Saturday, February 26, 2011

Andrew's 3rd Birthday Party

We had Andrew's 3rd birthday party this morning at Colonial Park. We had such a blast including the birthday boy. He had talked about having a train party or a fire truck party. I mean, we did have a train party last year. Actually, truth be known, there were a few instances that he asked for a garbage truck party, but I had to explain to him that it wouldn't be the best ideas for a few reasons: (1) I didn't think I could rent a garbage truck; (2) I couldn't imagine the parents liking their kids riding in a garbage truck much less on the back of it like Andrew wanted; and (3) the smell wouldn't be very conducive to a birthday party! But we finally decided on a fire truck party.

So, after the soccer game, I went to the park to start setting up while Daddy took Nonna and Andrew to pick up the cake and cupcakes. Papa, Ngoai, and Uncle Footon came up bearing a crazy amount of food (eggrolls, egg noodles, chicken, and fried shrimp from Aunt Anh)!

Finally, it was 1030am and people started arriving. It was nice having the playground so the kids could play until the main event came. At 11am, our rented fire truck showed up. Andrew knew we were renting one, but the look on his face was priceless. He was totally stoked. All the kids seemed to me. Not everyone knew that we were having one at the party so I think some of them weren't quite sure what to make of it. It was cute seeing so many of the kids run up to the fire truck when it parked (which was an obstacle in itself!).

The company we rented the truck from were really great and sent Sparky the Fire Dog along with the truck at no extra charge. The kids loaded up and went for a few rides. Andrew was so excited. I think he went on every ride the truck made.

Later, after all the riding, it was time for birthday cake. Andrew waited patiently while we sang to him and tried to blow out the candles. It was so windy that it ended up taking a few tries. It was hilarious!!

Afterwards, the kids played some more on the playgrounds. Our birthday boy was having so much fun with all his family and friends. He was so giddy and excited. To no surprise, Andrew didn't want to go home.

We were so happy with how everything turned out. And I am most happy that Andrew had a great time. The only misstep of the party was that I didn't take any pictures (I let that up to our friend/photographer Andrew who was kind enough to join us) or any video of the fire truck or birthday cake. I totally forgot in all the hustle and bustle of the party. Boo for me!! My friend,

Here is the invitation that my cousin Thuy created (along with Andrew's fire truck t-shirt, which was covered by his sweatshirt since it was rather windy today and the cupcake toppers). A special thanks to her for all her creativity and hard work. Thanks to Ngoai and Papa for all the food. Thanks to Andrew for taking photos of the party. Thanks to everyone who helped with all the setting up and cleaning up. And thanks to all our family and friends who joined us for an awesome morning.

I am also including some pictures from this afternoon of Andrew opening some presents. Poor kid actually got tired from opening all those presents!!

YMCA Spring Soccer Week 1: Toronto v. Dallas

This morning was Andrew's first soccer game at the YMCA. We had signed up Andrew after the registration deadline and wasn't able to get onto Will's team (his buddy from school). We instead were assigned Team Toronto. We didn't know anyone the team, but just wanted to see if Andrew would like playing soccer. And luckily, we just made the registration deadline, but also the age deadline. The age restriction was that the kids had to turn three by the first game. So luckily, Andrew just made it by two days!!

Since the kids are younger, the YMCA has it where the coaches hold practice for thirty minutes and then the game is played for the next thirty minutes. Teams consist of no more than eleven kids. Coaches are volunteer parents (Daddy wanted to coach, but it would be hard with his CFA test studying). The game is broken into four quarters with a halftime in the middle. Five kids play on the field with a goalie in the goal.

So, our practice started at 830am. Nonna, Peter and Kathryn wanted to come watch and luckily there was a bench they could sit on since the ground was a little wet. Andrew was definitely a little hesitate and unsure of himself at the start of practice. Daddy and I were on the field with him trying to get him to feel comfortable with participating. He did get involved in some of the drills and quickly got the feel of some of them. He wanted to play around with Daddy and me versus his teammates.

Then, it was time for the game. Andrew ran around the field not necessarily after the ball. There are even a few times when the ball came right close to him, but he didn't go after it. And there was even one time when the ball right through his legs, but that didn't phase Andrew.

During halftime, Daddy had a little chat to Andrew about what he was supposed to do and during the second half, he definitely improved. He started to follow the ball and chase after it. Drew even managed a few touches!!

He was distracted by everything going on especially seeing how he wanted to go play with Peter and Kathryn. And later, when David and Dina showed up with Mya, he totally wanted to go play with her than in his soccer game. But we tried our best to redirect him back to the game.

All in all, we were pleased with Andrew's first experience at organized soccer. He seemed to enjoy it and hopefully, he will come to like it more. And hopefully, his skills and knowledge of the game will come along in due time.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday!!

Oh, our little Andrew is the big 0-3!! I can't believe where the time has gone. The time passes by way too quickly and our little boy continues to grow and develop ever faster! Here's what Andrew's been up to this last month:

Andrew's speech is improving every month. He talks in sentences and his intelligibility continues to improve. We couldn't be happier, but still want to continue with speech therapy to further improve his speech. Andrew says things like "hold you", but means for us to hold me. He will tell me things like "I'm comfortable" when he is on the couch under a blanket. In the morning, he will pop up and state very matter of factly "Wake up time, I go downstairs." When we ask him why he wants to go downstairs, he will reply "I play trains." He also tells us "I like green. It's my favorite." Also, he inquires to us all the time "Where are you?", "What you doing?", "Where we going next? or "Where you going?" One of my favorites is when he asks me "Mommy, where is my daddy?" where he used to ask me "Where is Daddy?"

And Andrew's talking this past month can be summed up in one word--"why?" He asks "why" all the time to everything we say...why we going this place or that place, why do we have school on a certain day, why don't we have school on other days, why does Daddy go to work, etc. And then he will ask it on his own initiative, such as "why it warmer?", "why it colder?" He is forever asking why things are happening. And unfortunately, I have to admit he sometimes stumps me!!

His logic is definitely coming along and he likes to use it to his advantage. He will still say things like "Mommy take bath, Mommy dirty" to try to get me to take a shower with him. He'll also tell me "I'm sick. I lie on couch." Sometimes, he is and sometimes, I think he's trying to get out of school or just when he wants to be lazy on the couch and watch TV.

We are still allowing Andrew about thirty minutes of computer time to play games usually on and His favorite games to play are Calliou, Curious George, Team Umizoomi, Max & Ruby, and Thomas & Friends. He is really getting the hang of the touchpad and Daddy has started trying to teach him the password to the laptop. When his time is over, he used to get a sticker if he didn't fuss, but now, he's pretty good about closing the computer and going upstairs for night night books without stickers.

He has been in a good phase lately about putting himself to bed. We usually read him five books and lay with him for five minutes before leaving his room, but is all about asking for more whether it be for more night night books or for more minutes. He has even tried to negotiate with us asking for no books in exchange for us letting him sleep in our room. His favorite books lately have been stories from Curious George and Max & Ruby.

Team Umizoomi is probably his favorite TV show; and I have to say that I am glad he likes it since it promotes learning math. I love how he will answer some of the questions out loud. His favorite songs are still The Eyes of Texas and Down by the Station. He will totally belt out the words too. I love it the most when he sings to himself. He is doing lots better with his alphabet and can even count to the teens depending on if he cares to or not.

Andrew still loves to play outside especially riding his tricycle. He has gotten so much better at pedalling. And he still enjoys riding the side of the shopping car pretending to be a garbageman. Drew loves playing with Duplo and Legos and is really getting better at building with them. He still loves his Thomas trains. And when we play together, he will build me short trains (composing of a few train cars) because I am forever telling him I like short trains. And sometimes when we play on the floor, he will get pillows and blankets for him and me so we can be more comfortable.

Andrew's coloring and drawing have also improved. He is able to draw with more control and also is working on trying to color inside the lines, but right now, it's more like he colors a big concentration area all over the object. He still loves playing with Play Doh and loves to use the molds to make shapes.

Drew still enjoys school, but will sometimes show some hesitation. He asks if it is going to be "short day?" meaning Monday where I pick him up at 12 noon versus 230pm. And he will ask me "no night night at school?" as well. But everyday, he tells me has fun and likes school. He absolutely enjoys the sandbox at school; I think he plays in it every single day...or so, that is what he tells me. He also says he plays on the slides with his friends too. He is really attached to his classmates always asking about them. And when we go to school or are leaving school, if there is a classmate around, he says he wants to follow them and even tries to hold their hands at times. He can even recognize the parents and nannies of the kids and even some of their cars.

As for eating, the litte guy loves scrambled eggs cooked with butter as long as it's not overcooked. He usually eats in sandwich with toast along with cheese and/or ham. Other favorites are still Asian noodles, grilled cheese sandwiches, pizza, chicken nuggets, and chedder broccoli noodles (in a bag). His drinks of choice include milk, apple juice and freshly squeezed orange juice. Our little chef enjoys cooking including pancakes, waffles, and muffins. He will help wherever he can in the kitchen.

Unfortunately, we still don't have too much progress with potty training. Sometimes, I wonder if he ever going to come around. But one thing that he has made some improvement is that sometimes when he takes off his diaper and before we put new one on, he tells us he has to go pee and does. Also, when he goes to toilet to go pee, he will stand about 50% of the time. Another funny thing is that after Andrew brushes his teeth his morning, he will then wash his face and put water on his hair to mat it down.

In terms of other health matters, I am so proud of Andrew and his willingness to take his medicine like his pills and inhalers. He had an ear infection where his ear bled and we had to put drops in. He was really good about letting us put the drops in and then pump the ears to make sure the drops get into the canal.

Drew still grows more independent wanting to do things on his own. I hear "I do it myself" all the time!! He tries to dress and undress himself--especially taking off his diaper before bathtime. He loves getting drinks from the fridge and will get snacks out of the pantry at will. We definitely see moments that try our patience with the whining and fussing, but for the most part, he is a sweet kid. He can be disobedient, but I can't complain but it's not all the time. We may have to tell him a few times, but he will normally listen eventually. I am thinking he goes to time out maybe once a week on the average. Typically, if he isn't listening, I will ask him if he wants to get in trouble--this normally does the trick and he will obey.

He can also be very social with most people though sometimes, he will pretend he's shy at times. And Drew still loves spending time with family especially Ngoai and Papa. When he wants you to play with him, he will grab your hand and tell you "come on". He also tells me to "hurry" sometimes if I don't move fast enough! He is always asking to go to their house.

Thankfully (for me), Andrew is still very affectionate. He will give me hugs and kisses just because and not just because I asked for them. He will also say "love you" spontaneously as well. This totally melts my heart. Makes all the difficult times worth it!!

Happy 3rd Birthday, Andrew!! You have given us three amazing years and we are looking forward to many, many more! We love you so very much!!

Here's another picture of Andrew at Yogurtland from my camera phone and a video of Andrew playing with Play Doh.

Andrew's Birthday Dinner

Since it was his big day, I told Andrew he could do almost anything he wanted this morning. I gave him choices like the zoo, Children's Museum, Galleria, and Wonderwild. He said he wanted to stay home and play with his toys, do some puzzles, and watch TV. Ok, birthday boy, whatever you want!!

For lunch, we picked Daddy up and again gave Andrew the honors of picking the place. He chose the chicken and teriyaki place--Wings N More. He's so funny! He ate well and even enjoyed vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup for dessert! Then, we went back home to take naps.

After Daddy came home, we asked Andrew what he wanted for dinner. We gave him his favorites as options like Italian (noodles), Souper Salad, pizza, but he chose dim sum. So, we headed over to Yum Yum where he was true to form. He ate so well like he usually does there.

Then, for dessert, I told him we could get cupcakes, ice cream, or Yogurtland. And to no surprise, he chose Yogurtland! His favorite, right!?

He seemed to have a great birthday dinner. Happy Birthday again, Andrew! We love you so much! Daddy and I hope we made your third birthday a memorable one!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bellaire Park

I had to run to Best Buy after school today for a new printer, so I took Andrew to the Bellaire Park after school since it was so closeby. He loves the park and asks to come back pretty often.

The weather was so nice; and he had a great time playing. I was trying to get a picture to send to Daddy of the birthday boy playing in the park and ended up with this hilarious shot of his "cheese"y grin!

Andrew's Birthday Celebration at SLDS

This morning, we celebrated Andrew's birthday at St. Luke's. Andrew and I had talked about what was going to happen today; and to say he was excited would be an understatement. I think it helped that Andrew had seen kids all year having their own birthday celebrations at school.

First, I dropped Andrew at his class and waited for him and his class at Chapel like I have many other Wednesdays before. Andrew started off Chapel sitting in the front with his class. But later, he told his teacher that he wanted to sit with me so they let him walk back to the room. We sang the songs and read the passage for the month. And finally, it was time for birthdays!! A few names were called before Andrew's was. He marched right down the aisle and stood where he was told. He was sooo cute. I couldn't believe my little boy was standing up there like a pro. After the passing out of birthday stickers and doing the birthday blessing, we sang "Happy Birthday". Then, Andrew came back to the bench with me.

After Chapel, we walked back to his room with his class. I normally would leave him with his class, but today, I headed back to his class for birthday snacks. The kids sat at the table after washing hands. After Andrew received his birthday hat, we sang to him again. And then, instead of their usual snacks, it was time for birthday cookies. I had taken Andrew to Krogers yesterday where he picked out green sugar cookies with sprinkles. No surprise there!! Andrew and his friends ate their cookies and had some water. The kids were so cute eating their cookies and drinking water.

After a little while, it was time for me to go home and leave the birthday boy with his teachers and friends. It was such a great morning for our birthday boy!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Check out Andrew's much improved pedalling skills!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Eric's 3rd Birthday Party

This morning, we had Eric's third birthday party down in League City. Andrew and I had spent the night in League City again so Daddy drove down this morning to go to the party with us and to drop off Daddy's truck with Uncle Hung for a tuneup.

The party was held at Challenger Park and was really nice. Aunt Jenny had reserved one of the available areas, which had both a pavilion with tables and a covered playground. Andrew had so much fun going around the playscape; and we had a great time getting to visit with Aunt Jenny and her family. And the grand finale was birthday cupcakes, which Andrew thoroughly enjoyed.

Afterwards, we headed back to Ngoai's house for a much needed nap for all of us! It was a fun party; and we are so happy to have been able to celebrate with Eric. It was really good getting to catch up with Jenny and her family as we have not been able to see them in a long while. Happy Birthday, Eric!!! We are so glad we could come to your 3rd birthday party!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Chase's 3rd Birthday Party

This morning, Andrew and I went to Chase's birthday party at Wonderwild while Daddy stayed home to study a little. Chase is one of Andrew's little buddies from school and was kind enough to invite us. Andrew was all over the place having a good time having come here before for other friends' parties. There were a few other kids from his class; and it was so sweet because they all just migrated towards each other and played together. It also gave me a chance to talk to some of the parents a little more. We all commented how we love how well the kids get along.

And to show it, Andrew took this time to be really sweet and helpful to some of his friends. First, one of his school buddies, Topher, was hesitant to go up the ramp to the playscape. I told Andrew to help; and sure enough, Andrew grabs Topher's hand and tries to pull him up the ramp. At first, Topher wasn't very willing, but end up going up with Andrew.

Next, his other little classmate, Paige, was later having getting up steps to the big inflatable slide with her tights. I asked Andrew to help her up. And what does he do? The sweet boy that he is, he goes to help her the only way he knows how--which is how Mommy helps him up the inflatable slides--by pushing her on the butt. So, he nonchalantly puts his hand on her behind and starts to push her up the steps. It's funny how he didn't think it wasn't the least bit inappropriate. I was mortified, yet couldn't contain the laughter. And fortunately, Paige's mom, Marcia, thought it was sweet and funny too. So, we laughed as we watched them continue up the steps. And then I wasn't sure how Paige would feel about it, but she didn't seem to mind. When they both came down the slide, she asked if Andrew could help her up again. This time, I told Andrew to hold her hand up; and he thankfully tried to do that instead.

Next, it was time for lunch and cake. Andrew sat next to some of his classmates and killed two slices of pizza. And then, it was time for cake, which of course, Andrew loved. He stayed long after many of the kids finished to eat all his cake. Soon after, it was time to go home for naps. We had a great time and were so happy to be able to celebrate with Chase.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Longhorn Love Stories

The Texas Exes Facebook page put out a request for alumni to share their Longhorn Love Story--about how we met our special someone at UT. Two of my blogger friends were going to do it so I thought it might be cute to do a write up of our story. It seems like eons ago and then parts of it seem like just yesterday. It's been a crazy wild ride, but I am so lucky to have found James out of the 50,000 students (or rather, 25,000 or so of just the male population) and out of the billions of people in the world.

We didn't make the cut for the actual magazine, but the editor emailed me after to say that they were going to put all of the "rejects" online. The Texas Exes site emailed me this morning that our story was live on the website. Here's the link to our story that was posted on February 10, 2011 and is on page 4 of the article (if it's sorted by newest stories first). But I am going to include our story just in case:

James and I met our freshman year at The University of Texas. It was the night of a party thrown by a girl who lived on the same floor at Dobie as his high school friends and my high school friend. I remember meeting him in passing outside in the hallway but didn’t see him again until later that night. For some reason, a group of us went outside to Littlefield Fountain and spent the rest of the night talking about whatever people wanted. Years later, James told me that he thought I talked too much, while I thought he was too quiet. Since our high school friends spent quite a bit of time together, James and I ended up hanging out too and got to know one another more over time.

Our sophomore and junior year, we began to spend quite a bit of time together. Through our common love of Longhorn sports, we went to and watched many games together. Then, there were dinners, parties, clubbing, and all the other things college kids do. We both had some uncertainty about our future careers and found comfort in talking with one another. We even talked about relationship problems we were having with other people. We were able to talk about everything and anything. James and I became very close—best friends even.

Towards the end of our junior year, we were having lunch at Castle Hills Café when James told me he had to tell me something. He told me that he was starting to have feelings for me and wanted to let me know, but that he didn’t expect anything from me. I had been in the predicament before where one of my good friends became attracted to me, but had always been too scared to risk the friendship. But for some reason, this time was very different. I kept thinking that maybe we should try dating, but of course, we were both worried that it would ruin our friendship. But at the end, we knew we had to try because it might lead to something more.

And sure enough, it did. James and I have been together ever since 1997 and have not forgotten our Longhorn roots. We took our engagement pictures at Littlefield Fountain and the Tower. When we were married in 2004, we had a Longhorn groom’s cake and ended our reception with "Texas Fight" and "The Eyes of Texas." In 2008, we had our first son, Andrew, who is already bleeding burnt orange. He throws up his Horns all the time and sings "The Eyes of Texas." This past fall, we took him for his first tour of campus, including Littlefield Fountain. One day, he will know the significance of that fateful fountain—how it was where it all began for his parents. I sent a few more pictures to showcase our story, but it caused my email to be too large, so they didn't get to include all of them. But here are they all are.

Dobie Casino Night 1995

Mardi Gras 1997

Sydney's Graduation 1998

James's Graduation 2000

Engagement Photos 2004

Wedding Photos 2004

UT v. North Texas 2006

March Madness 2008

Six Month Photos 2008

Eighteenth Month Photos 2009

Christmas 2009

National Championship Game 2010

Campus Tour 2010