Sunday, February 6, 2011

Celebration in League City

Today, we drove down to League City to celebrate New Year's and also hold a prayer for the anniversary of the death of both Papa's parents at Uncle 10's house. Andrew was totally excited because he loves going over there and playing with the cousins. Moreover, the twins and their group were going to do another lion dance at the house. The whole morning, he kept asking when we were going to Uncle 10's house.

Once we arrived, we ate some delicious food and hung out with the cousins. Andrew had so much fun playing trains with them and running around the house.

After much anticipation, the lion dance troupe arrived and got ready for the dance. Andrew again loved watching it and again wouldn't feed the dragon any lucky money!! Maybe next year...

Anyways, we had a great time with the family and Andrew really seemed to have a blast too.

Chuc Mung Nam Moi!!

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