Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Zoo with Aunt Amanda and the Paynes

I wanted Amanda to be able to see and spend time with Jenny and her kids so we decided to meet up at the zoo this morning. The kids had a great time especially at the petting zoo. And it was nice to get to catch up with Jenny and hang with the boys too. After the zoo, Andrew really wanted to ride the train with Aunt Amanda so we obliged him.

We're definitely not those three college girls that used to room together my senior year at college. We've come a long way from keg parties, Jell-O shots, and clubbing!! But I am glad we all still keep in touch and could do things like we did today.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

World Championship BBQ

Today, we went to the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo for the World Championship BBQ. Aunt Amanda, Daddy, and I headed down in two separate cars so that Andrew and Daddy could leave early so that Aunt Amanda, Aunt Monica (who would be meeting us later after she got off work), and Mommy could hang out for the late evening festivities.

Anyhow, we had to park a little far from Reliant Park, but lucky for Andrew, we got to ride a bus to the fairgrounds. He loved it!! Once we got the rodeo, we walked around and checked out everything. We were a little hungry so we got some fried cheesecake and fried tiramisu! Delicious. I thought I would like the tiramisu better, but I actually liked the cheesecake one more. But both were yummy! Can't get better than fried sweets!

As we continued to walk around, we came upon a ride that Andrew could ride--a train! We had to wait in line for about ten minutes. Luckily, Andrew was cooperative. I never know how he will behave in lines! But finally, it was our turn. He had a blast. Then, we walked over to an area where you could see some horses (the petting zoo wasn't open this weekend). Andrew did a great job petting them. Everyone was so nice and generous about touching theri animals.

Afterwards, we headed back to the barbeque tents for some grub. The food was good and free. What more could anyone ask for!? Andrew ate some...mainly bread go figure. Then, it was time for him and Daddy to head back to go home. I was excited about getting to hang with Amanda and Monica, but I have to admit that I was a little sad to see Andrew and Daddy go. As much as I love my alone time, there is always a part of me that yearns to be with Andrew. Sometimes, I even miss Andrew when he's sleeping. Like right now, he's sleeping upstairs; and I feel as though something is missing. I feel a little different that I am not watching him do whatever it is he's doing. I kind of wonder if that feeling will ever go away.

Anyhow, I digress. So, after they left, Aunt Amanda and I had some time to kill before Monica was due to arrive. We end up going on a of those big slides. It was a lot of fun!! It actually went faster than I thought it would. I deliberately slowed myself down a bit too!

I had received a text from Monica saying that she had left work and was en route to the rodeo, but then I hadn't heard from here in a while. Definitely enough time has passed for her to get there. Neither Amanda nor I could get a call or text through to her and we hadn't predetermined meeting spot because we really didn't know of a place to set as one. Amanda and I decided we would head back to the tent and wait for her there. And finally, about after twenty minutes, we finally got a text from her saying that she was back at the tent. We rushed over as quick as we could and sure enough, we run into Uncle Leighton, Aunt Lori, and a couple of our friends. It was too funny and unbelieveable considering how many people there were and how many tents there were! But we didn't stay too long with them because we had to go find Monica.

Well, we made it back to the tent and quickly found Monica. Then, we got in line for Monica to get some food. As she ate, we talked and drank. Then, there was a little bit of dancing even! It was fun to hang out with my girls!!

By that time, the evening concert was about to start. We headed over to the stage area and waited for James to take the stage. I only knew one of their songs, Laid, which I love, so I was happy when they sang it. Otherwise, the rest of their songs weren't too bad either. Then, we headed back to the truck to go home.

We all had a great time! I can't wait to take Andrew again next year. I can't wait for Andrew to be old enough to do all the cool things at the rodeo. I hope he will love it as much as I do! And thanks to Aunt Marie and Uncle Charles for the tickets!! We totally appreciate it!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Birthday Cake #2

Since Andrew nearly vomited after his birthday dinner of dim sum, we decided to postpone his birthday cake that I had got him for his actual birthday on Wednesday. And since Aunt Amanda was coming into town, we wanted to wait to have the cake with her. He was a happy camper--the cake had sprinkles. Sometimes, kids are so easy to please!

Do Rag

Aunt Amanda came into town yesterday and Andrew has been loving having her and Winnie here. Aunt Amanda is so good to him and is so sweet to play with him. Andrew shared a bandana with Winnie; and after, Aunt Amanda showed him a different way to wear it rather than around the neck like a train engineer--sporting the do rag.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday!

I can't believe Andrew is two years old. We have a little boy now and not a little baby! Some days I look at him and am taken back by the little human being living with us. His personality is totally coming out too! He's usually very happy and very lively. There are so many times that I hear comments about how happy he is, which makes me very happy to hear. He is a little ball of energy, which makes him a handful, but still very fun. And I can't really say anything because he probably gets the hyperness from me. Paybacks, I guess! He is definitely in his terrible two's stage with tantrums, but thankfully, they aren't too numerous or too terrible. I find it funny how he can get so upset about something so trivial. Sometimes, I have to stop myself from laughing at him during his tantrums. He doesn't listen all the time, but is somewhat obedient. He definitely tests the limits!! But all in all, he's a good kid and a joy to parent. I have to say this, he sure makes things more interesting!! I wouldn't trade him for the world.

Andrew still loves playing with his trains. He loves making them really long and moving them around the track especially through tunnels and over the bridges. Drew is also really big into stickers and drawing. We draw and color all the time especially trains! He will tell me to draw people him in the trains such as Drew, Daddy, and Mommy. Andrew also likes getting stamped (and doing stamps) and temporary tattoos. One of his big things now is to to line things up as if to make trains, such as pillows, crackers, crayons, and laundry baskets.

Drew's culinary talents continue to grow. He is always willing to help us in the kitchen--stirring food, pouring in ingredients, and putting cheese on his pizza. He still pretends to stir and cook, but now he likes to get water out of the refrigerator dispenser. He will also pretend it's ice cream like soft serve ice cream. He really loves to pour water and in and out of cups and bowls. Sometimes, he is really good about not making a mess, but other times, he gets a little too crazy with it. Thus, we try to keep pouring for bathtime.

Andrew's viewing choices have changed lately. He doesn't watch as much Sesame Street or Thomas anymore. But recently, he has been more into Dora and Diego. We recorded one episode of each where there are trains; and he loves them. We watch them all the time. His favorite part of Dora is Swiper. He laughs so hard when he says "Aw man." Go figure our kid likes the "villian" of the show! He also likes to watch "Mickey Mouse Choo Choo Express" after nap time while he is still waking up.

Andrew's talking is definitely improving. We have started speech therapy and feel that it's helping {more on this later}. We have been working on sounds and techniques of teaching speech, such as a pacing board and showing him how sounds are derived from our mouths. I think it's been good because I think it has boosted Andrew's confidence on speaking. He will try to make whatever sounds we ask. I am hoping that his speech continues to improve. We can only hope so with the therapy and ear tubes. In addition, Andrew will say "Drew" or "me" like when someone says they are going somewhere or doing something as if to say "Drew too" or "me too". Andrew will also say "Aw Man" from Swiper in Dora the Explorer. Often, Andrew will try to repeat words that we say. Some of the our favorites are "crap" and "gross". I guess we really need to start watching what we are saying!

In terms of eating and drinking, Andrew has been eating a lot of waffles, PB&J, and pizza. Drew still is very good about his dim sum, shrimp, dumplings, and noodles (with either spaghetti or alfredo). He drinks lots of milk mixed with Pediasure especially chocolate, but still not gaining that much weight!? He doesn't eat as much fruits and vegetables as he used to, which makes me a little sad. But I am hoping we can turn that around. Some days he eats great and other days, he eats not so great.

Andrew is still a good helper and loves to help with the laundry. He will put his clothes in the hamper before bath. But he also loves to bring down the hamper with Daddy and put them in the washer and dryer. Drew also loves to help put things in trash even without us telling him. He just up and takes whatever trash we have and takes it to the trash can. He does this a lot with his dirty wet diapers (I don't let him take the poopy ones) and food wrappers.

He is so funny about showing people his big boy bed. He remembers who has seen his bed and if they haven't, he will grab their hands and take them up to his room. When you ask him if you can sleep in the bed with him, he says no. Little punk!

Lately, Andrew has been preferring showers to baths. I don't know if it's because it's something out of the ordinary or because he's scared we might turn the jets back on. We totally learned our lesson on that one! Trust me, it will be a long time before we "surprise" him with the jets again!

Unfortunately, Andrew has started hitting again. It mainly is towards kids who Andrew is not familiar with or when he feels defensive like if they are wanting the same thing as him or have the thing he wants. When he misbehaves, we send him to time out. Sometimes, he knows he's in trouble, but other times, he thinks it's fun to be there. Sometimes, when he knows he did something wrong, he will walk over and put himself in time out because he know he's already headed there. Sometimes, he is good about sitting nicely, but other times, he just gets up and walks away like he was never in trouble to begin with. Punk!! I don't think he fully understands punishment and that time outs aren't fun, but hopefully soon, he will comprehend it and take it more seriously.

But on the side of good behavior, one of my favorite things about Andrew is how sweet he can be. True, I make him give him morning and afternoon kisses and million of other kisses and hug throughout the day. But sometimes on his own accord without any prodding from me, he will kiss and hug me. He will just come up and to me and hug me from behind or kiss me. I love it!! I more than love it! He is good about doing this to other people too. I am so happy he's affectionate especially because I know there will come a time where he won't want to love on me anymore. That is going to break my heart. Daddy has also taught Andrew to give shout outs--where Andrew points to whomever and says "shout out" but it somes out just "shaa". He loves giving knuckles to people over high fives. He will say "boom", but still won't blow it up. I don't have any clue as to why not!

For night night, we have started saying the "Our Father" before bedtime. Andrew will put his hands together to pray and say "amen". As for falling asleep, he likes me to sing him lullabies. I don't know why since I have a terrible voice, but I guess he doesn't know any better. His current favorties are I've Been Working on the Railroad, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and the alphabet song.

Happy 2nd Birthday to our big boy and here's to many, many more! We love you so much! Thanks for making the last two years of our lives so amazing!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Andrew's 2nd Birthday Party

We had an awesome party today for Andrew's 2nd birthday! Everyone seemed to have a good time including the birthday boy. We rented a trackless train; and it was a big hit! Andrew was scared at first not wanting to ride it. After hearing lots of protesting from the guest of honor, Mommy finally got him on it and rode with him; and he calmed down immediately and enjoyed the ride after that. He ended up riding it all five trips it made riding with Nonna and Daddy.

We had lots of Andrew's little buddies come and play. It was crazy madness with all the kids running around, but so much fun! I love seeing kids playing and having a good time. I had ordered blue conductor hats and red bandanas for the kids to wear...naturally, some did, some did not. We had "stations" including Diesel's Dining Car loaded with all kinds of yummy goodies (thanks Ngoai and Papa for making food too), Cranky's Coloring Docks in his room where the kids could color and draw, Bertie's Bouncing House in our room where the bouncer was set up, and Thomas's Tattoo Station in the the kitchen.

We had a Thomas pinata that hung from the balcony just like last year. Andrew took first swing, but was more interested in hitting his daddy with the stick than the pinata! After the kids stocked up on the candy, we went inside for more sugar--birthday cake and ice cream! Andrew did a terrific job of blowing out the candles!! Then, we all just hung around and had some more fun for the rest of the evening.

Thanks for everyone coming and for those whose help made it possible! And a special thanks to Thy for taking photos of the party! I will post them up as soon as I get them!

Here's the video of the birthday boy blowing out the candles.

The Pre-Party

Here's Andrew before the big birthday party today. We spent most of the morning getting ready for the big birthday bash, Daddy and Andrew took Granddad and Nonna to breakfast while Mommy stayed behind to take care of some more party preparations. I thought it would be cute to get him dressed in train gear to get him on the right track for the party.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday, Eric!

Today, we went to the Children's Museum to celebrate Eric's 2nd birthday with him, Aunt Jenny, and Uncle Justin. Andrew and Eric got along great and played well with another. Sometimes, Andrew and his friends just play next to each other, but other times, they actually play together. Today, there were some definite moments of playing together today. It was so sweet.

We had a great time and were so happy that we were able to celebrate Eric's birthday with him! Happy Birthday, little buddy! Thanks so much for the invite!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Baby Rush Armstrong

On January 29, 2010, Rush Van Armstrong made his debut into the world. He weighed in at a hefty 9 lbs 7 oz! Amazing seeing that Aunt Linda is so tiny!! I am in total awe! The woman's body never ceases to amaze me!

But we went over to their house today to meet the little one! He's such a cute baby and total chubs! I was in seventh heaven! You know I am such a sucker for baby chunk!

Andrew was very sweet to Rush giving him gentle pats pats, hugs, and kisses. But he was happy to see big brother Max again too. The boys played well while Mommy got her baby fill in holding Baby Rush.

Rush, we are so excited you are here; and we are going to have so much fun with you!! Congratulations to the Armstrong family! We love you very much!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Gymboree Pals

After Gymboree class today, I noticed that Andrew and Palmer decided to sit down next together and were just chilling on the mat. It was precious; I just had to run to my purse to get my camera. Then, some of the other moms told their kids to sit down too. Next thing we know, we were on a mission to get a good picture of all of them sitting together. But of course, it didn't last long! Kids were going in every direction. My son had had enough and left to go run around some more.

It's near impossible to get that many kids to sit down long enough and well enough to take a good picture. But it was really cute and it gave us moms a smile!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dance Moves

Here's Andrew showing off two dance moves that we've taught him--raising the roof and the cabbage patch.

Happy New Years/Valentines Day

Today was truly a day for celebration. It was not only Valentine's Day, but also New Years.

We spent the afternoon with Papa, Ngoai, and Uncle Anh Tuan, who was down for the weekend. He had a great time with everyone, so did we.

I really wanted to take Andrew to the Buddhist temple and a lion dance this year. But we ended up not going to temple nor any lion dances because the festivities weren't conducive to our schedule and also I was scared Andrew might get sick with the colder weather upon us (not a good idea with his impending birthday and birthday-related festivities coming up!)

Happy Valentine's Day and Chuc Mung Nam Moi, everyone!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Baby Kavin Maheshwari

Aunt Brenda and Uncle Shail welcomed Kavin into their family on January 31st. Aunt Monica and I visited the family tonight while Daddy was sweet enough to watch Andrew so I could go.

Little Kavin is sooo cute!!! We're so glad you're here, Kavin! We look forward to many playdates with you and your parents! And of course, congratulations to Aunt Brenda and Uncle Shail! We are so thrilled and excited for you!

Arts & Crafts

When Andrew was watching some television the other morning, we saw a little clip of a woman making a train out using basic shapes cut out of construction paper. Since Andrew knows his shapes and love trains so much, we thought this might be a good arts and crafts project for us to do.

It was hit!! Andrew totally loved gluing with the glue sticks (Mommy did the cutting this time). I had to help him place the shapes on the paper. I really think he got the gist of what we were doing. Andrew seemed to like it when it all came together and a train was formed. We'll definitely have to do it again another day!


Here's Andrew answering some pretty pertinent questions. I know it's hard to tell the difference between his two answers, but most times, I do hear a slight difference, which doesn't come over well on the camcorder. But no matter, I still give him credit for it! :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Superbowl XLIV

Daddy and Mommy weren't into the Super Bowl hoopla this year as we have in years before. I guess that's what happens when you have kids. Things like football--both the NFL and college--take a backseat. I just feel bad more for Daddy who loves to watch sports and doesn't get to watch as much as he likes. But there are just so many hours in the day. And we definitely woudn't give up our time with our little one.

But still, we wanted to do something fun for the game and invited some friends over. We had a great time with Aunt Monica and the Greenes. We ordered barbeque and wings. We were craving both so just ordered both!

Andrew and Gavin played well with one another--thankfully, not too many "situations." They are really cute together!! Of course, Baby Shane was adorable as always!

As for the game, we watched bits and pieces of it here and there. I wasn't rooting for the Colts or the Saints really. I had reasons for wanting each one to win (and lose). I just wanted a good game and good commercials, which we got. But mainly, we just enjoyed everyone's company and had a pleasant evening with good friends and food!

Nonna's Valentine

Nonna came in for a visit this weekend to see the little recovering patient. We just chilled most of the weekend trying to let Daddy sleep. Andrew loved playing with Nonna...he always does. We did leave the house a few times including a trip to Costco, the park, and a baby shower for one of Daddy's co-workers, and church.

This morning before she left, she gave Andrew her Valentine's card...a cute Bob the Builder one with tear-out tools. Andrew had a ball playing with it!

Thanks for coming in, Nonna, and for being so sweet to Andrew! He absolutely adores you and misses you already!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Big Boy Bed

As I mentioned in a previous post, our little renegade started jumping out of his crib in December. And we have had the crib mattress on the floor ever since, but we knew we had to come up with different sleeping arrangements.

We decided the best option for us and Andrew was to buy him a big boy bed. We decided that we would buy him the Thomas the train bed hoping that he would love it so much that he would easily adjust to it from his crib. We thought about buying him a real wooden bed, but figured that he would have plenty of time to sleep in one of those and it wouldn't be as much fun for him.

Daddy stopped by Toys R Us after work yesterday to buy the bed while Andrew and Mommy were down in League City. We hadn't planned on letting him sleep there last night since the bed wasn't assembled yet. Mommy made the mistake of showing Andrew the bed. He was so giddy that there was no way he would be ok not sleeping in it. So, Daddy and Mommy rushed to put the bed together. The things we do as parents to make our kids happy!!

And since it was his first night to sleep in the bed, both Daddy and Mommy put him to bed. He was so happy with it that I think he was so excited to go to sleep. But Drew went down fairly easily and it was longer than usual, but that's to be expected. He slept pretty good in there. I hope it stays that way!

But we are proud of our little man. I can't believe he's growing up so fast! Here is the big boy with his big boy bed the morning after.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Moms' Night Out

Tonight, after we put Andrew to bed, I snuck out for a little Moms' Night Out. Jean (a/k/a Emily's mom) was celebrating her birthday at Reef. I had told her I would try to meet them out as soon as I could get away. And of course, Andrew took longer than usual to fall asleep (more on that to come later).

Anyhow, I made in time for my favorite part...dessert! And then we just sat and talked like normal women. Yes, our conversations did divert to kids every once in a while (or a little more than that), but it was nice to be with friends, old and new, and just gab. It was also a real treat getting to eat in peace while not to having to worry about watching over Andrew for a meal.

Happy Birthday, Jean! Thanks again for inviting me to celebrate it with you!

Monday, February 1, 2010


Andrew woke up asking for milk and wasn't too mad when we told him he couldn't have any. We told him last night that when he woke up he wouldn't be able to drink or eat anything. We weren't sure how that was going to blow over, but I was proud of him for not putting up too much of a stink.

So, we arrived at Texas Children's Hospital for check in at 8am. Andrew's surgery was scheduled for 10am, but it was still contingent upon how Dr. Raynor's earlier operations were going (they do the operations in order of age starting with the youngest). Andrew quickly settled in and began playing with toys they had in the waiting room. James and I took turns following him around the waiting area. I took him to see the fish aquarium; and lo and behold, a nurse called us in for some preliminary vitals. I didn't know if I should go get James or just go in. I decided to just go in hoping Daddy wouldn't be needed. Bad call by Mommy!! Andrew cried and screamed when they took his temperature and blood pressure. When we went returned back to Daddy, James asked why I didn't get him. Well, if I had known, I would have!? Oh well, it was over.

Then, they called us back in into this other waiting area. We saw another nurse who briefed us on some things and checked out Andrew. Sure enough, he was totally complacent when she checked out his ears and heart (probably because he's so used to that). Then, we dressed him into his hospital "gown", which were these little yellow fleece pajamas.

One of the things the nurse told us about was the procedure by which they would take Andrew back to the operating room. Many younger kids are carried, but some are taken away in a wagon. The way Andrew sometimes gets when leaving me concerned me especially under these circumstances. They didn't want Andrew to be crying or screaming going into the operating room. She asked if we thought it might be better for them to give Andrew some medication to calm him down. Daddy was hesitant because he didn't want for Andrew to have drugs before he went under anesthesia. Mommy felt the same way, but I knew Andrew wouldn't be all right with getting carried away. The nurse reiterated how important it was for Andrew to be calm going in, so we acquiescenced. Andrew drank the medicine like he normally does...without question. We then talked to Dr. Raynor and the anesthelogist and completed all the necessary paperwork.

After the nurse administered the drugs, Andrew played with some toys. After a while, the drugs started to take effect and Andrew seemed to get a little woozey. Our poor little guy. Finally, it was time for the nurse to take him back. I have to admit I almost lost it. The fear and anxiousness were overwhelming. What made it even harder was that Andrew still cried! It was all out bawling, but it was definitely more crying that I had thought. I figured the medicine would have done its job, but I guess my little man is too strong for the drugs!!

Andrew went back around 10am. Dr. Raynor said the procedure could take up around 45 minutes. Daddy and Mommy went back to the waiting room where they had a little break room with coffee and muffins. Daddy tried to study and I started a movie to try to keep my mind off things. But about thirty-five minutes later, Dr. Raynor came out to tell us the surgery was over and it was a success. She said Andrew's passageway was almost completely blocked so we was glad we did the surgery. She gave us some post-op instructions and said that a nurse would come get us and bring us to Andrew. It wasn't fifteen minutes later that we were escorted back to the post-op area.

My heart just about dropped when I saw Andrew all hooked up with tubs and machines. I had mentally prepared myself, but nothing I did would prepare myself for seeing Andrew like this. I am sad to say that I wasn't the brave, strong mom that kept her feelings in control and her tears inside. I lost it. James kept reassuring me that Andrew was okay and this was all for the best. But it was just so hard to see him like that. He was so helpless. My baby was so helpless. And as a mom to feel helpless for your child made it all the worse.

The nurse told us that he should be asleep for at least another fifteen minutes. But true to form, Andrew didn't do what he was supposed to. He woke up shortly after we arrived by his bed. He was groggy and tired. They say most kids cry because they feel all disoriented and don't know what to make of it. He cried for a little bit, but settled down once I held him and rocked him. He went in and out of sleep and cried a little after that.

After they watched over him a little while longer, they moved him to another section of the post-op area. Andrew was able to drink some fluids and was able to have a popsicle if he wanted. He wanted the popsicle, but wasn't too interested in licking it. But he wasn't keen on letting it go either! He was so adamant about holding it. It melted in due time and we asked him if he wanted another one to which he refused. It was weird. I am going to chalk that up to the anesthesia. But finally, we managed to get him a new popsicle which he grasped onto with all his might. He also finally drank a little water too, which pleased the nurse who wanted to make sure he would be dyhrated.

Finally, we got the go ahead to be discharged. The nurse called the valet service downstairs to have them retrieve our car. After about ten minutes, we were on our way. We got downstairs and had to wait eons for our car. Daddy and Mommy were frustrated and annoyed. I even asked two different people to check, but to no avail. After what seemed an eternity, they finally bought it up and we were on our way home.

When we got home, we took Andrew upstairs and let him lie down on our bed and watched Dora the Explorer. He fell back asleep for about an hour or so. When he woke up, he was still a little disoriented, but not too bad.

Of course, being how it was such a traumatic day for Andrew, we had gotten him some new trains for him to play with. He was pretty good and didn't seem too out of it. When we asked him if he wanted to eat, he said yeah. When we asked him what he wanted to eat, he said mac for mac and cheese. I guess he wasn't feeling too bad to want that so that's what I made him. And sure enough, he ate quite well. To be honest, I was scared he ate too much! I didn't know what to expect from his little body. But I guess it was more resilient than I thought. I guess Andrew is just more resilient than I thought.

The rest of the day was pretty calm. We did our normal routine; and Andrew went down to bed relatively easily.

It was a tough day for all of us especially my little guy, but I am happy that he seems to be doing well. His ability to bounce back and his resilience astonish me. This kid never ceases to amaze me. We are blessed with such an unbelieveable little kid. I am so very proud of him. And I am so grateful this day is over and that he is okay.