Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's a.....


We had another ultrasound this afternoon; and Dr. Kirshon said 100% it's a boy!!

Sure, it might have been nice to have a girl, but to be honest, I had a feeling it was a boy since I had been dreaming it. So I have been getting on board with having two sons ever since the ultrasound at twelve weeks.

I know there are advantages and disadvantages to having either, but I really do love the idea that Andrew will have a little brother to play trains and cars with. And it's also comforting to know his toys and clothes will have another go around. I have always thought there was a crazy strong bond with same sex siblings like Uncle John and James and Aunt Anh Thu and me; and I hope that Andrew and his little brother will have one. And maybe this way, I can talk James into having three kids and trying one more time for a girl.

Dr. Kirshon said everything looks great and our baby boy is developing beautifully! We are so happy that he's healthy.

Well, now we can focus on finding a name for this little guy!

Here are our ultrasound pictures from today.

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