Sunday, May 30, 2010

Selene's 2nd Birthday Party

Later this afternoon, Andrew and I attended Selene's 2nd birthday party held at the Children's Museum. And go figure, he took a late nap making us about thirty minutes late. When we arrived, we headed upstairs to the birthday room where we saw the birthday girl. Mommy wanted to hang around and converse with the adults, but Andrew had other ideas. He so badly wanted to go to Tot Spot so we dashed over there and played for a while. Then, Andrew said he wanted to go back to the room and eat pizza.

Gage was so sweet to Andrew. They sat next to each other at the table while they ate; and Gage totally entertained Drew. First, Gage and Andrew had too much fun with the blowouts. On Andrew's first attempt, he wasn't able to blow it out, but he was able to get it on the second try. Later, he let Andrew watch him play games on Sheil's phone.

Then, it was time for cake. Andrew wanted to join in and sing "Happy Birthday" and of course, was more exciting about eating the cake. But after that, he was ready to go play again. He kept trying to run out of the room. So we said our goodbyes, we went down to Flow Works with Sheil and Gage where the boys had a fun time. Gage was again very good with Andrew and they played very nice together. Before we knew it, the museum was closing and we headed home to Daddy.

Happy Birthday, Selene! Thanks so much for inviting us to your party. Check out the picture of Andrew and the birthday girl giving knuckles. Too sweet!

Ngoai's Garden

What can you say? It's summertime...and Ngoai's garden is in bloom. I love all the beautiful flowers, but what I probably love most are all the unbelievable, magnificent colors of the blossoms.

I took a few pictures of them trying to play around with my camera. And I also got a couple of snapshots of a certain little boy helping to water Ngoai's plants and clean the crawfish for the boil this afternoon.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Car Wash

During Andrew's nap this afternoon, I ran to Michaels on a quick errand. I took Papa's car since his car was parked behind mine in the driveway. This is what I came home to find. First, I was thrilled that my car was being washed--though I feel bad that Papa was the one doing it. But secondly, I was tickled seeing Andrew help him. He idolizes Papa so much and loves doing everything with him.

I just hope that Andrew won't mind washing Mommy's car when he's older too!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Galveston Beach

This morning, Ngoai and Papa wanted to take Andrew to the beach. Amazingly enough, we hadn't taken him before so this was his first time ever. Uncle Hung was able to come with us too along with Daisy and Bennett. Andrew was so happy that the dogs were coming too! He loved having him on the drive down with us.

I wasn't sure how Andrew would do seeing how he's been so tentative in the water this summer. But I wanted to see what he would do. I thought it might be okay because on our drive down, Andrew loved looking at all the boats and the water. He was so excited! When we finally reached the beach, Andrew got out and didn't want to go in the water. Figures!! He instead walked down the beach with Ngoai and Papa and deliberately avoided the waves.

But when we got his beach toys out, Andrew started playing in the sand. We made sand castles and trains of course. He really seemed to like playing in the sand. Later, we got the water blasters out and had a good time playing with them especially shooting Papa (Papa was such a good sport through it all). Andrew finally got a little more comfortable with the water as the morning went on. He got his feet wet, but wouldn't go too far into the water. I think he was scared of the waves and not being able to gauge their strength. But by the time we left, he was pretty comfortable getting his feet in very shallow waters.

One amazing thing we saw from the shore were a few dolphins (and at one point, a bird coming down upon it). I had never seen them so close to shore in all my years of going to Galveston. We tried to point them out to Andrew, but I don't think he could differentiate them from fish. And my pictures don't do it justice. I totally need a better lens! ;)

After eating some lunch and continuing to play, we had been there already two hours. I hadn't planned on being there so long because of the sun, but thankfully, it wasn't too hot this morning. So, we packed up and headed back to League City. I was shocked that Andrew didn't fall asleep on the way home!! But he took a good nap after we got home.

He said he liked the beach and wants to go back again! Hopefully, he will become even braver the next time we go. Thanks to Ngoai, Papa, and Uncle Hung for making it such a great first beach outing for Andrew!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Popsicles with Josh

Josh and Andrew were having a little popsicle snack after another fun-filled play date. We made them stay on the tile to try to keep the mess a minimum. Anh and I just loved how they were sitting together eating away. And I am totally digging how she uses coffee filters as a melt guard!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Andrew isn't big into eating fruits when they are sour. I had bought some strawberries that weren't quite ripe so I cut them up and poured sugar on them to sweeten them up. Andrew noticed the juice and wanted to drink it too. So I spoon fed him some--he totally loved it and wanted more!! I was sure to make him eat the strawberries first before drinking all the juice. And tonight, he wanted to drink it straight from his bowl!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Thit Nuong

Sunday night, Papa and Ngoai made thit nuong for dinner; and Andrew totally tore into it. He ate so well that night! I definitely didn't have to worry about his protein intake for the day!!

Anyhow, we brought leftovers home for Daddy; and we warmed it up for dinner tonight. Andrew said he wanted some "meat". But this time, he wanted to eat it right off the stick like he has seen us do! He was hilarious. And I love the shimmy he does when he is happy eating.

I am happy that Andrew is a little Vietnamese!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Happy 27th Month Birthday!

So, Andrew is now two years and three months old!! This is what our little 2 1/4 year old has been up to this past month.

Ever since our trip to Vegas, Andrew has been obsessed with Aunt Anh Thu, airplanes, and airports. He also loves the airports trains and buses. Drew is forever looking out and listening for airplanes in the sky. Sometimes, he can point them out faster than we can. And he is still very big into fire trucks. He plays with all his fire trucks that we have at our house all the time. Andrew also loves building with Mega Bloks and Legos. He is getting so good at making trains, fire trucks, and airplanes.But just when we think his preferences will turn to airplanes or fire trucks, he ends up going right back to trains.

Andrew really enjoys coloring and drawing still. He is getting much better at coloring the picture versus just little bits of it and moving on. Sometimes, he colors almost the entire page--usually with a green crayon. As for drawing, he has gotten really good about drawing trains and also has trying to draw airplanes too.

One of his favorite pasttimes as of recent is to peruse the Lakeshore Learning toys catalog. Andrea had told me how much Gavin loves to look at it and suggested I get one for Andrew, so I did. I had no idea how much he would like it. Andrew can look through the entire catalog looking for whatever he fancies--typically trains though. But he also looks for non-vehicular items such as bugs and animals. There were a few days straight that he and I would look through it for at least thirty minutes per day.

As for eating, Andrew has also truly discovered his affinity for potato chips. I didn't think too much about letting him eat them as he's had them before, but now he loves them!! And not just any kind, but he likes the spicy barbeque flavored ones. One of Andrew's new favorite foods is sliced the Kraft American Cheese singles. This fool can eat like two or three in a sitting!He is also back into liking Jell-o since Ngoai makes it for him at her house including green lime-flavored Jell-o. But it's not too bad considering she will put fruit in there too. And we are realizing that our son takes after me in his love for ice cream. There are so many times Andrew will just say "ice cream" and run over to the freezer. We normally don't mind since it does have some milk and we would like him to gain some weight. But normally, we make him eat it as dessert or as a snack. Andrew has also been drinking lots of strawberry milk. Don't get me wrong, the chocoholic still loves his chocolate milk! But there are a few times as of late, he will pick strawberry over chocolate milk. But he always comes back to chocolate!!

In keeping with tradition of his fondness for green, Andrew will sometimes be very adamant about having to eat with green plates, spoons, and/or forks. Thankfully, we buy a lot of the Zoo Pals tableware, so we can oblige him. But it helps too in that Andrew is more prone to eat something if it's green like broccoli, guacamole, and peas. Thank goodness so many veggies are green! He is so big into green juice (AKA lime gatorade). It's more yellow in color, but it is the closest thing to green juice they have so we just go with it. We'll just say it's lime green instead.

In terms of dressing himself, Andrew has gotten much better at pulling down his pants and pulling them up. He even says "Drew do" and won't let us help! He still has a lot of trouble with taking off his shirt though. He can lift his shirt up, but he has problems when it comes to his arms. He has also learned to take his diaper off via pulling the straps. I do get scared he will undress himself one of these days when he has pooped in his diaper. But thankfully, he only undresses himself when we are getting dressed in the morning or at bath time.

Andrew hasn't gotten done anything in the potty since that one time. He will still sit on it, but gives up after a couple of minutes. But there are times, when he tells us when he's pooped. Then, when he is feeling gracious, he will go get his diaper and wipes and lay down nicely to be changed. At times, he will even tell us where he wants to lay down for us to change him.

At bed time, we still do our normal routine of night night books and prayers. Andrew loves to have one of his many blankets over his body, including his head. He will tell us all the time "under" meaning for his head to be under his blanket. But seriously, this kid has at least four blankets in his bed with him. And what's crazy is that he falls asleep with the blanket over his head and will sweat profusely. Usually, Daddy and I will go back into his room to uncover his head and grab his milk. I am happy to say that Andrew is taking less time to fall asleep (on the average). There are nights when it takes us less than twenty minutes, but other nights when it takes us over an hour before he falls asleep. And of course, Andrew will still walk out of his room to find us in the hallway in an attempt to stall going to bed.

Andrew also still likes his routine. He's not ridiculously crazy about routine, but he knows how things should or tend to be in his life. For example, Andrew doesn't like it when Daddy tries to drive Mommy's car. He is so used to me chaffeurring him around that he thinks that I am the only one that should drive my car. He always says "Mama drive." I joke it's because he knows that Mommy is a better driver than Daddy!

I have to admit that Daddy and I aren't too hard core about getting on Andrew to constantly clean up. We know that he will come back to playing with them soon enough. But there are times, we ask him to pick up his toys before he gets more toys out. And usually, he willingly does so without us having to ask a billion times--maybe twice or three times. And I love the way he always says "clean up" when he's putting away his toys. I think this has a great deal to do with Gymboree since we always have to clean up our toys at the end of class.

Lately, Andrew has been very big into brushing his teeth. At the beginning, he loved it. Then, the novelty wore off and it was like pulling teeth. But now, for some reason, he's back into liking it. Maybe it's because we sing our ABCs or we all do it together some mornings. But he's getting even better at imitating us. He will put his toothbrush under the faucet to get some water on it like Mommy does and he will also scoop water in his hand and put it on his face.

Sometimes, after brushing his teeth, Drew will proceed to brush his hair too. It's not the best job; sometimes, I think it looks worse actually. But I am just happy he's trying to do things on his own. I also love that sometimes when he finishes brushing his hair, he says "nice." I guess he's not the most modest of kids! Which reminds me...he also will sometimes say "nice" after he gets dressed. It's too funny. My little man has also paid me compliments by saying "nice" after I get dressed!! Too sweet!

Lately, Andrew has been very sweet when saying goodbye to Daddy in the mornings. Daddy gets his normal hug and kiss of course. But then Andrew wants to go outside onto the balcony to give him another send off, which includes waves, blowing kisses, shout outs, and saying "bye" and "love you." And normally, he doesn't want to go back inside until he can't see Daddy anymore. It's so adorable. I love how much Drew loves his daddy!!

Ah, yes--this brings me to something else that happened this month. Andrew now says "love you" and not "ya ya." It all happened one night when Aunt Monica was here visiting. We had taken Andrew upstairs for night night books; and of course, he asked for Monica to come too. She sweetly obliged him. Once we were done with our night night routine, she was going to head downstairs so he could go to sleep. We told Andrew to tell her "love you" and sure enough, the very first time he pronounced it correctly was to her. We all looked at each other in surprise not sure if we had heard it right. But we all had. I have to say I was a little sad that it wasn't to me, but I am happy he said it. And Aunt Monica has definitely paid her dues!! She should get something out of it, right!? Ha ha!! But luckily for me, he has said it millions of times to me so I am very happy with that!

Andrew's speech is still vastly improving. Hooray! He says so much and repeats a lot of what we say. He says things like, "red fire truck", "thank you", "Please, Mama, that one", "more Mama please", "Daddy sit down". Sometimes, he isn't so polite. We have heard a lot of "move" lately too as he pushes us out of the way too. Little punk! We are still going to speech therapy and credit a lot of his progress to that. I think Andrew's confidence continues to grow and with that, he will try to say more things. There are still lots of grunting, but we will ask him to "use his words" and that has been helping to decrease it.

Besides "love you", there have been other changes in Andrew's speech. Dada is "Daddy" now. I still like Mama and am not quite ready to let him move onto "Mommy" yet. But I know it's inevitable now. Normally, he says his name as "Drew", but we have also taught him that his full first name is "Andrew." We will ask him what Daddy's name is to which he replies "Babe." I guess I call James that too often! When we were in Vegas, Andrew started to call me NiNi since the kids still call me that. So we just told him that NiNi is my first name. We will tell him Sydney later on.

One thing that Andrew now that he didn't learn from therapy is "ummm". He totally says it at appropriate times like when we ask him a question and he's thinking of an answer. We didn't think that we say it that much, but now that we are cognizant of it, we totally notice how much. It's totally our fault. Hopefully, we can stop saying it and get him to as well.

Finally, after much prodding, Andrew finally jumps off with two feet instead of walking off things like the couch or an apparatus at Gymboree. I got him to do it by telling him to bend his knees before jumping. He would also jump with both feet when jumping up and down, but I don't know why he wouldn't jump off with both feet. And the fool still climbs like a maniac!! He will try to climb onto whatever he can get his little grubby feet onto!

And now, Drew is big into kissing his boo boos. He always wants me to kiss them and says "yes" when I ask if it is all better. But he will also kiss my boo boos for me when I say he hurt me intentionally or accidentally like when he bonks my head, pulls my hair, or hits me.

My dear son now likes to have back and ears rubbed just like his daddy--not so much the ears though. He will lift up his shirt to give us better access. One afternoon, he even made Ngoai rub his back when she was putting him down for naps!!

We are really seeing a stubborn side of Andrew. He can be so hard-headed. I usually quip that he takes after Daddy or Papa!! ;) I can't believe how stubborn a two-year old can be! Drew can be so willful. He really knows what he wants and that he wants it five minutes ago...especially when it comes to toys and shows...anything that he wants to do! What is he going to be like when he is a willful teenager!?

Here's a couple of snapshots of Andrew doing Arts & Crafts time with Ngoai, Aunt Monica, and Mommy.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Shiners & Smores

Tonight, we headed for the suburbs, Humble to be exact, to Gavin's and Shane's new house. Andrea and Brian invited us to Shiners & Smores, their housewarming party, but they served up some hot dogs, hamburgers, and other goodies. Everything was fantastic! It wasn't too too hot outside so the kids all played outside in the backyard on their swingset. Andrew also enjoyed playing in the playroom where there were ample things for him to mess with. Drew had a few choice moments where he didn't want to share, but relented after we talked to him.

Daddy and Mommy did partake in a few Shiners; and all three of us had a smore...or two...or three. It was Andrew's first time eating smores; it's safe to say, he liked them. But I think he liked the chocolate part the best and probably could have gone without the graham cracker and marshmallow.

Before we knew it, it was late and time to take Andrew home so he could get to bed at a decent hour. We had such a nice and relaxing time with great friends. Thanks to the Greenes for inviting us! Congratulations on your new home!

Natural Science Museum

Mommy and Andrew ventured off to the Natural Science Museum so Daddy could get some studying time in. We started off by checking out the dinosaurs, but Andrew was quick to say "all done." Then, I took him upstairs to see the fake animals since he used to love the ducks. He still did, but not as much as before. But he spent a good amount of time looking for all the ducks in the exhibits. He did also like looking at the monkeys and lions.

But finally, we made our way to the Butterfly Center. Andrew loved looking around and was entralled with the butterflies. We also checked out the iguana, frog and bees that were there too. Andrew got a little scared when a butterfly came really close to him (check out the expression on his face in the first picture--totally spastic.) Afterwards, we played in the play area where they have puzzles and other fun activities for the kiddos. Andrew spent most of his time in the big shape sorter.

By that time, Drew had had enough and was ready to go home. I tried to extend it as long as I could, but Andrew was done. We gave Daddy only about an hour and a half of alone time. Good, but not great. But definitely better than nothing.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Andrew's 2 Year Old Photo Shoot

Thy, who took the pictures at Andrew's 2nd birthday party, was going to take his two year photos as well. Ever since the party, we had been trying to schedule them forever, but something always got in the way, like rain, work, speech therapy, and whatever else. We finally took them a couple of weeks ago; and I think they turned out absolutely fabulous!!

We first met up with Thy at her place so we could start taking pictures nearby. Her plan was to take some pictures in front of some jasmine that were by her house. The sun was a little bright still (hard to gauge the timing of the sunset). From there, we let Andrew walk down the train tracks because he saw the train crossing. It's like he has superhero sight and hearing when it comes to trains. He doesn't miss a thing!

Afterwards, we headed to Downtown and took some pictures in the Theatre District. Andrew wandered around at his leisure and looked everywhere for anything especially all the buses passing by. Of course. he also enjoyed the water fountains.

Then, we drove over to the Warehouse District for some final shots. Andrew was getting tired of taking pictures and just wanted to walk around. He wasn't as cooperative. Andrew watched all the trucks and airplanes that came by, which entertained him for a while.

Andrew did a great job considering. We took pictures for a long time...over two hours. He was a little clingy...thus, so many family shots. I had wanted more individual shots, but I think because of the road and streets that we were close to, we wanted to keep him close to us. Thy did a fantastic job; Andrew quickly remembered her and became at ease with her. I am so happy with the pictures. So many of them came out really really awesome; and I am sharing some of my faves below. The rest are on our shutterfly page. Thy, thanks so much for all your time, patient, creativity and hard work!!

The Mad Potter

Today, we went to the Mad Potter to make some very late Mother's Day gifts for Nonna and Ngoai. I had asked Andrew if he wanted to paint and he quickly said yes. We decided to make trivets for the grandmothers with Andrew's hand prints. The employee asked if Andrew was going to paint on the trivet first and then put his hand prints over the paint. I hadn't really thought about it that much, but it seemed like a good idea seeing how Andrew was excited about painting. Of course, we let him paint in green, his favorite color at present. He was really good painting with the brushes. He seemed to like it quite a bit. I guess we will have to paint at home!

For his hand prints, Andrew behaved very well and cooperated like an old pro. He let the employee do her thing and the hand prints turned out very well. I can't wait to pick them up and give them to Nonna and Ngoai. Andrew did such a great job and liked is so much that we will have to definitely go back!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Eons ago when I worked for alliantgroup, LP, a bunch of us used to sit together during lunch. We didn't have a whole bunch of room to eat so one day we just sat by some of our cubicles. There weren't enough desks and chairs so some of us ate on the floor. It was like a carpet picnic!! But anyhow, we later deemed ourselves the Eat on the Floor Lunch Group, or EOTFLG. We have been through thick and thin; and we have remained friends over the years.

Anyhow, tonight, we were able to get together after a long hiatus. Jerry and Mitzi just returned from their work for International Justice Mission (IJM) in India. So, it was definitely time to get together and celebrate their homecoming. So, we all congregated at our house since that way we could just sit and talk without hassle. Originally, I was going to order pizza for everyone, but Jerry and Mitzi had tons of stuff to make tacos, so they were kind enough to bring it over.

As for Andrew, he was shy at first, but quickly warmed to everyone. He was really good the entire night. Even more, he didn't put up too much a fight when he had to go to bed with Daddy while our guests were still here. It took him a while longer to fall asleep, but not too bad considering. Thanks, Daddy!!

We talked and laughed and laughed and talked. Before we knew it, it was late and time for everyone to head out. We always have a great time together. It was so good to see everyone and get caught up. We don't get to see each other as much as we like, but when we do, it's just like old times. I miss all you guys!! Hopefully, it won't be too long before we all get together again!