Monday, May 30, 2011

The Rest of Memorial Day Weekend

We started the morning by going to see Papa at the tennis courts. Papa even fed Andrew some balls and Andrew hit a few of them. He's showing more interest in tennis so hopefully he can learn the game soon.

After that, Ngoai, Andrew and I went to run some errands and then came home for lunch. Andrew kept asking to go to the pool so we decided to take him hoping it would tire him out for naps. Later after dinner, we went outside to play a little soccer.

We decided to spend another night down in League City since Papa had the day off. And Daddy had the day off too, but spent the day studying and resting. We spent the day pretty much the same as yesterday--going to the pool and playing soccer. Then after dinner, we drove home to see Daddy. I don't know who was more excited about seeing the other person...Daddy or Andrew.

I close tonight's post with a photo of Andrew in a patriotic shirt in honor of the holiday.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Farewell David

Tonight was bittersweet for me. We had to say farewell to David and Dina, who are embarking on a new and exciting adventure. They are moving to Albuquerque, New Mexico where David has accepted a position at a hospital there. I am really sad that they will be so far away, but am so proud of him and thrilled for them too for this opportunity. And who knows, maybe we can go visit them out there during ski season!?

Anyways, we had a really nice dinner at my folks' house...just like so many other family dinners we have had with Aunt Hong's family since I was little. I have so many fond memories with their family and love them so much. David and MaryAnn are more like my younger siblings than cousins. And I am glad that Andrew is able to share in our close relationship with them all as well.

Good luck, David and Dina! We love you guys and will miss you so much! Hope to see you soon!

Play Date in Pearland

This morning, Andrew and I headed down to Pearland for a play date at Aunt Thi's house. We had been trying to all get together for the longest time, but it is so hard with so many of the mothers having gone back to work and/or the kids being enrolled in preschool programs.

Andrew had a fun time with all his little buddies; and I enjoyed getting to visit with all the mommies again. The kids even put on a little show for us singing to whatever songs they chose--most of them being songs they have learned at school or as you can see in the video below, just goofing off having a good time. It was so adorable! Oh, how we had missed everyone!! And hopefully, we won't have to wait so long before the next play date.

Friday, May 27, 2011

More CMH

This morning, Andrew wanted to go to the CMH. He's been having such a good time there playing on the bottom floor with the Legos and building whatever he can. Today, Andrew built a tower with plastic sticks and joints, had me do some face painting (a train and garbage truck), and went "fishing" in the new exhibit about the environment (you could catch many other things besides fish in the water like trash).

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Happy 39th Month Birthday

Wow, another month come and gone!! Our little guy continues to grow into a little boy, which sometimes makes me so proud at his development, but also makes me sad that my little baby is growing up.

Some of the new things Andrew says this past month include:
  • "I do it myself!"
  • "I need to go pee!" and I need to go poo poo!"
  • For those times he goes poop, "I want privacy" and sometimes if I don't leave fast enough, adds "Mommy go away!"
  • "I want to go outside!"
  • "Why?"
  • "When?"--usually asking when things will happen
  • "Who are they?"
When he really wants something, he will make his request and then add "plleeeaassseee!" on the end of it especially for things that he thinks or knows we will say "no" to. For extra politeness, he will also say "May i have [insert whatever here] pleeaasseee?"

One of my most favorite stories of Andrew of recent is when we were at my folks' house so Daddy could study peacefully. Andrew was about to go down for a nap and asked if he could eat some chocolate covered walnuts my parents had. I said no and left the room. When I woke up from my own nap, I went to go check on Andrew who was sleeping next to my mom. Ngoai proceeds to show me some brown stains on the bed. My first initial thought was it was poo, but Ngoai said it was chocolate from the walnuts Andrew wanted to eat earlier. When Andrew finally woke up from his slumber, Ngoai asked him what the stain was and he replied "chocolate." And then I ask him "who gave you the chocolate when I already said no?" Andrew replies "that silly Papa!" Mom and I totally bursted out with laughter. He totally threw Papa under the bus even though Papa had said yes where I had said no!

Andrew has been enjoying coloring and drawing more and more. Some of the newer things he's been drawing are the sun, stick figures for people, trees, bird nests in trees, turtles, and fish. He still draws lots of trains and trucks of course.

He has been working in some math workbooks involving counting, shapes, and patterns. We also have been working with him on tracing and writing letters and numbers. He can write A and T on his own without any guidance from us.

Our little boy really likes to play outside and constantly asks to go outside to play soccer, which makes us very proud--especially Daddy. Drew has been hounding us when is he playing soccer again. We are glad he seems to like it so much. He "big" kicks a lot with his left feet which we are happy about, but he tends to dribble with his right. He has also been asking us to go swimming and swim classes.

He has also been playing quite a bit with Melissa & Doug city blocks set that Nonna gave him recently and will also pretend and act out that there are emergencies. Usually the emergency is a fire at a building or cat stuck up a tree and more often than not, there is constantly "another emergency" right after the other.

Andrew has also been enjoying board games, such as Candyland, Chutes & Ladder, and Hi Ho Cherry-O, and Thomas memory game. We are still working on rules, but he is getting a good grasp on how to play the games. We also try to instill into him good sportmanship and have him shake hands after the game and tell his opponent(s) "good game".

Our little builder is also getting more into Legos and Duplos especially his fire engine. He will also build his own trains like from rectangles. He still has trouble with Legos and how small they are, but in due time, we know he'll be able to get it. Also, he has been more excited about building his own towers in Marble Run. We really like when he is building and constructing things with his hands and love to see him plan things out.

Oh, and Andrew is totally into swimming now. He loves jumping into the pool and has been working on kicking his feet and swinging his arms. Drew is really into his pool toys especially his green plastic boat and killer whale that goes really far in the water.

Chef Andrew still has a good time with his kitchen and loves making noodles and eggs in the kitchen and also pretending to have picnics. We even get out a blanket and lay in on the floor too!

And speaking of eating, Andrew has been very big into popsicles probablydue to the extreme heat of the summer. He has been eating a lot more yogurt parfaits from McDonalds. He will see the golden arches while on the road and say he's hungry just so he can get nuggets and parfaits especially when coming home from League city. He still loves Asian noodles with chicken and broccoli. This past month, he has tried lasagna with ground beef and spinach (so that's another green vegetable he can eat) along with various soups depending on where we are at. Drew still loves grilled cheese sandwiches and pizza. Though, he had started to eat mushrooms besides the normal cheese and pepperoni pizzas he has been eating. He will sometimes have it with sausage, but that is less common.

Daddy and Andrew are starting to eat a lot more cereal in morning with milk--he'll eat the cereal with his spoon and then drink the milk from the bowl after. Andrew will also eat cereal as snacks too, especially Cheerios. Another breakfast favorite is muffins (favorites are blueberry and strawberry) especially if we make them!! Drew also loves scrambled eggs with toast and cheese (and he prefers that they be cooked with butter and not overcooked).

And thanks to Ngoai and Papa, a new favorite for night night snacks is Jell-O with fruit in it with a side of ice cream. And thanks to Mommy, Andrew has been introduced to the world of Nilla wafers and dunking them into milk. Yummy!

Andrew's potty training in coming along. He does a pretty good job of peeing in the potty; and we've been lucky that he will even tell us when he has to go pee. We have had some bowel movements in the potty here and there and then we had a three-day stretch and now he almost always goes in the potty. He will ask for his privacy and yell at us when he's done--"I did it! I pee/pooped". He does ask for his rewards to which we are happy to oblige. His "I need to go pee" or "I need to go poop" is a little frantic and then he will run towards the bathroom. But there have been more than one occassion where he is too busy playing or watching TV and will forget to tell us and then have an accident. And he's been really good about not peeing during the night. More often than not, he's dry in the morning.

Drew talks a lot about growing "super really big" and "super really tall". We tell him he needs to eat lots of meat, veggies, and fruit and drink a lot of milk to do that along with sleeping a lot too.

He's been really great about taking his nebulizer and will hold him himself while watching TV or playing games on the computer.

Andrew has been better about putting himself down at night and sleeping better through the nights. We have told him that he needs to be good about putting himself to sleep so he can whatever privileges we set out like birthday parties, the park, TV time, etc. He's been skipping more naps lately, but we just put him down earlier. I am hoping he's not dropping naps! I am going to be so sad when that day comes! Mommy's little lawyer will try to negotiate especially at night time. For example, he likes to swap more games on the computer for less bedtime books.

We've been working on his learning his alphabet and writing . He's been great about doing alphabet books where each letter of alphabet has a page with three words that begin with that letter. I have also downloaded some worksheets where he can practice tracing and writing his letters and numbers too. He can type "james5" for the password to the laptop. I am thinking about changing it to "Andrew" so he will have more motivation to learn how to spell his name.

Andrew is still very much the socialite. He loves to play with his friends and constantly asks to play with them and for them to come to our house. He also frequently asks when we going to Ngoai's and Papa's house and always wants to spend the night there. He also asks quite a bit as to when we are going to the airport to fly on an airplane to Aunt Anh Thu's house.

He's missing school too and asks about when he's going back and when he is getting his new teachers. Thankfully, summer camp will be starting soon enough.

Another thing he seems to be getting more and more ready for is his baby brother. Andrew asks me all the time as to when the baby is coming out. He's been talking more and more about holding him and feeding him. The other day, Andrew told me that he wants the baby to be super really tall because we have been telling him that the baby still needs to grow bigger before he is ready to come out.

Andrew has done some pretty funny things this past month. When he burps and farts, he will say "excuse me" as we have taught him. But one time, he instead said "I love you!" James and I just burst out with laughter and he thought it was so funny he got that reaction out of us that he will do it just to make us laugh again.

Another thing is that he is acting out the GeoTrax DVD down in League City. For example, one of his favorite episodes is where a train derails so Andrew will act it out and help the train get back on the tracks.

Here is anouther picture from today at Stomping Groundz and some videos taken recently.

Stomping Groundz

This morning, we had a play date with Josh and Nathan at Stomping Groundz, which is an indoor play area for kids. The boys immediately ran into the playground and never looked back. Well, they did come out for water every now and then and eventually to eat lunch (but probably because we made them). But they seemed to have a great time running around. And boy, were they ever sweaty!!

And it was nice because when the boys were running around, it allowed the grownups to sit and have some nice adult conversation! Have I said how much I enjoy that Andrew doesn't have to be watched every single second while playing nowadays!?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Balance Beam

This evening, we met our neighbors Emily and Mr. Donnie at a nearby park that Donnie introduced us to. It was an instant hit--it's got a great playscape, close to the house, and usually not very crowded.

And Andrew loves playing with Emily! The kids had a great time playing together...there was a lot of chasing around the playscape, going up and down the slides, and the balance beam, which Andrew has been trying to master.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

League Park

This morning, I took Andrew to League Park while Ngoai went to work and Papa played tennis. I had been wanting to take Andrew there for the longest time after seeing that there was an old red caboose in the park.

When we arrived, we immediately walked over to the caboose and looked around. Andrew kept asking why it wasn't on the track and why it didn't work anymore.

Afterwards, I took Andrew to the playground, which was really nice. They had a little musical playscape and another more traditional one with slides and tunnels. Andrew thoroughly enjoyed both even with the heat. We really had a great time playing this morning!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Ice Cream Fiend

I thought I would post these photos that I took of our little ice cream fiend today after lunch at the mall. Geez, what a mess!? But he's all ours!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Last Day of School

Wow!! I can't believe today was Andrew's last day of school--his first last day of school. They had their end of the year party, which was an ice cream social. Andrew didn't eat as much as I thought he would. He instead left the table to go play with his friends, which makes sense to me now. He was cute with all of his classmates. He read books with some of them and listened to shells and told me he could hear the ocean. Ben's mom, Anna, presented Ms. Faruolo and Ms. Quiroz with their gifts (Visa gift cards) and they also presented Anna with a thank you gift for serving as our room mother. Then, it was time to say goodbye. It was a little sad for me. I don't think Andrew gets it though. He gave goodbye hugs to both his teachers just like any other day and walked out of the room. But it's nice to know we can come visit them during the summer and next year so it's a little easier to swallow.

Reflecting, I first think what a ride this school year has been. I still remember being so anxious that first day during drop off. And now, here we are eight months later and we all love school now. I have to say I was initially nervous about Ms. Faruolo. She is more stern and even intimidated James and me. But we quickly came to appreciate her firmness and realize she is exactly what Andrew needed in a teacher this year. She was still very nurturing, but really kept Andrew in line. And then, there is Ms. Quiroz who is so sweet and kind. And she totally dotes on the kids. You can tell she really loves all of them. They were a good team and balanced each other well. We were very lucky with our teachers and we are so grateful for all they did for us this year. They provided us with a good transition and we never had to worry about Andrew at school because we knew he was in very good hands. And that's very big for me because he is our little guy and sending him to schol was very daunting for us...well me for sure. So, to have such amazing teachers and to have such a wondeful experience with his school has been such a blessing.

So, here's to one fantastic school year and hoping that it's just the first of many.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy 35th Birthday, Daddy

Today is Daddy's 35th birthday! And to celebrate it up right, he took the day off to study...yes, study! Daddy has been in study mode and didn't want a big hoorah for his birthday and I understood that, but we had to have a little birthday fun nonetheless.

First, Andrew asked that Daddy come pick him up school and then we went to Pumpkin Park so Andrew could run around and play. James wanted something very lowkey for dinner...nothing fancy. So, he chose Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner. After, Andrew wanted Yogurtland for dessert. But after that, we came home and had birthday cupcakes which Andrew helped to pick out earlier.

Andrew was really cute about James's birthday card. With my help, he wrote "Dad" and signed it "AJ" and then drew some pictures on the card. He was so excited about it! When we gave it to Daddy, he said "Happy Birthday!" It was so sweet. He becomes more and more into birthdays--his own or others--that I really love how excited he gets.

Happy Birthday, Daddy!! We love you so very much and are so lucky to have you in our lives. You make our world and we couldn't ask for a more loving, caring husband and father.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Pregnancy Journal: Second Trimester

Thirteen Weeks:

I am starting to get bigger, but have been able to hide it still. I am not quite comfortable yet with showing my baby belly especially since we haven't made it public information yet. But I can definitely tell that my skin is starting to stretch.

My due date is September 19th, but Dr. Samuels wants to go ahead and schedule a c-section before that. Susan, one of Dr. Samuels's nurses, has put us on the books at Texas Women's Hospital for September 14th. I did ask for September 15th at the request of Ngoai so she and her new grandbaby can have the same birthday, but Dr. Samuels will be working in Sugarland that day. So, that's a no-go.

Fourteen Weeks:

Andrew has been talking lots about the baby putting Andrew's trains and toys in its mouth. We explained to him that babies do that, but as the big brother, he can help to teach him how to play with toys appropriately.

And even in a week's time, it's getting harder to hide my belly. I remember starting to show around the 13th week with Andrew and I have heard that usually with subsequent pregnancies, moms-to-be show even faster, but it's really coming on strong now!

Fifteen Weeks:

We are starting to tell more and more people. Sometimes, I still can't believe we are pregnant again. I am so excited for this new addition to our family; and Andrew is getting more into it as well for which I am so happy about.

My tummy is getting bigger and I have had to pull out more maternity clothes instead of just wearing my baggy clothes.

Sixteen Weeks:

I felt a few flutters this week. Oh, how I love feeling the baby inside me. It was one of my most favorite parts of being pregnant and this time, it's no different.

And unfortunately, the heat is starting to get to me. I get hotter so much more quickly and severly as the summer starts to come upon us. The heat also makes it more uncomfortable for me at night. We don't want to get too crazy with the AC because I don't want to freeze Andrew in his room (especially since he kicks off the covers) so I just bought a small fan and put it on my nightstand, which has helped considerably.

Seventeen Weeks:

Things are pretty much the same. The one big difference this week is that it's getting more uncomfortable sleeping. I am getting pretty warm especially at night for whatever reason. And it's getting more difficult to find a comfortable position. Eek!

With the heat, I am eating a lot of popsicles especially late at night after Andrew's gone to bed. But we have had our share during the day too. Lately, I have been craving French fries especially from McDonalds (along with a large sweet tea!) I have been eating a lot of fruit specifically strawberries and blueberries too.

Eighteen Weeks:

April 19, 2011

We had our ultrasound today with Dr. Kirshon. And we know we are definitely having another son. Dr. Kirshon said everything looks great so far and our little boy is growing and developing right on schedule. So now that we absolutely know the sex, Andrew has started saying "I'm going to have a baby brother!"

From all the tests done, we are at low risks for Down's, which is a huge relief and everything else looks really good.

Nineteen Weeks:

I am getting a lot more fatigued that's for sure. I take naps pretty much everyday either when Andrew takes them and even when he's at school before I pick him up.

My belly continues to enlarge and I can feel my stomach stretching away. I can't believe my tummy is getting so big by the week!

Big brother Andrew has been talking more about how he wants to help especially holding and feeding the baby. I love hearing him get so excited about the baby knowing he will still have a huge adjustment after the baby is born.

Twenty Weeks:

We are halfway!! Well, more than halfway because Dr. Samuels won't let me go to the full forty weeks. I can't believe how fast it has gone! I have managed to skip a couple of naps this week, which is amazing! So I've definitely had a little more energy this week, but am still pretty tired for the most part.

The new baby talk from Andrew is how he wants the baby to have a blanket so both he and his brother will have one. I think this is kind of funny since Andrew has about five different blankets that he likes to sleep with and not just one. But I find it very sweet that he shows concern for his little brother already and wants to make sure he's comfortable. But notice that Andrew doesn't offer up one of his blankets, but rather get the baby a different one! ;)

Twenty-One Weeks:

I am growing bigger and bigger!! But luckily, it seems like it's just my tummy that's getting big and not the rest of me. I am not swelling in my legs or ankles thankfully. But the bad news is that I am starting to get a lot more uncomfortable.

And this week, I have been having stomach pains (and no, not gas), but some pretty sharp and severe cramping. On Tuesday, the cramping lasted over an hour and it got so bad, I finally called the on-call doctor who told me to take some aspirin and try to sleep it off. Luckily, this did the trick and felt much better in the morning.

Twenty-Two Weeks:

May 17, 2011

My OB appointment was today--Daddy's birthday. Our little boy's heart rate was good and everything is looking great so far. The stomach cramps have subsided, which brings me great relief...both physically and emotionally.

With summer in full swing, I am finding myself incredibly hot especially my legs. Thank goodness for air conditioning!! I joke that I may have to spend the rest of my pregnancy in Alaska or somewhere cold just to be cool!

Twenty-Three Weeks:

Things are continuing to go well. I have some cramping in my stomach, but not near as bad as the other week. They have been less severe and less frequent, which is good. But sadly, I am noticing that I am waddling even more when I walk.

Big brother Andrew asks us all the time "when the baby come out?' Ten months is such a long time for a kid. He will still come up to my tummy and kiss it and say "I love you, baby." And it still makes my heart melt.

Twenty-Four Weeks:

May 31, 2011

At this week's doctor appointment, I expressed to Dr. Samuels that I am not feeling much movement from the baby especially compared to how active Andrew was in the womb. She went ahead and suggested that we go to Texas Women's Hospital to have an ultrasound. The doctor said the baby is moving around enough. He said I do have a higher level of amniotic fluid, but it's still within normal range. But this might be why I can't feel much movement along with the position of the baby (something like breach, high, and behind my placenta).

Well, the heat is really starting to get to me. To cool me off, I usually want to eat cold things like watermelon and ice cream. I have been eating a lot of popsicles!! But it's only temporary relief. We got the AC cranked up keeping the house cool and I have to sleep with the extra fan on my nightstand in addition to the ceiling fan.

I can feel my stomach stretching more and more. And it's starting to get harder to move around especially getting up and down the stairs and bending over.

Twenty-Five Weeks:

Andrew has been talking more and more about when the baby will come out. He also said this week that he will "teach him everything." He even said that he wants to take the baby to go to Thomas Day Out, which is highly unlikely since that will be like two weeks after the baby's arrival. Andrew has also told us that he wants the baby to sit on the right side of him in the car.

As for me, I am feeling more and more hot and uncomfortable. I am still using the extra fan in the room, which helps a lot!

Twenty-Six Weeks:

At this week's doctor appointment, Tammy performed another ultrasound to check the fetal movement and she said the baby is moving around enough, which is such a relief. I watched his arms and legs move as Tammy pushed on my belly to make him move. I can't feel it, but as long as he's doing it, it's good enough for me.

I also took the gestational diabetes test, which I am always nervous about. But I passed when I was pregnant with Andrew and I am eating less sugar this time around. So, I was thinking I would be okay this time too. And I am measuring a little big, but Dr. Samuels isn't too concerned since it's normal to be bigger the second time around.

Andrew gave us a good laugh this week too. He was talking about how big his stomach was after eating and said very matter of factly "I not pregnant." Wow, we are glad he cleared that up!!

Twenty-Seven Weeks:

First, I got my test results back from the doctor's office and don't have gestational diabetes. Whew! I was worried for a little bit since I am kind of big and didn't want to have to worry about what I eat.

I am still not feeling the baby move around very much, but unfortunately, I do feel my stomach stretching more and more. :( But I have felt the baby lower in my stomach especially sometimes when I am walking around, which makes it pretty uncomfortable.

Also, I have noticed that my left leg falls asleep quite a bit especially when I am at the computer and sitting on it.

I am getting pretty big. What's really sad is that people are amazed that I am not further along since I am so big or they think I am having twins. Boo hoo hoo.

Twenty-Eight Weeks:

I am measuring thirty weeks, but Dr. Samuels wasn't too concerned with it. I am still doing great weight wise so no one is really too worried about it. It's nice that I am for the most part, all belly.

I am still incredibly hot though. It's pretty warm in Houston this summer with very little rain so I feel like it's even more hot!

Andrew has been talking more about the baby sleeping in our room, but will say that he wants the baby to sleep in his room. Speaking of sleep, I am also sleeping more and more on the couch for the fact that I can rest my back on the back of the couch.

I can't believe my second trimester has come and gone. This pregnancy is going by so much faster than the first one. I can't believe our second son will be here before we know it! It's definitely been harder than my first pregnancy, but they say it's harder the second time around since we have another child that keeps us busy and tired. Not to mention, I am three years older too, which I don't know how much that plays into things as well. But all in all, it's been more difficult, yes, but it hasn't that been that bad--especially compared to others I have heard about. So, I am pretty happy with how things are progressing.

Below is the ultrasound from 24 weeks from Texas Women's Hospital.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Claremont Park

This morning, I took Andrew to Claremont Park, which is in the neighborhood next to Ngoai's and Papa's house. We had a great time going back and forth between the two playscapes there (one for toddlers and one for older kids). He loved going down the slides and through the tunnel, but the highlight was going down the fireman pole. He must have gone down it over ten times.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Houstonian Club with Jack

This morning, we met Jack and Mrs. Keryth at the Houstonian club for a play date. We hadn't been able to get together with him in so long with school and differing schedules that it was nice to finally connect up again.

After we arrived, we headed to the playroom where the boys mainly played with all kinds of vehicles from trains to cars to construction vehicles. We even raced some for a little while.

Then, we ventured outside for a bit so that the boys could play on the playground. Andrew and Jack had lots of fun chasing each other around the playscape more than playing on it.

Next, it was time for lunch and we had a great lunch there complete with frozen yogurt! Andrew had such a great time and didn't want to leave. It was a great morning and it was so nice to getting to spend time with Keryth and Jack. We definitely will have to have another playdate with them soon!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Fish Artwork

Since it's been a while that I have posted any of Drew's artwork, I thought I would share what he brought home today from school. I think it's so creative...I don't know how they did it, but I love it.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Thomas Live on Stage

This evening, Andrew and I went on a double date with Aunt Anh and Josh. He has been so excited about this "date" since James and I had been our date and he had asked about when he was going to get to go on a date too. I wasn't sure about taking him still skeptical after the circus fiascos we have had, but I hoped that he would enjoy this more since it was Thomas after all. But he did seem very excited about it asking me when we were going and even earlier today since he knew it was close to time to go.

Anh picked us up so we could all go together, which worked out great. We found parking relatively easily and walked to Jones Hall. As we walked up, we saw Janie and Selene (Uncle David was parking the car). It was so cute to see some other friends there. And they ended up sitting a few rows behind us which was nice because Andrew waved at Selene while we waited for the show to start.

Once the show began though, Andrew was captivated. Both boys were. They sang along and clapped and laughed. I love watching Andrew's expressions on his face. I wish I would have gotten more of them on camera, but I didn't want to disturb him or any of the other patrons. The show was good all things considering. I have to admit I am skeptical about kid shows. But they kept the kids entertained and there was a lot of singing and dancing. Andrew and Josh loved seeing the trains on stage, but they both asked why there weren't more trains like Gordon or Henry. But they didn't seem to really mind all that much because they seem to really enjoy the show anyhow regardless of how many trains were there.

After the show, Andrew kept asking when we could go again. Hopefully, there will be another show in the near future so he won't have to wait so long for another date!!

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day out there to all the moms in the world especially the special ones in our lives--especially Ngoai, Nonna, Ba Co, and Aunts Anh Thu, Janine, and Sharon. We love you very much!! And an extra special thanks to Nonna for spending the weekend with us! We appreciate all that you do.

Here's a picture that was included with the Mother Day cards that we gave to all the special moms in our lives.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Uncle Foo's Birthday

Uncle Foo came into town this weekend for Mother's Day, but we took the opportunity to celebrate his birthday, which was on Thursday. We headed down to League City where Ngoai and Papa cooked a special dinner for Anh Tuan--crawfish and grilled fish. We ended up having a lot of desserts, which is normally not the case. Nonna, who also was visiting this weekend, made cheesecake with a cherry topping while I made sopapilla cheesecake because Monica wanted to learn how so she could make it for her mom for Mother's Day. And Andrew had it in his mind that he wanted to baked a cake with sprinkles on top. It was all about the sugar tonight!

Andrew was really cute about singing "Happy Birthday" to his uncle and wanting to blow out his candles. And the great uncle that he is, Anh Tuan obliged his little nephew.