Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Giving Us the Lip

I am still unsuccessful at capturing a good picture of Andrew sticking out his lower lip when he gets sad. But every time, he makes the lip, we are too slow with the camera or if/when we have it out, he will stop giving us the lip once he sees the camera.

I managed to get this on tape. If you watch the very beginning, he is giving us a little lip. It's the best I have for now, but I will keep trying to get a better picture of it.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Happy Three Month Birthday!

James and I are in awe that Andrew is already three months old. Was it really three months ago that we were bringing this little fragile baby home from the hospital? And here we are some twelve weeks later that Drew has totally morphed into a strong little wiggle worm.

Here's a clip of the little guy rolling over.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Yellow Belly?!

Yellow belly?! No, I am not referring to our son as a coward, but to his jaundice. In all the chaos of last weekend, I forgot to post the latest jaundice news. Last week, I took him back to get his blood taken to assess his bilirubin levels. The nurse said it not only went down significantly, but it went down significantly enough that we don't have to worry about it anymore! Hooray!!

But we always joke that jaundice or no jaundice, the Vietnamese in him will always make him a little yellow!

I am including this picture from my sister taken the weekend they were visiting because I find it so sweet of Brennan to share his beloved blankie with his cousin.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Mommy's First Day Back at Work

Well, today was my first day back at work. It was hard leaving Andrew; and I will be the first to admit that I had some serious separation anxieties. But I made it through the day with only 2 calls and 1 text to check up on Drew. Apparently, he handled my absence like a champ--no meltdowns and he took the bottle just fine. Whew, what a relief!!

My strategy for this week is to take one day at a time. So, that would be 1 down, 4 more to go.

Here's a picture of our future little Longhorn that was taken yesterday. Hook 'em!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Happy Birthday, Daddy! Today is James's 32nd birthday! Sad to say, we didn't do anything that fun. My parents came up to help us pack up our apartment. Then, that night, James studied some for his CFA exam. I thought about taking the birthday boy out for dinner, but figured that would best be saved for another day.

Drew has been working on some of his own milestones recently. He is getting pretty good at rolling over from his back to his stomach. Additionally, he is able to hold his head up 90 degrees while lying on his tummy as you can see from this picture.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Oh, What a Weekend!!

Oh, what a weekend it has been!! Actually, the whirlwind began Wednesday night with Uncle Anh Tuan coming in from Austin. Then, the three of us picked up the Armstrongs at the airport Thursday morning where Andrew got to meet his Aunt Anh Thu, Uncle Rick, Cousins Cara, Emma, and Brennan. We spent the rest of the day in League City, but came back up to Houston to meet one of Anh Thu's friends from college and Daddy for dinner. Then, Cara and Emma spent the night with us, which was something I had been asking to do for years now! Brennan didn't partake in the sleepover because he didn't want to...he just wanted his Uncle Anh Tuan.

On Friday, we headed back to my parents' house and later that evening, we had a crawfish boil, which was a surprise belated birthday party for Anh Tuan (May 5th) and an early one for James (May 17th). Nonna, Granddad, and Uncle John were able to drive in on Friday and attend the party as well. It was so much fun and so much good food!!

Then, Saturday morning, we had Andrew's baptism, which we were so fortunate to pull off on such short notice thanks to Father Cargill (who married my sister and Rick and baptized Rick and the kids) and St. Mary's Catholic Church. Andrew was funny during the baptism as he decided to have a conversation with James during the ceremony. Afterwards, we had a reception at my parents' house. More good food thanks to Ngoai and Papa. James later took his family back up to Houston to settle in and hang out. However, Andrew and I stayed behind for Brennan's 3rd birthday party at 4pm. It was a great party; and Brennan was an adorable birthday boy! Next, we headed up back to Houston and met James, Nonna, and the Gonzales family at Dave & Buster's. There, Mommy got hooked on a trivia game while Drew slept through the noise and lights! After that, we went back to the apartment with Nonna, Stephanie and Thomas to catch some ZZZs.

On Sunday morning, we attended mass; and Andrew did much better this time only making a few sounds and falling asleep towards the end. After church, we had Mother's Day brunch at Ruggles Grill. Unfortunately, I forgot the camera (my memory is so terrible) so I didn't get any pictures there. Boo for me! :( Then, we came home and took a nice long nap.

It was an amazing weekend with family and friends. A.J. really did great with everything going on and the long days and nights. James and I feel so blessed for him, our family, and our friends, especially me on my first Mother's Day. I have an incredible little boy who I love so much. I am so lucky to be his mommy. My first one was crazy busy, but really great. How are we going to top it next year?!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies out there!!

Here's a slideshow from the weekend...

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Andrew received much loving from his aunties this weekend. On Friday, Aunties Monica and Vinaya stopped by so that Vinaya could meet him for the first time. Lucky for us, Vinaya chose to make a quick trip to Houston in between projects for work. Then, on Saturday, they spent almost the entire day with us. Drew was happy getting all the attention from his aunts; and Mommy was happy just to spend time with her dearest friends.

He will get to meet another aunt this week when my sister, Anh Thu, and her family come into town on Thursday. I am so excited to see the girls and Brennan...and of course, my sister and brother-in-law too.