Thursday, February 24, 2011

Andrew's Birthday Dinner

Since it was his big day, I told Andrew he could do almost anything he wanted this morning. I gave him choices like the zoo, Children's Museum, Galleria, and Wonderwild. He said he wanted to stay home and play with his toys, do some puzzles, and watch TV. Ok, birthday boy, whatever you want!!

For lunch, we picked Daddy up and again gave Andrew the honors of picking the place. He chose the chicken and teriyaki place--Wings N More. He's so funny! He ate well and even enjoyed vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup for dessert! Then, we went back home to take naps.

After Daddy came home, we asked Andrew what he wanted for dinner. We gave him his favorites as options like Italian (noodles), Souper Salad, pizza, but he chose dim sum. So, we headed over to Yum Yum where he was true to form. He ate so well like he usually does there.

Then, for dessert, I told him we could get cupcakes, ice cream, or Yogurtland. And to no surprise, he chose Yogurtland! His favorite, right!?

He seemed to have a great birthday dinner. Happy Birthday again, Andrew! We love you so much! Daddy and I hope we made your third birthday a memorable one!

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