Saturday, April 30, 2011

YMCA Spring Soccer Week 8: Toronto v. Philly

With Easter last week, there was no soccer game scheduled. But this weekend was the last game of the season. I have to say I am a little sad to see it end. We have had such a great experience with Team Toronto and have met lots of nice people that we hope we will have the chance of playing with again.

Andrew played well running around and getting to the ball. He is fast when he wants to be. He didn't score a goal this weekend, but that's ok. I was just glad he played well the entire game and paid attention for the most part. I know it's hard for a three year old to stay that focused for the whole game, so I will take what I can get.

And after the game ended, it was time to hand out trophies, which Andrew was so stoked about. But we had a good laugh afterwards when he asked not thirty minutes later when he will get a bigger trophy. We told him that when he plays more soccer when he's older, it will probably happen.

We hadn't planned on signing him up for the summer league since it would be incredibly hot to play, but Andrew has kept asking to keep playing, we decided we would go ahead and sign him up. Hopefully, next season is as good as this one has been.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Potty Training Progress

Well, Andrew is making vast progress with potty training. He gets better about it everyday. I love how he will tell us when he needs to go pee. And yesterday, while at a friend's house, he told me that he had to go poop and did. I wasn't sure if he would feel comfortable going somewhere other than our house, but I guess he does.

Then, today, he has peed in the potty all day with him telling us when he needs to go pee. And for a while, I had even forgotten that he was wearing his underwear. I am so proud of my little guy. I knew he would come around. I was worried for a while, but I am happy we didn't have to push him and he has done this on his terms in his way on his own timing.

Here's a picture of my big boy with his new fade (sorry for the quality, they were taken with my cell phone camera).

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy 38th Month Birthday

Wow, 38 months!! How fast this past month has gone by!

Andrew's speech continues to improve. In speech therapy, we have been continuing our work on final consonants. As for his language development, Andrew is really making crazy progress such as his sentence structure and grammar.

Some of the things he has been saying this past month include:
  • "Whoo hoo!"
  • "Yup" and "Nope"
  • "All right" (which sounds more like "orite")
  • "I do it. Me, me, me!" or "I do it myself."
  • "I love parties!" and "I love soccer."
  • "How 'bout that?" (sadly, this was learned from Mommy)
  • "Why?"
  • "Who them?"
  • "Where they going?"

Drew will also tell us when food is "delicious" and that things are "so funny", "so silly", or "so cool". He loves saying "super" as in "super really fast", "super really tall", or "super really big". And he still talks about going "on airplanes to see Anh Thu in Vegas." He also told us a few times that Papa is his best friend. One time I asked him if he loves Papa and he replied in the affirmative. And then, I asked him why. He then says "because he's my best friend." So sweet! To add to the adoration, he told me that he wanted Papa to stay with him while Daddy and Mommy go to work. With all the anniversary and marriage talk, he said that he wanted to marry me too, but later changed it so where he wanted to marry Ngoai and Papa. Hmm, good luck with that one, kid! Andrew is still pretty inquisitive about his baby brother. He asks us when the baby will come out and when can he hold him. We talk about his needing to grow big and strong in my belly before he comes out; and he seems content with that. I love how Andrew will come up to my stomach and kiss it. And usually when he does it, he will also say "I love you, brother" or "good morning, brother". Makes me warm all over. Our little socialite constantly asks for his friends to come over to house to play or asks for us to go over there. Drew will also ask if his friends can go to places with us especially if he has been there with them before. It cracks me up how he remembers certain things. He asks all the time "will you play with me?" or tells me that "I want somebody play with me." When it's time to go to sleep, he asks to lay in our bed for five minutes after which he will go to his room or we lay with him for five minutes. But it never fails that he will ask for more minutes. Andrew is becoming more involved in the dressing process. He will tell him he wants to wear green that day or what shoes he wants to wear. He is also working on dressing and undressing himself and getting much better at it. He loves to wear anything green or anything with trains. And lately, Andrew has been very willing--even wanting--for us to go on dates. He says that he wants to sleep at Uncle Anh Tuan's house or at my folks' house. And of course, he will also tell us that he wants to go on a date with James or me. Our little man still loves to play with trains and fire trucks. He has been working in his letters and numbers. He really is into doing math workbooks lately learning more about counting, patterns, and shapes. Drew still loves to draw especially trains, fire trucks, and people with faces, bodies, arms and legs. He'll also draw bunny rabbits with ears and whiskers in the spirit of Easter. In terms of the television, he still loves Team Umizoomi and Max & Ruby the best, but also likes this new cartoon on Nick Jr. called Bubble Guppies. Drew still loves to play outside riding his trike and scooter. He's getting much more comfortable on the scooter; and I have to admit, he sometimes goes faster than I am comfortable with. And much to Daddy's delight, Andrew still loves soccer and seems to be getting the hang of it as the weeks go on. And he always asks when his next game will be. Our little chef loves to help to make Gatorade from powder by pouring water and stirring. He adds his own touch, but drinking out of the spoon and then go right back to stirring with the now germ-infested spoon. He still loves ice with his drinks. He will get his own ice from the fridge, but at times will get too much ice. So, I try to tell him he can have three cubes since he's three years old. So far, he's going along with that. Some of the things he's eating lately besides the usual pizza, nuggets, grilled cheese, and noodles include things like strawberries, blueberries, and grapes. He also loves Toaster Strudel and Eggo waffles for breakfast. He's back into popsicles again. Usually, he can't finish them fast enough before they start melting. Andrew so loves to sings his ABCs and can count to 20 when he wants to (he will get lazy a lot of times and try to rush through them). A new thing he loves is cutting paper with scissors ever since his teachers let him do at school--I so need to buy him a pair for here at home! He's been earning his TV and computer time by putting himself to bed. He is also been wanting to trade reading night night books for extra computer time. Our son is already getting sucked into technology! He earns these privileges by laying down nicely in his room, not making too much noise, and keeping the stalling to a minimum. We usually give him one or two times to come out, but it's usually to get something to drink or give hugs or tell us he loves us. Yes, we are such suckers!! Another new thing is that Andrew has been wanting to sleep on the floor instead of his bed. We don't know if it's because his bed is too small or uncomfortable or if he just wants a change of scenery. But I can't say anything since I loved sleeping on the floor for most of college. Andrew will also asks to lay in our bed for five minutes and then go back to his room to put himself to sleep. As for his allergies and asthma, Andrew started taking some medicine via a nebulizer this month. At first, he was very hesitant, but now does very well on it. He will now hold it on his own the whole time it's on. And where he used to ask for breaks when he first started using it, he can now go the ten minutes or so all in one stretch. I think most of his willingness to do the nebulizer is that we allow him to watch TV in the morning and the evenings when he does it. His coughing has subsided in both frequency and severity. He only coughs after waking up a couple of times a week and the cough is much less harsh. James and I have been so happy with our allergist, Dr. Collaco! We totally recommend to anyone! Potty training is going well thus far. Andrew is pretty good about telling us when he has to go pee and poo. We have even started to go without diapers and pull ups. Andrew, at first, loved wearing underwear, but the novelty quickly wore off. I don't know if it was because he was embarassed when he did have accidents and just wanted to wear diapers or pull ups to prevent that. One cute thing that Andrew does now is how he loves to see people off when they are leaving the house. He used to only do it for James when he left for work, but that's no longer the case. He will go onto the balcony and tell people "bye" and "I love you" as they walk away. Drew will also blow kisses and give shout outs too. It still amazes me how fast time is going by and how much he's growing up. I look at him and wonder where my little baby went and when did Andrew turn into a little boy. I really wish I could stop time sometimes so I can revel more in this time right now. I know I can't, but it would be nice.

Easter Sunday

This morning when Andrew woke up, the first thing he said was that he wanted to go downstairs to see his Easter basket. He checked out all the gifts and made me happy that he read the books first before asking to open the train, Lego Duplo fire chief truck, and candy. After, we dyed and decorated Easter eggs. This year, I bought the sticker set and Andrew loved it! He spent a great deal of time putting all the stickers on the eggs.

Then in the afternoon, Ngoai and Papa came over and brought over their Easter basket for Andrew. He spent most of the time playing lots of train with Papa. I so love watching them together.

Since Daddy gave up meat for Lent, I asked him what he wanted for dinner. He wasn't craving anything in particular just meat in general. I decided to cook a prime rib, which turned out fairly good if I do say so myself.

It was a really nice quiet Easter and just nice to be around family. Happy Easter, everyone!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sugar Land Easter Egg Hunt

This afternoon, Daddy and I took Andrew to an Easter egg hunt that Aunt Belinda invited us to. Her and her friends do a pot luck dinner and egg hunt for all the kids and it sounded like fun. Andrew is always up for an egg hunt!! We all met up an elementary school in Sugar Land, which worked perfectly since they have a pavilion where we could eat and playgrounds for the kids to play on.

Andrew had so much playing with Evan. It was just like old times. They ran up and down the playscape. And both of them even perfected their fireman pole skills! After we ate, it was time for the egg hunt. Andrew did very well and ran quickly scooping up eggs. And I again asked him to share with the younger kids; and again, he obliged.

I didn't think anything could top the egg hunt for Andrew, but one of the boys and his dad brought a rocket launcher with stryofoam rockets that you propel by stepping down on the launching pad. It was a hit with all the kids!! We may just have to get one for Andrew!

We had such a nice time. It was good to get to hang with Evan and Anna and their families. We never get to see everyone enough. And Andrew had a wonderful time so that always makes it better!!

Paige's 3rd Birthday Party

This morning, we were invited to Paige's birthday party at the Briar Club. Paige is one of Andrew's classmates from St. Luke's. The party was also held in conjunction with her older brother, Brody, who was turning five as well. The party was so cute! They had a playground and a bouncey house--Andrew just ran back and forth between the two. He had a great time playing with some of his friends from school.

Later, there was a magic act. Andrew sat right in front and laughed and smiled at the tricks. I really wasn't sure how it was going to go over, but he really seemed to enjoy it. Afterwards, there was an Easter egg hunt, which all the kids enjoyed. Andrew was totally into searching for eggs and prizes. They were even hidden in the bushes and flower beds and Andrew wouldn't stop looking there even after I said there wasn't any left. And then, he found like two more eggs!! Prove me wrong!

Next, it was time to sing "Happy Birthday" to the guests of honor. And then, it was time to leave since we had another outing to attend.

We had such a wonderful time. We love getting to spend time with Andrew's classmates. We parents always talk about what a wonderful group of kids we have in the class and how well they get along. Happy Birthday, Paigey!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

Today, Ngoai and I took Andrew went to go see the Easter Bunny at Baybrook Mall but the line was "super really long" as Andrew put it. I had totally forgotten that people and kids were out for Good Friday. I am guessing it would have a good hour or so to get through it. Luckily, Andrew was easily swayed into just seeing him from the side and waving to him. And the Easter Bunny was nice to wave back to him too. So, we just ended up taking pictures around all the Easter decor they had put up.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


This morning, we met Mrs. Andi, Gavin, and Shane at Wonderwild. When we first entered, the boys went to play in the ball pit and kitchen. You would think that they would go for the train or playscape. But eventually, they made their way over and rode the train and climbed in the playscape. They had a great time with the slides! One of the cutest things was when Andrew let Shane ride in his train and took him for a little ride. I am proud of my little guy because not only did he share the train, but also because he was strong enough to move the train with the extra rider.

Soon, it was time for lunch and we asked the boys where they wanted to go to which they responded Mission Burrito. The fun continued there with some yummy lunch and playing on the playground. Then, it was time to come home for nap! I sure was exhausted!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

SLDS Easter Party

This afternoon was Andrew's Easter party with his class. Unfortunately, I was a little late arriving to the courtyard and missed the beginning of it (phone call from Ngoai about Papa's car being hit in a parking lot). But I did get to see Andrew and his class hunt for eggs for a little while. Andrew was doing pretty good from what I saw. And I was very happy to see him get some eggs and give it to some of the other kids. Ms. Faruolo also told me that Andrew was being really nice by helping other kids find eggs so that made me all the more proud of him.

After the egg hunt, we came inside for cookies and juice. The kids sat properly and ate nicely. They are too cute!! Towards the end of the party, the teachers handed out their Easter arts and craft project--a cross with rhinestones glued to it. It is really cute; and Andrew is excited to put it up in his room.

The first three pictures of from Ben's mom who was kind enough to send them to me since I was late when they started.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's a.....


We had another ultrasound this afternoon; and Dr. Kirshon said 100% it's a boy!!

Sure, it might have been nice to have a girl, but to be honest, I had a feeling it was a boy since I had been dreaming it. So I have been getting on board with having two sons ever since the ultrasound at twelve weeks.

I know there are advantages and disadvantages to having either, but I really do love the idea that Andrew will have a little brother to play trains and cars with. And it's also comforting to know his toys and clothes will have another go around. I have always thought there was a crazy strong bond with same sex siblings like Uncle John and James and Aunt Anh Thu and me; and I hope that Andrew and his little brother will have one. And maybe this way, I can talk James into having three kids and trying one more time for a girl.

Dr. Kirshon said everything looks great and our baby boy is developing beautifully! We are so happy that he's healthy.

Well, now we can focus on finding a name for this little guy!

Here are our ultrasound pictures from today.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Twins' Senior Photos

This afternoon after nap, Andrew and I drove over to UH to pick up the twins. I had offered to take some photos of them that they could use as their senior pictures. They had taken the ones at school with the usual cap and gown and then black dress ensemble, but I thought they might want something more fun, which better suits their personalities. We figured out that we could do the photo shoot at Hermann Park since there is so much there for photo backdrops.

Andrew was excited to see them as always. And when we started taking pictures, he wanted to get in them too. Luckily, the twins didn't mind; and it ended up giving us some cute pictures. I had suggested we try the Japanese Gardens in the park and see how it was having never been in there before myself. Well, I am so glad we tried it. The garden was really nice and so beautiful!! I will definitely have to come back here for another photo shoot in the future sometime.

We weren't too far into the shoot when Daddy called to say he had arrived at the park. We quickly found each other; and Daddy took Andrew to the playground while the girls and I went back to shooting pictures. After we were done, we headed over to the playground and found the boys. Then, we took the girls back to UH where they met up with Lam to give them a ride home.

For my first shoot, I think I got some good shots. I was having lots of trouble having to constantly change the manual settings on my camera. And the sun wasn't helping at all. At times, it was pretty bright, but then, we would be in shaded areas. So, I would have to change the settings again...and sometimes I just couldn't get it how I wanted it. But I had to do the best I can. I just hope the twins are happy with a few of them to use for their graduation announcements.

Below are a few of my favorites from the shoot.