Saturday, February 26, 2011

YMCA Spring Soccer Week 1: Toronto v. Dallas

This morning was Andrew's first soccer game at the YMCA. We had signed up Andrew after the registration deadline and wasn't able to get onto Will's team (his buddy from school). We instead were assigned Team Toronto. We didn't know anyone the team, but just wanted to see if Andrew would like playing soccer. And luckily, we just made the registration deadline, but also the age deadline. The age restriction was that the kids had to turn three by the first game. So luckily, Andrew just made it by two days!!

Since the kids are younger, the YMCA has it where the coaches hold practice for thirty minutes and then the game is played for the next thirty minutes. Teams consist of no more than eleven kids. Coaches are volunteer parents (Daddy wanted to coach, but it would be hard with his CFA test studying). The game is broken into four quarters with a halftime in the middle. Five kids play on the field with a goalie in the goal.

So, our practice started at 830am. Nonna, Peter and Kathryn wanted to come watch and luckily there was a bench they could sit on since the ground was a little wet. Andrew was definitely a little hesitate and unsure of himself at the start of practice. Daddy and I were on the field with him trying to get him to feel comfortable with participating. He did get involved in some of the drills and quickly got the feel of some of them. He wanted to play around with Daddy and me versus his teammates.

Then, it was time for the game. Andrew ran around the field not necessarily after the ball. There are even a few times when the ball came right close to him, but he didn't go after it. And there was even one time when the ball right through his legs, but that didn't phase Andrew.

During halftime, Daddy had a little chat to Andrew about what he was supposed to do and during the second half, he definitely improved. He started to follow the ball and chase after it. Drew even managed a few touches!!

He was distracted by everything going on especially seeing how he wanted to go play with Peter and Kathryn. And later, when David and Dina showed up with Mya, he totally wanted to go play with her than in his soccer game. But we tried our best to redirect him back to the game.

All in all, we were pleased with Andrew's first experience at organized soccer. He seemed to enjoy it and hopefully, he will come to like it more. And hopefully, his skills and knowledge of the game will come along in due time.

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