Saturday, February 6, 2010

Big Boy Bed

As I mentioned in a previous post, our little renegade started jumping out of his crib in December. And we have had the crib mattress on the floor ever since, but we knew we had to come up with different sleeping arrangements.

We decided the best option for us and Andrew was to buy him a big boy bed. We decided that we would buy him the Thomas the train bed hoping that he would love it so much that he would easily adjust to it from his crib. We thought about buying him a real wooden bed, but figured that he would have plenty of time to sleep in one of those and it wouldn't be as much fun for him.

Daddy stopped by Toys R Us after work yesterday to buy the bed while Andrew and Mommy were down in League City. We hadn't planned on letting him sleep there last night since the bed wasn't assembled yet. Mommy made the mistake of showing Andrew the bed. He was so giddy that there was no way he would be ok not sleeping in it. So, Daddy and Mommy rushed to put the bed together. The things we do as parents to make our kids happy!!

And since it was his first night to sleep in the bed, both Daddy and Mommy put him to bed. He was so happy with it that I think he was so excited to go to sleep. But Drew went down fairly easily and it was longer than usual, but that's to be expected. He slept pretty good in there. I hope it stays that way!

But we are proud of our little man. I can't believe he's growing up so fast! Here is the big boy with his big boy bed the morning after.

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