder when I type it! I can't believe that five years have passed since that amazing day in Tahoe. For real, where does the time go? I am so grateful that James and I are still very much in love and that our love has continued to grow and strengthen over the years. And now with our son here, our life together and marriage means so much more to us. I won't pretend for a second that we have a perfect marriage, but I am proud that we have such a strong and loving one that we work and strive to make better.

Today, I reflect back upon the path we have travelled from being acquaintenances to much much more. It's been quite a ride. A while back, James and I were talking about first impressions. We, of course, talked about the night we met at Dobie, the dorm that my friend, Monica, and his friends, Jason and Brad, were living at. James's first impression of me what that I talked too much (understandably so). But my first impression of James was that he was too quiet. But whatever we thought of each other, we ended up becoming really good friends being able to talk and laugh for hours on end. Then, we started dating and ended up becoming best friends and spouses. I know many of you know the story of how we got together, but the moral of the story that I wanted to convey tonight is that first impressions aren't necessary what they seem.

We are actually celebrating tomorrow night as we are going to dinner and then to the Houston Symphony. Papa and Ngoai are generously babysitting Andrew.

Happy 5th Anniversary, my dear sweet husband and best friend! Thank you for your love, kindness, and support. You and Andrew mean everything to me. I love you so much!

Tonight, I share a couple of our wedding pictures taken five years ago. I figure I can show some each anniversary.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Discovery Green

Today was a busy day for Andrew and I. Well, I retract. The morning was rather lazy...the normal routine of eating breakfast, playing, and napping. But after nap time, we went to go meet Daddy for lunch at Pappy's, a restaurant near Daddy's office. Then after lunch, with almost perfect timing, Auntie Monica came over not even five minutes after we arrived home to hang out with us for the afternoon. We were going to play and make dinner since Daddy had class tonight. But then, Auntie Belinda came over to chit chat and then invited us to join her, Steven, and Evan at Discovery Green later in the evening. Andrew must have been too excited with his aunts over that he didn't take his afternoon nap.

Anyhow, we headed to the park around 6:30pm. Andrew played on the playground a bit and seemed to really enjoy the slides more than before. I guess he is figuring out how much fun they can be. Drew also had a nice time looking at and petting their dog, Scout, who is so sweet and patient with kids. But the most fun Andrew probably had at the park was chasing after the birds. There were quite a few at the park; and Andrew would dart off running after them. Of course, as Andrew got close, they would fly away. It was too darling.

Afterwards, we ate dinner at Little Bigs. Andrew ate so well eating the meat, buns, and french fries as did Evan. It seems that they must really like to dine together!

We had a really great time with everyone. And thanks, Monica, for all your help today!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Weekend

Andrew's second Easter brought lots of goodies, fun, and excitement. On Saturday, Mommy wanted to get out of the house so that Daddy could study for his upcoming CFA exam in early June. After the three of us took a morning nap, Andrew and I headed for the zoo. However, it was a madhouse. Something was going on and the parking lot was full and blocked off. Well, I called James and told him of the chaos. I was deliberating the Natural Science Museum or back to the Children's Museum. In regards to the Natural Science Museum, I think Andrew would have enjoyed the Butterfly Center, but I really wanted Daddy to be there as I suspect that Andrew will love it. So, it was back to the Children's Museum. I know, I know, we had just gone there the day before, but there are other things to do there. And I wasn't too off-base. We first headed for the pretend grocery store, but it was pretty packed. So, I proceeded back to TotSpot where it was surprisingly uncrowded. Who would have thunk it? I would have guessed that Saturday afternoon would be pretty crowded. But this time around, Andrew headed straight for the car and truck. He would turn the steering wheel back and forth so fast. Andrew also pressed the horn like crazy. Afterwards, we played in the playhouse where they had plastic kitchenware. Drew enjoyed stirring the pots and pans with the fork and knife. Then, I guess he didn't have his fill of the cars because he went back to them for a bit. Next, it was time for the old regulars (flower, light bright, and popper outside). By then, it was 3:15pm and time to head home for Andrew's nap before Nonna arrived.

Andrew and I took our second nap of the day (Daddy stayed awake this time). When we awoke, Nonna was here. It didn't take him long to warm up to her. He also has been saying something close to "Nonna" so we tried to reaffirm it and associate it with her. It was almost dinner time. So, we went to La Griglia, an Italian restaurant that I have been trying to show Daddy and Nonna. Andrew loved the cheese pizza bread that they offer complimentary. After dinner, we took Andrew his bath and put him to bed.

Easter morning, Andrew slept in while Daddy and Nonna went to 7:30am mass to avoid some of the crowd. They returned over an hour later; and Drew was still asleep. We made breakfast at the house, a skewed version of croque madame sandwiches. We then played with Andrew and then put him down for his morning nap. After he woke up, we played some more and opened his Easter basket. He was funny because he would get sidetracked and not want to continue with the other items. Then, we decided to eat a late lunch. I thought that Nonna and Daddy might like the Raven Grill so we headed there after calling to make sure they didn't have a ridiculous wait. Delicious!! And Andrew did so well again eating and sitting in the high chair. I guess he must like that place because he is two for two there.

We headed back home and spent the rest of the afternoon just playing with Andrew. He had a great time with Nonna! It was so sweet. I didn't take any pictures at the restaurants. Argh! But here are a few that I did take during the weekend.

Happy Easter!

Note: These pictures were taken last week in Ngoai's garden in the backyard.

Note #2: I should share the story behind the blazer that Andrew is wearing. Back in law school, my mom and I would go shopping quite a bit--at least once a week. And the Gap was one of our favorite stores, including Baby Gap as we would love to buy stuff for Cara. Anyhow, one day we were shopping there; and I saw this blazer. It was regularly priced $98, but on sale for $9.99. I just thought it was so cute and figured if not for my own son one day, then at least I could give it away as a gift. My mom thought I was crazy to want to buy it. But I did; and 8 or 9 years later, I finally was able to dress Andrew in it! Yes, you can call me crazy, but all the waiting finally paid off!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Papa and Ngoai and the Children's Museum

Today, Papa and Ngoai came up to visit us. I had originally planned to take them to a Gymboree class so they could see Andrew in action. Well, it turned out that last week was the last for this session. I didn't sign up for the new session because I didn't want to commit to 12 weeks. To me, this seems like a long time. I might join later in the session like I did this time. Anyhow, we decided to go to the Children's Museum since I could get everyone in for free. And even more of a special treat, Daddy went too since he was off for Good Friday!

It was a little crowded, but not too bad. Andrew played with his favorites again--this alligator toy you push like a lawn mower, the light bright and the spinning flower thing. He also enjoyed the popper toy outside again. We didn't stay too long just enough for Andrew to play a bit and enough for Papa and Ngoai to see how Andrew plays there.

I am so happy that Andrew has this time with my parents. He loves Papa so much it is ridiculous at times. I do sometimes feel bad for my mom because Andrew picks my dad over her more often than not. Typically, the only time Andrew favors Ngoai is when food or drink is involved. But Andrew adores them both (just prefers Papa); and they adore him. Andrew and Mommy are both so very spoiled by Papa and Ngoai. I can't express what and how much that means to me. I didn't get to know my two biological grandfathers, so I know how lucky Andrew is to have all four of his grandparents around. Papa will tell me sometimes that he hopes he is around when Andrew graduates high school. I always have to one-up him and tell him that I want him around when Andrew graduates college or gets married. Did I just say Andrew graduating college or getting married? Wow, that was kind of hard to swallow. Shiver at the thought!

Note: As you can see in one of the photos I am including, Andrew looks like he is about to grab at this little girl. She had her face painted like a cat and her nose was painted all black. I think he wanted to squeeze it!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

I have been contemplating Andrew's first Easter egg hunt for a while now. But my thoughts were that he wouldn't really be too good at it. I looked around for ones with designated age groups, but didn't find any feasible ones. Then, I thought about it and decided that I would just have our own at our house in the living room. Then, I thought to invite the Boltons in hopes that Emily would be able to join in the hunt too since she's so close in age to Andrew.

We were all free tonight so the Boltons came over at 6pm. Andrew was watching as Aimee and I "hid" the eggs. They were mostly in plain sight all over the living room floor and couches. He wanted to play with them so we let him have one to placate his curiosity. He quickly discovered that when you broke the egg, it had goodies inside of it. After that, he wanted to get them all and open them. Andrew laughed when he dropped the eggs and they came apart. After Emily woke up from her nap, her and Donnie came over; and the hunt really began. Emily was not quite awake and was timid at first. But she quickly warmed up to the idea. She had done a hunt before so she knew what was going on. Emily started putting eggs in her basket. Andrew put a few eggs in his basket, but would want to open them immediately after. The kids were both sweet and would put eggs in the other one's baskets. Afterwards, the kids played with the toys. They were again sweet to each other by taking turns pushing the other on Andrew's Winne the Pooh car.

For dinner, I wanted to do something festive and Easter-ish. I really would have loved to cook some lamb, but didn't have the time. Instead, I opted for a fully cooked ham that I just threw in the oven. For sides, I made green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and biscuits. All could be prepared throughout the day whenever I could and easy to make. Emily and Andrew ate very well. They both liked the ham and macaroni and cheese the most probably (I had specifically made the mac and cheese more for them).

After dinner, we inflated the bouncer upstairs. Emily was too cute in there laughing and bouncing. Andrew is getting more used to it and starting to play more. It was soon time for the our guests to head home as it was nearing Emily's (and Andrew's) bed time.

We had a great time tonight. I loved watching Andrew's first Easter egg hunt. All in all, he did decent--well enough, but I know he will definitely be better next year!

I have to edit the video to make it short enough to upload. Once I have done that, I will post later.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Weighing In

Today, Andrew had his followup appointment with the pediatrician in regards to his weight. We have spent the last six weeks trying to fatten him up in hopes that he would gain some lbs. So, we had out appointment at 11:30am. We were meeting with a different doctor as Dr. Isenhower is out on maternity leave. It was hard to weigh him as he wouldn't be still. So, we went with what we could get--weighing in at 19.0 lbs even. 0.6 lbs more than six weeks ago. Dr. McGrann seemed okay with his weight. Andrew was back around the 5th percentile. She said to keep doing what we are doing; and hopefully, he will keep gaining weight. She said he might just be a skinny boy.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Carolina Blue

Here is my boy in Carolina blue rooting North Carolina in the Championship game. Granted there are dogs and not rams on his pajamas! Check out the applause as if he was cheering the Tar Heels! I probably need to get him a UNC t-shirt!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Final Four

Tonight, we watched the Final Four and had a coincidental four guests over to hang out and join us--Auntie Monica, Jimmy, Auntie Belinda, and Evan. We had such a good time! Belinda told me that Evan got excited when she told him they were coming over. This makes me so very happy!

Good friends and my and Uncle Footon's team won to boot (Go Heels)! Not a bad way to spend a Saturday night!