Monday, May 17, 2010

Happy 34th Birthday, Daddy!

Happy 34th Birthday, Daddy!

Tonight, we made Daddy a special dinner of rice paper with scallops, shrimp, and beef. Unfortunately, our dinner didn't quite go according to plan. First, Daddy was running ridiculously late after his doctor's appointment. Second, we didn't want Ngoai to stay too late because she had to drive home still. And third, Andrew was getting hungry and we don't want to keep him waiting!! So we went ahead and ate first. After he finally made it home, Daddy ate alone, but one good thing is that he at least ate in peace! :) But we still got to celebrate with cake that Andrew helped to pick out (his winning criteria were sprinkles and green frosting)! And cake makes everything better!

Daddy, we love you so much and are so incredibly lucky to have you in our lives. Here's to 34 years and many, many more!!

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