Monday, April 11, 2011

Three Year Photo Shoot

Yesterday, we had Andrew's three year photo shoot with Aunt Thuy. Papa and Ngoai were going to come up to visit us that afternoon so I invited them to join in the photo shoot too.

Andrew decided to throw a wrench in the plans by skipping his nap so we weren't sure how he would be and was also feeling a little under the weather to boot. But we just gave it a go and hoped for the best.

We had originally wanted to take some pictures with bluebonnets, but due to scheduling problems and a lack of initiative by yours truly, we were late in having the photos done. But we met Thuy and Phi at Terry Hershey Park and hoped that there might be some bluebonnets left (Uncle Phi had seen them a few weeks earlier during his bike rides). Sadly, there weren't any bluebonnets left, but the park was really nice and quaint and still provided a very nice backdrop for pictures. So, it all worked out well.

Next year, I will have to be more on the ball about scheduling something so we don't miss the bluebonnets.

Aunt Thuy sent me some of the photos from the shoot. I can't get over how old Andrew looks!! And in some of the shots, he would grab our faces to get them closer to his in the pictures. I don't know where he learned that from!

And thanks to Aunt Thuy for making the time for us and taking our pictures. We really appreciate all you do for us!

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