Thursday, May 28, 2009

Elephants Never Forget

Here are some videos of Andrew doing his animal sounds.

Animals Part I:

**Note: I realize that the spotted animal is not a tiger, but rather, a cheetah, but close enough. We don't have the Little People tiger yet.

Animals Part II:

**Note: We don't have the dog or monkey either.

Elephants Never Forget...Their Age:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Doctor's Visit - Fifteen Month Checkup

This morning, Andrew had his fifteenth month check up. Andrew fell asleep on the car ride over and slept until we got to our room when he woke up after hearing another baby cry. Thankfully, Daddy came from the office so Andrew was happy playing cars with him while we waited.

Unfortunately, Andrew wasn't too cooperative during measurements or the examination wiggling about and fussing. Dr. Isenhower is still on maternity leave, so today, we saw Dr. Millan (we had seen her once when we came in one time when Andrew was sick and Dr. Isenhower wasn't available). She wasn't at all concerned about Andrew's weight. She says as long as he is still gaining weight over time and is somewhat consistent with what percentile he is (which is seems to be), he is okay. She called him "perfect" physically speaking. I was so relieved to hear that! I have to come with terms that he won't be the chunky baby that I hoped for. But as long as he's healthy, I will be more than happy; and he can be skinny.

Here are today's stats with the stats from his year check up in parentheses:
- Height: 30 1/2 in (30 in);
- Weight: 20 lbs 5 oz (18 lbs 1 oz; then 19 lbs six weeks later); and
- Head Circumference: 18 3/4 in (18 1/4 in).

Andrew is in the 5th percentile for weight, between the 25th and 50th percentile for height, and 60th percentile for head circumference.

After the doctor came in, he had three shots and cried for a little bit. But not too long--such a good sport. Afterwards, the three of us grabbed a quick lunch before James had to go back into the office. Then, Andrew and I headed home to play and for his afternoon nap.

Here is a video of him stirring in the kitchen...our little chef in the making!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Today, we spent some more time with family. We started with lunch at Uncle 10's house for banh xeo, basically Vietnamese pizza. Andrew didn't take too long to warm up to people; I guess seeing them two days in a row. He played cars and trains and even put on a show dancing for everyone. When it was almost nap time, I took him home and put him down. Happy for my tastebuds, but bad for my waistline, when we woke up, it was time to go to Uncle Hung's and Aunt Hong's house for dinner for another one of my favorites, banh beo, circular rice flour steamed with a shrimp topping. Delicious!! Andrew had too much fun with the dogs again, including David's and Dina's labrador, Mya. So many dogs, too little time!!! He cracked us all up climbing into Daisy's bed with Madison. Then, it was time to go home for night night!

I would like to end with a note about today, Memorial Day. Today, we remember those who have lost their lives serving our country protecting our lives and freedoms. We are forever grateful to these people who so valiantly fought against our enemies. I also want to say thank you to those men and women who are currently serving in our military especially those who are deployed and away from the ones they love and to Uncle Rick, a major in the United States Air Force. Thank you for all that you do!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Happy 15th Month Birthday!

Gosh, I can't believe another month has gone by. For real, where does the time go?

Andrew is learning so much now. For a while, I was worried that he wasn't learning any new words, but then, it just all poured out. He is getting much better and learning how to answer questions. Sometimes,his pronounciation isn't the best, but close enough.

1) Q: What does a dog say? Andrew: Ro ro (ruff ruff).
2) Q: What does a lion say? Andrew: Ra (roar).
3) Q: What does a monkey say? Andrew: Ooh (ooh ooh).
4) Q: What does a sheep say? Andrew: Ba ba.
5) Q: What does a cat say? Andrew: Mao (meow).
6) Q: What does a tiger say? Andrew: Ra (roar (same as lion)).
7) Q: What does a cow say? Andrew: Mmm (moo).
8) Q: What does a horse say? Andrew: Nnn (neigh).
9) Q: What does an elephant do? Andrew: sticks his arm out and waves it trying to mimic an elephant's trunk.
10) Q: How old are you? Andrew: sticks out his pointed finger.

Sometimes, he gets confused (like cow and horse, but that's foreseeable), but for the most part, gets them right even if I mixed up the order of the questions. He can also identify ducks and calls them "du du." It sounds a lot like da da though. He also can point out pigs if I ask him where the pigs are. He isn't able to say pigs or oink yet. We haven't taught him any new signs since we have been working on the verbal skills. He still signs for eat, drink, milk, more, bath, and please. He has an altered version for water and will say "wa wa." He also says "whoa" like Joey Lawrence style. Totally hilarious! He can also tongue clap (referring to where you press your tongue against the top of your mouth to make a sound).

Andrew is getting so good with playing with cars and trucks, including die cast ones. He loves to roll them on the ground--and on people too. He motorboats so loud at times; it's too funny. We also gave Andrew some Thomas trains and loves them. I am always carrying a ziploc bag of something in my purse so he can play with when we are out and about. Andrew also loves to ride horsies. He will climb on his rocking horse and rock away, but he so much more enjoys riding people's legs. Sometimes, he just comes up to you and starts humping your leg, for lack of a better term, to tell you that he wants a ride.

His comprehension has increased in leaps and bounds as well. It's pretty evident that he knows and understands more than he can communicate with us. For example, when we are about to go somewhere or if he wants to go outside, we tell Andrew to go get his shoes. He will then start looking for them. At first, he would just bring us one, but we had to tell him to get both of them. Sometimes, he can't find them though. But if he does, he will bring them over and sit down so we can put them on. Also, if James or I get dressed and/or put on our shoes, he will say bye bye. Sometimes, he will want to go with us and other times, like when James is going to work, he will just say it and wave. He also knows that when we do leave, he has to kiss people or give knuckles or daps, which James has taught him.

Andrew's eating is about the same. Some days, he eats great while other days, not as well as we like. I am happy that Andrew eats a wide variety of food and is so good about eating fruits and vegetables. Andrew normally eats what we are eating. He loves spaghetti, pizza, chicken nuggets, grilled cheese sandwiches, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. And the rascal does like his share of sweets especially mini M&Ms.

His sleeping is about the same too. The only difference is that there are days that he skips his afternoon nap. So, he might be making the transition to just taking one nap a day, but there are days that he definitely needs two. At night, he is great about laying down in his crib and falling asleep on his own. However, there are nights when he cries when we first put him down--mainly when he is really tired.

Andrew still loves music and is our little dancing machine. One of his favorites is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Andrew will open and close his hands like blinking lights to ask for the song to be played and during the song. Now, he also likes Pink's So What and will sing "na na na" too. A few times, he will squat and dance, which cracks us up tremendously!!

He is beginning to anticipate more as well. When I ask him if he wants to go to Papa's and Ngoai's house, he first says "Papa" and then says "bye bye" almost immediately after. He is more receptive to putting on his shoes and getting in the car. The last two times we have drove down to League City, he says "Papa" when we turn into the neighborhood as if he recognizes it (this might have just been coincidence though).

One negative thing that I have to report is that Andrew can be very disobedient. We will tell him no touch or no mouth; and he won't listen. He loves to get into everything, especially breakable things. What's worse is that sometimes when we reprimand him, he will laugh. I hope that he just thinks we are playing with him and is laughing at that instead of him laughing at us as if to mock us..."whatever Mom and Dad." He will also throw tantrums when he doesn't get his way crying a little bit. I know it's all part of growing up, but it's hard on us because he doesn't understand consequences and discipline yet. I can't wait until he can understand the concept of time outs!

Ok, I have written enough for now. Time to go check out my sleeping baby. Here are two of my fave photos from him today while he was enjoying being in the bed of my cousin's truck. Doesn't he look like such a little boy especially in the second picture?!

More Friends and Family

Today was another fun-filled day for Andrew. We started out the morning meeting some of Mommy's friends from high school since the Wyatts were in town for a wedding. It was great seeing everyone and catching up. It was amazing to see how all the kids have grown since the last time we all were together in November.

After breakfast, we took a nice long nap. After we woke up and had lunch, Andrew and I headed down to League City so we could spend more time with David and Mary Ann. We had an early dinner at the house then later went to my Uncle 10's house for crawfish.

**I should make an aside to explain why I call him my Uncle 10 as I don't think I ever mentioned it before. Many Vietnamese families nickname their kids according to their birth order. However, they always skip #1. I think as Ngoai had tried to explain it to me it had something to do with protecting the firstborn. I guess people would try to kill the eldest child. Whatever the reason, I have always called Papa's siblings by their order of birth. So, my Uncle 10 is the youngest brother and is one of the two of my uncles that came over from Vietnam seven years ago.

Anyways, most of my cousins were outside playing; and Andrew was a maniac wanting to be outside and play too. There was a big RV down the street. Of course, Andrew kept wanting to walk towards it. Andrew also played with some balls and tried to get into rain water unfortunately for Mommy. While inside, Andrew walked around the house trying to get into whatever he could and later, gave us a good show trying to bite into limes.

We had a great time with everyone!!! Andrew was so tired from such a busy day, he fell asleep in the car on the way home and is down for the night.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Party Animal

Andrew and I had a very busy day with two parties. This afternoon, we went to Selene's first birthday party. Daddy stayed at home so he could study. Luckily, Mary Ann was sweet enough to go with us to help Mommy out in the car and party if needed and to hang out with Andrew. The party was fun; the birthday girl was so cute! Andrew had tons of fun playing with the other kids especially the girls! Such a flirt!

We had to leave the birthday party early to head down the League City to celebrate Aunt Hong's and Uncle Hung's 25th wedding anniversary! We had a delicious meal; Andrew didn't eat too much because he was too busy playing. He was in heaven with the two dogs. After dinner, I asked Aunt Hong to get her wedding photo album. It was fun looking at them and seeing how young everyone looked! I can still remember the first time I met Uncle when he came to visit us in Houston for the engagement party. I can't believe 25 years have passed!! Congratulations on 25 years and here's to 25 more! We love you very much!

Monday, May 18, 2009

New Things

Andrew had a few new experiences while we were in League City today.

First, Andrew colored with his new crayons that we got him. They are the TaDoodles kind with the plastic covering so kids can grip. Andrew has played with crayons before like at restaurants when they give you a few to color on the kids' menus. But he really didn't ever color with them. Anyways, he has been very interested in pens and pencils lately. So, we thought that we would try out these big crayons. He did great not putting them in his mouth (which was our primary concern of not letting him color prior to). Andrew made some markings on the page and seemed to like it enough. Hopefully, he will be a coloring maniac in no time!

Later this afternoon, Andrew got to meet a new friend (a newborn baby) when we went to Jenny's house to see Eric and his new baby brother, Riley. Andrew was sweet to Riley touching him gently and even kissing him (on his arm per Mommy's instructions). Eric and Andrew played very well together; although, Andrew did take toys away from Eric at times. But for the most part, there was good sharing and some sweetness especially when the boys were pushing one another in Eric's car. The boys even hugged each other a couple of times. I love how the boys are interacting more with one another as they grow up.

Then, Andrew got to experience the Khatri residence when we went to visit Auntie Monica and her parents after dinner (and an early bath). Mr. and Mrs. Khatri hadn't seen Andrew since he was a little baby. So, for them to see Andrew as he is was fun. Andrew was shy at first, but warmed up to both of them after a little while. They were both very sweet playing balls and cars with him. Soon enough, Andrew got braver and started to roam the house looking for things he could get into--and boy, did he ever!! He checked out their kitchen especially their fridge and magnets. He then ventured to their formal living room and tried to play with some of their knick knacks. Before we knew it, it was getting late and time to head home.

Lots of new things--lots of fun! Whew, we are beat!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Daddy celebrated the big 3-3 today. Nonna came in yesterday afternoon to celebrate with us. The morning started early as Andrew was up at 7:30am--much too early for the birthday boy to have to get up. So, Mommy and Andrew headed downstairs so Daddy could sleep in a bit. Nonna was already awake so she joined us upstairs. Daddy woke up too late for 9am mass, so he and Nonna went to 11am mass instead. We decided to let Andrew nap at home instead of church. After Andrew's nap, we went to lunch at Pasha, a Turkish restaurant chosed by the birthday boy. Then, we went to Toys R Us for some shopping. Afterwards, we returned home and took a nice long nap. To cap off the day, we went to Saltgrass before Nonna had to leave to go back to San Antonio.

I hope Daddy had a great day. This day is very special to Andrew and I for it was the day that the most wonderful man came into this world; and we are forever grateful that he is in ours. We love you very much!! Happy Birthday, Daddy! And to many, many more.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The CMH and Evan

This morning, we had a play date with Auntie Belinda and Evan at the Children's Museum of Houston (CMH). I loved watching Evan explore the museum; and Andrew seems to still enjoy it quite immensely. They ran around the TotSpot several times over. We also ran into one of Belinda's friends and his two children, one of whom is Evan's age. Andrew would hang around Evan and Kaley, but had no qualms about venturing off by himself.

Afterwards, we went to Ruggles for lunch where Steven met up with us. Andrew was so wiped out that he fell asleep on the car ride over and slept through some of the meal, but woke up and ate some of his lunch. Both the boys did really well again. It's so much hanging out with them! Play dates are becoming even more fun now that the boys are older!

I left the camera in the car so I took these with my cell phone. That's why they aren't as clear.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Yum Yum Dim Sum

For awhile now, Andrew has been a big fan of the dim sum from a little restaurant in the Village that we frequent called Yum Yum Cafe. It's decent dim sum that we can get daily and not have to drive out to Bellaire. Anyhow, the last few times we have been, he eats so well. At times, he will eat it faster than we can put it on his placemat. Andrew loves the shrimp eggrolls, beef rice roll, steamed barbeque pork buns, and asparagus. He will also eat the dumplings too.

Today, Daddy was studying at the library at Rice; and we planned on meeting up for lunch. Since Yum Yum is closeby to Rice and our little man loves it so much, it seemed a logical choice. Here are two pictures of my little boy eating it up.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Celebration Part Two

So, today, we had a nice lazy day--something that was very welcomed by Mommy. After breakfast, Daddy was going to take Andrew to the grocery store for some milk and other items so I could have some alone time. But I decided that I wanted to tag along and spend the time with my boys. Then, the three of us took a nap together. I love family naps!!

For my Mom's Day Lunch, I didn't know what I wanted. I didn't want a huge brunch buffet. I was craving Japanese or Italian; I opted for Italian. We went to one of my favorites restaurants, Vincent's. It was pretty packed even at 2:30pm. Andrew was too excited with all the commotion and people. He wanted to go around and check everything out. He made very nice with an older couple sitting next to us; and they were really friendly and gracious to play with Andrew. The food did not disappoint. We ordered this osso bucco, a veal shank, that was so good. Incredible. And Mommy also got one of her favorite desserts (maybe her absolute favorite), tiramisu. Andrew liked the creamy custard layer, but wasn't too fond of the lady finger layer.

Uncle Anh Tuan had come back to our house in the afternoon as well. He and Andrew of course played so cute together when we got back from lunch. Later, Mary Ann and Madison came over to hang out with us as well. James grilled out steaks for dinner and did a really good job with them.

After dinner, we all just played and hung out. We even managed to watch a movie after Andrew went to bed. It was a great way to end a wonderful day. Thanks to Daddy and Andrew for making it special for me! I am so lucky to be the mother to such an amazing little boy!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mother's Day Celebration Part One

Ngoai was invited by one of her friends for a Mother's Day Dinner on Sunday, so we decided to have our family celebration Saturday with a crawfish boil. The three of us headed home after lunch. In order to give Daddy some more studying time, I planned on taking Andrew to the pool with Uncle Anh Tuan and Cousin Mary Ann. Andrew wasn't too excited this time not really wanting to play in the water. I don't know if he doesn't like the pool anymore or it was because he was getting tired. Either way, we headed back to Mary Ann's house where Andrew had more fun playing with the two dogs, Daisy and Madison.

After, we returned back to Ngoai's and Papa's house. I put Andrew down for his nap. He woke up shortly after we started to eat. Go figure. While we ate, he played outside in the garden of course. The crawfish was very yummy!!! After dinner, we just hung out with the family. Andrew had a good time with everyone especially Ba Co and Mary Ann. It was great spending time with my mom, my grandma, and Aunt Hong--all very special moms in my life.

I had suggested we take a picture of all the mothers, but something happened and I got distracted. Then, I just totally forgot about it. Way to go, slick! :( I guess I was in crawfish delerium. Ha ha! I will just have to get it another time. But below are some pictures that I did manage to take.

Friday, May 8, 2009


Andrew received a wagon from Nonna for his birthday. Daddy tried taking him for a ride in it before, but said the ride was a little too bumpy on the roads around our house for Andrew and Andrew had a hard time keeping himself steady. So, we left it downstairs and occasionally, Andrew will play with it and tug it around. But after the zoo, I have been thinking that it might be time to try the wagon again. After dinner tonight, we decided to take Andrew to the park--this time, in his wagon. He sat very well in it the whole way to the park. However, when we were going home, he didn't want to sit in it. This time around, Andrew wanted to pull it himself; and on top of that, he didn't want any help from us. Drew did a pretty good job; although there were a couple of times, he would veer to a side and almost hit a car or the curb. It amazes me his coordination sometimes! It also amazes me his independence sometimes too!

Here are pictures and a video clip:

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Here is a picture of Andrew snuggling one of his stuffed animals, a bear, while sleeping. I know it may be hard to make out (I took it using the night vision feature on our camcorder.) Andrew is laying on his tummy with the bear clutched under his left arm. I just think it's the most sweetest thing.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Jazz & Wine Fest

Belinda told us of the Jazz & Wine Festival being hosted at the River Oaks Shopping Center for the benefit of the Houston Food Bank. They were going to have jazz music of course, but also have some free food and wine. It sounded like a win-win situation. Since the weather wasn't too hot, we headed down there after Daddy got home from work. It was a little warm, but quickly cooled off. Belinda, Steven, and Evan arrived shortly after we had gotten some food. As luck would have it, they ran into Linda, Ryan, and Max too. So, we joined them at their table. The boys enjoyed the music and playing together. Andrew didn't dance as much as I thought he would. And Evan was so cute with his fascination with the saxophone. Belinda and Steven said that he loves the saxophone. Andrew did decide to wander off a few times after some dogs, but was pretty well behaved. I don't blame him there was too much going on to stay close to Mom and Dad. It was a great evening--lots of fun with good friends and our boys.

Rub a Dub Dub...

...Andrew in a tub.

We have this red tub container thingy to use for cooking (marinading) or holding whatever. Anyhow, Andrew had pulled it out of the cabinets a while back and started to play with it in his usual stirring and banging manner. Today, however, I noticed that he had climbed in and popped right down. He enjoyed me pushing and pulling him around it in too. Such a rascal...but ah yes, he's my rascal!