Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ervan Chew Park

This evening, we took Andrew to Ervan Chew Park, which is close to our house. They finished remodeling the park, removing the old swimming pool and replacing it with a splash pad.

Upon our arrival at the park, Daddy and Andrew played a little soccer, but Drew just couldn't wait to get to the water. So, we let him off "practice" early and let him go enjoy the splash pad. Andrew had a good time playing with the fountains and running around getting all wet!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Kemah Boardwalk

We were in League City hanging out with Ngoai and Papa and decided to take Andrew for a quick trip to Kemah Boardwalk since it had been a long time since our last visit there. We just wanted to get Andrew out of the house for a little bit.

Andrew and James rode the airplane and train together; and then I rode the carousel with him. Andrew loved having Daddy there since usually we go without him. And I have to say, so did I!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Selene's 3rd and Jolie's 1st Birthday Party

This afternoon, we went to Selene's and Jolie's birthday party at Houston Swim Club in Sugar Land. Andrew was super excited about a pool party and this was his first time in an indoor pool.

He went around the pool with James and Gage while Sheil and I chatted and caught up. He went down one of the slides once with Daddy there to catch him. He spent most of the time swimming with the noodle and pretending it was a fire hose. And Gage was really sweet with him like he normally is and they swam together for a good while too.

Later, it was time to eat and do the birthday cake. After more playing and socializing, we called it a day and said our goodbyes. It was a great party and we all had a good time.

Happy 3rd birthday, Selene and happy 1st birthday, Jolie!!

Discovery Green

Today after soccer this morning, we stopped by Discovery Green to check out Target's World's Largest Sprinkler, but the line was way too long. Instead, we headed to the dancing fountains and let Andrew run around. He was having a really good time until he got run over by an older kid and was knocked down. But the pain passed; and he went back out to play. We also had a nice surprise and saw Eliska from our old Gymboree days.

We didn't stay too much longer after that since was time to get something to eat and go home for naps.

YMCA Summer Soccer Week 2: Philly v. Seattle

We had our second game of the season this morning. When we arrived, we come to find out we missed the team pictures. Apparently, I hadn't gotten the email notice, but it's also my bad because I never checked the website with updates and information. Nonetheless, I was a little bummed about missing them.

Anyways, Andrew was more into the game this week thankfully!! And the poor kids ended up having to play the entire game as we were short players. Andrew ran after the ball and had some good dribbling runs. He had a good opportunity to score, but he missed it just right of the goal. But it was a good effort on his part so we are more than satisfied with that!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Happy 40th Month Birthday

Wow, another month has come and gone...and our Andrew is 40 months old!! Three years and four months or 3 and 1/3 years old!! Where does the time go!? Anyways, as for things Andrew has been doing this past month, he is definitely growing up into a little boy and continues to learn so many things. And we totally love seeing his personality develop.

He still loves to draw and has been drawing lots of dogs, giraffes, fish, turtles, vacuum cleaners (not sure how that came about), donuts, apples (usually on trees), people with faces, arms, and legs (and sometimes with roller skates on their feet instead of shoes).

Drew is also learning to write more and more letters. He can write "AJ" for his nickname since Andrew is a little long for him right now so we thought we would start with something easy and build up to that! But I love that he can sign his name like on birthday cards. He can write other letters and numbers from memory like T, O, 3, 8 and others from seeing them written out as a guide. He can right more letters with guidance or if we write them out first.

When he see toys or gifts in store, he will find lots of things he wants, but luckily, he can be placated by my telling him he can ask to get it from Santa.

He still enjoys computer time playing more Sid the Science Kid and Curious George on http://www.pbskids.org/. He is getting pretty proficient with the mousepad and arrows. As for television, he is watching more and more Fireman Sam.

Andrew is doing a lot of pretending and and make believe. He loves to have picnics at the zoo or on the train. Our little firefighter loves playing with his toy fire trucks. He also wants to put both the firefighters and fire trucks to bed when we are done playing with them. But most of time, we are pretending we are firefighters responding to an emergency, which is normally a cat in the tree where we put on fire helmets and pretend the couches are a fire truck and ambulance. No lie, we probably play out this scenario at least ten times a day for the last couple of weeks!

James has started to let Andrew watch full length feature films especially on long car rides. So far, Andrew has watched Peter Pan and The Jungle Book. We do try to break the movie up into smaller parts. So far, he likes them and loves the songs like "Following the Leader". I had to add them to our iPod in the car and burn a new CD for his radio in his room.

Our little soccer player is still enjoying playing soccer and we are definitely seeing vast improvement. He is starting to grasp the concept of the game and is getting better at dribbling the ball.

Andrew is becoming a water baby. He has also been enjoying going to the pool and almost asking for it everyday. He is getting more and more comfortable just being the water. We have been working with him trying to teach him to move his arms (like turtles) and kick his feet (like dolphins). We have also been trying to get him to put his mouth and nose in water. Mostly, Andrew loves jumping to James and practicing kicking his feet in the water.

As for eating, Andrew is digging Clementine oranges as of late. He is starting to be more like James and eating cereal like Cheerios with milk in the morning for breakfast. And he's been into eating dry cereal at night for his bedtime snack. Something a little out of the ordinary that he has been doing is wanting to wrap his food in bread or tortillas. The other night, he put his spaghetti (noodles and meat sauce both) in his piece of garlic bread like a sandwich and ate it that way. Whatever he wants so long as he eats! Andrew has also been eating lots of Pizza Lunchables. He likes to sprinkle the cheese on it. And he's adamant about flipping one over on the top of another and cutting the third one in half so I can put them on top of each other.

In terms of going to sleep, he is doing better about the nightly routine. James and I still take turns putting him down for bed where we lay with him for five minutes before leaving the room. But the new twist is that he wants to lay in our room for the five minutes and then will walk back to his room. He also has been coming out of his room to give us hugs and tell us "I love you" in order to stall as well. Drew still likes to sleep on the floor, but there will be a random night here and there where he will sleep in his bed. And for whatever reason, we have seen some two hour naps a few times lately and ten full hours of sleep at night. I assume it's a growth spurt, but we'll take it!

Andrew is talking more and more these days and his articulation is really coming along. We still have to remind him to "put the caboose on the words", but he does it on his own sometimes or with as little prompting as saying "excuse me?"

One sweet thing that Andrew has been doing is saying "I love you" spontaneously on his own. It totally melts my heart. He also has been saying "I love it" a lot these days in reference to toys, especially his fire trucks.

AJ is definitely sensitive to people's feelings and aware of his surroundings. James and I don't like to fight in front of Andrew, but if we do have a "disagreement" or "difference of opinion", Andrew will interject "I love you" to try to improve the mood and smooth things over.

We have been working with him to teach him that he needs to earn privileges like going out doing fun activities and TV time. So far so good. We even carry this through when it comes time to do his nebulizer. If he's been good, he can pick between playing games on the computer, watching television, or reading books.

Some of the things that come out of Andrew's mouth are so funny, we crack up laughing. For example, we have been telling Andrew for a while now that he should save his money by putting it in his piggy banks. And usually, we say that we will use the money for school for him. And then, I started saying that he can go to college with that money. And lately, we have been talking about whether to go to Vegas or Chicago later this summer. So this one day, we are putting money in his bank and I say "Andrew, you can use this money to go to college." He then retorts, "No go to college, I want to go to Vegas!" Poor thing thinks college is some vacation place. But it was so funny because I can totally see him saying the same thing to us when he turns 21.

And there was another time when Andrew asked why Daddy brings a beer upstairs. So then I turn around and asked Drew why he likes to have drinks upstairs to which he says, "I'm crazy like that!"

Drew is also becoming my little lawyer. He loves to negotiate almost everything from how much he eats, how much more TV he can watch, or what we do. And then he will end his offer with saying "How about that?" Too bad, I totally say that.

One morning, I was upstairs finishing getting ready before taking Andrew to school. All of a sudden, I hear/see Andrew running up the stairs with my phone in hand. He had answered it and was bringing it up to me upstairs yelling "Ngoai's calling me!!"

He asks us all the time to go to Ngoai's and Papa's house--and it almost never fails that he wants to spend the night there.

Andrew has been doing a great job using the potty. He has been really good about telling us when he has to go pee on his own, but he does tend to forget or ignore the urge when he is playing or watching TV. And lately, he likes to distinguish between big poop and small poop and he will then ask for big prize and small prize respectively according to the size. Hmm, I don't think it quite works like that, but good try!

Drew is still very excited and anxious about his baby brother. Lately, he has been talking about playing with him and teaching him how to play with toys. He even told me that the baby shouldn't eat his trains. And he asks all the time when the baby is coming out. Drew also says that the baby needs to get big and strong before coming out. I am loving how into the baby Andrew is. I am still worried about his adjustment after the baby is actually born though.

Well, that's it for now. Happy Big 4-0, Andrew! We love you so very much!!

And here's Andrew working on his soccer skills.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sugar Creek Baptist Church

This morning, we had a play date with Aunt Anh and Josh at Sugar Creek Baptist Church. I had heard about the playscape there from a few mothers, but hadn't had the chance to take Andrew there. And Anh and I thought it would be fun to take the boys there especially since we are trying to find fun things for the kids indoors to avoid the heat.

Well, lots of other people had the same idea as it was packed!! But the boys still had plenty of room to run around, climb, and slide. There was a lot of chasing and running amok going on, but they had so much fun.

After playing, we met Aunt Thuy, Aunt Jessica, Ally and Nathan at McDonald's for some lunch. After the kids ate, the playing continued on the playscape there. And the kids got to enjoy some free ice cream too. Not too bad of a morning, I have to say!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

We had a very nice, quaint Father's Day. We all went to church this morning and luckily, Andrew behaved very well. He colored in a coloring book for the most part though he did get a little loud towards the end (we are still working on inside voice and whispering).

After lunch and nap, Ngoai and Papa came up for dinner. We also celebrated Stephanie's birthday, which is coming up in about a week and a half, with some yummy cake. True to form, Andrew again wanted to blow out the candles on someone else's cake!?

I was really glad that Andrew and I could spend the day with two very important fathers in our lives...of course, we wish Granddad could have been with us, but two out of three ain't bad! I know how blessed we are to have such wonderful dads in our lives.

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there, especially James, Papa, Granddad, Uncle Mike, Uncle John, and Uncle Rick. We love you lots!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

HMNS with Nonna and Stephanie

So after our game, we headed back to the house and visited with Nonna and Stephanie. Before Andrew's nap, we wanted to take Stephanie somewhere and offered up some options, but no on wanted to pick anything. Andrew takes it upon himself to make a decision and tells us that he wants to see the "butterflies and dinosaurs with Stephanie" at the Museum of Natural Science. Since he was the only one with an opinion, we did just that.

We all love the Butterfly Center there and had a nice time looking around. Andrew especially loved the tree frog and iguana today. We perused the dinosaur exhibit and the animal exhibit upstairs for a little bit. Come to think of it, I think the first time James and I went to the Butterfly Center was actually with Stephanie eons ago!!

Then, we headed to a sandwich shop nearby called PICNIC for some lunch before heading home to put Andrew down for a nap.

YMCA Summer Soccer Week 1: Dallas v. Philly

This morning was our first soccer game of the summer league at the YMCA. Sadly, none of our former teammates from Team Toronto were playing this summer so we were on our own. Andrew was placed on Team Philadelphia. We really hadn't planned on signing up Andrew for the summer league because we were worried about the heat, but Andrew kept insisting that he wanted to play so we thought we would give it a try.

When we first got there, Andrew wasn't too into practice much to our frustration. And it didn't get much better when the game started and Andrew still wasn't trying very hard either. He basically just wanted to sit in his chair and drink water. But after awhile and some heavy urging of both of us, he finally got into the game and starting running after the ball and getting some touches on it. Lo and behold, Andrew end up scoring twice...one legit goal and then an own goal!

And we had two extra cheerleaders supporting Andrew. Nonna and Stephanie arrived in town during the game. Maybe that was the little bit of extra motivation he needed!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Aunt Thuy's Pool

This morning, we met Aunt Thuy at her neighborhood pool since we had just a great time there last year and couldn't wait to do it again this summer. And this time, Aunt Anh was able to meet us there too along with Josh and Brendon.

Andrew was so happy with being at the pool with Josh. They both enjoyed running around the splash pad and baby pool with the pool toys. But mainly, the boys really were great about working on their swimming. Andrew kept wanting to practice his dolphin kicks as I held him around the pool.

Eventually, during adult swim, we managed to get the boys out of the water and eat some lunch that we had packed. Then after a little bit more fun in the water, we headed home for naps. Andrew totally sacked out on the car ride home!

Thanks for having us, Aunt Thuy! We had such a blast!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Jungle Beat

Today was Andrew's first day at Summer Camp at St. Luke's. He had been constantly asking when summer camp was starting since school ended, so he was totally ready for it. One of his classmates from last year, Lily Ana, is in his class so I am happy about that. And his teachers, Ms. Donato and Ms. McIntyre, seem really nice. The camp is called Jungle Beat and so they will get to learn about the jungle and the animals that live there. I suspect that Andrew will have a blast with it!

Here is our little summer camper playing with some green Play Doh.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Birthday Celebration

Tonight, we spent the evening at Aunt Belinda's house to celebrate our birthdays since they are only about a week apart. Andrew was so excited when we told him that he was going to be able to play with Evan since we don't get to see them as much as we like.

The boys played trains and cars for the most part and later, Uncle Steven and Daddy took them swimming in their pool. They loved playing with the water blasters. The girls stayed inside mostly and we kept the twins entertained. I can't get over how fast they are growing up!! They are so so cute and fun!

Aunt Monica got us one of our favorite cakes from Cafe Rustika; and of course, Andrew and Evan wanted to blow out the candles for us. I love how they get into birthdays at this age.

It was a great evening. It was nice to get to relax and get to catch up and just spend time with everyone!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

CMH with Emily and Liya

So, we got yet another chance to see Emily and Jean on their visit to Houston. This morning, we met them and Sabrina, Liya, and Shaleen at the Children's Museum. The kids spent most of their time in the HEB pretending to shop and then checking out at the cash register. They also enjoyed playing in the restaurant cooking and serving us food. The kids worked up an appetite so we all headed over to the cafeteria to eat lunch.

It was a fun play date. It was nice seeing the kids all play together once more. Brings back fond memories of Gymboree and past play dates. And I was enjoying conversing with Jean and Sabrina that I didn't take many photos at all.

Jean and Emily, we love you guys and we miss you all so much!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


This evening, we took Andrew to the YMCA to try out their recreational pool. Andrew loved it with the mushroom and buckets, but had lots of fun just playing with Daddy. I am glad he's getting more and more comfortable with the water.

Bellaire Storytime with Emily

This morning, we met up with Jean and Emily at the Bellaire Library for storytime. It was one of Emily's favorite things to do when they lived here so Jean really wanted to take her back. Emily totally didn't miss a beat singing and doing all the dance moves. And of course, Andrew always has a good time too! It was nice to be there with them since Jean was the one who told us about Miss Missy in the first place!