Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Happy 39th Month Birthday

Wow, another month come and gone!! Our little guy continues to grow into a little boy, which sometimes makes me so proud at his development, but also makes me sad that my little baby is growing up.

Some of the new things Andrew says this past month include:
  • "I do it myself!"
  • "I need to go pee!" and I need to go poo poo!"
  • For those times he goes poop, "I want privacy" and sometimes if I don't leave fast enough, adds "Mommy go away!"
  • "I want to go outside!"
  • "Why?"
  • "When?"--usually asking when things will happen
  • "Who are they?"
When he really wants something, he will make his request and then add "plleeeaassseee!" on the end of it especially for things that he thinks or knows we will say "no" to. For extra politeness, he will also say "May i have [insert whatever here] pleeaasseee?"

One of my most favorite stories of Andrew of recent is when we were at my folks' house so Daddy could study peacefully. Andrew was about to go down for a nap and asked if he could eat some chocolate covered walnuts my parents had. I said no and left the room. When I woke up from my own nap, I went to go check on Andrew who was sleeping next to my mom. Ngoai proceeds to show me some brown stains on the bed. My first initial thought was it was poo, but Ngoai said it was chocolate from the walnuts Andrew wanted to eat earlier. When Andrew finally woke up from his slumber, Ngoai asked him what the stain was and he replied "chocolate." And then I ask him "who gave you the chocolate when I already said no?" Andrew replies "that silly Papa!" Mom and I totally bursted out with laughter. He totally threw Papa under the bus even though Papa had said yes where I had said no!

Andrew has been enjoying coloring and drawing more and more. Some of the newer things he's been drawing are the sun, stick figures for people, trees, bird nests in trees, turtles, and fish. He still draws lots of trains and trucks of course.

He has been working in some math workbooks involving counting, shapes, and patterns. We also have been working with him on tracing and writing letters and numbers. He can write A and T on his own without any guidance from us.

Our little boy really likes to play outside and constantly asks to go outside to play soccer, which makes us very proud--especially Daddy. Drew has been hounding us when is he playing soccer again. We are glad he seems to like it so much. He "big" kicks a lot with his left feet which we are happy about, but he tends to dribble with his right. He has also been asking us to go swimming and swim classes.

He has also been playing quite a bit with Melissa & Doug city blocks set that Nonna gave him recently and will also pretend and act out that there are emergencies. Usually the emergency is a fire at a building or cat stuck up a tree and more often than not, there is constantly "another emergency" right after the other.

Andrew has also been enjoying board games, such as Candyland, Chutes & Ladder, and Hi Ho Cherry-O, and Thomas memory game. We are still working on rules, but he is getting a good grasp on how to play the games. We also try to instill into him good sportmanship and have him shake hands after the game and tell his opponent(s) "good game".

Our little builder is also getting more into Legos and Duplos especially his fire engine. He will also build his own trains like from rectangles. He still has trouble with Legos and how small they are, but in due time, we know he'll be able to get it. Also, he has been more excited about building his own towers in Marble Run. We really like when he is building and constructing things with his hands and love to see him plan things out.

Oh, and Andrew is totally into swimming now. He loves jumping into the pool and has been working on kicking his feet and swinging his arms. Drew is really into his pool toys especially his green plastic boat and killer whale that goes really far in the water.

Chef Andrew still has a good time with his kitchen and loves making noodles and eggs in the kitchen and also pretending to have picnics. We even get out a blanket and lay in on the floor too!

And speaking of eating, Andrew has been very big into popsicles probablydue to the extreme heat of the summer. He has been eating a lot more yogurt parfaits from McDonalds. He will see the golden arches while on the road and say he's hungry just so he can get nuggets and parfaits especially when coming home from League city. He still loves Asian noodles with chicken and broccoli. This past month, he has tried lasagna with ground beef and spinach (so that's another green vegetable he can eat) along with various soups depending on where we are at. Drew still loves grilled cheese sandwiches and pizza. Though, he had started to eat mushrooms besides the normal cheese and pepperoni pizzas he has been eating. He will sometimes have it with sausage, but that is less common.

Daddy and Andrew are starting to eat a lot more cereal in morning with milk--he'll eat the cereal with his spoon and then drink the milk from the bowl after. Andrew will also eat cereal as snacks too, especially Cheerios. Another breakfast favorite is muffins (favorites are blueberry and strawberry) especially if we make them!! Drew also loves scrambled eggs with toast and cheese (and he prefers that they be cooked with butter and not overcooked).

And thanks to Ngoai and Papa, a new favorite for night night snacks is Jell-O with fruit in it with a side of ice cream. And thanks to Mommy, Andrew has been introduced to the world of Nilla wafers and dunking them into milk. Yummy!

Andrew's potty training in coming along. He does a pretty good job of peeing in the potty; and we've been lucky that he will even tell us when he has to go pee. We have had some bowel movements in the potty here and there and then we had a three-day stretch and now he almost always goes in the potty. He will ask for his privacy and yell at us when he's done--"I did it! I pee/pooped". He does ask for his rewards to which we are happy to oblige. His "I need to go pee" or "I need to go poop" is a little frantic and then he will run towards the bathroom. But there have been more than one occassion where he is too busy playing or watching TV and will forget to tell us and then have an accident. And he's been really good about not peeing during the night. More often than not, he's dry in the morning.

Drew talks a lot about growing "super really big" and "super really tall". We tell him he needs to eat lots of meat, veggies, and fruit and drink a lot of milk to do that along with sleeping a lot too.

He's been really great about taking his nebulizer and will hold him himself while watching TV or playing games on the computer.

Andrew has been better about putting himself down at night and sleeping better through the nights. We have told him that he needs to be good about putting himself to sleep so he can whatever privileges we set out like birthday parties, the park, TV time, etc. He's been skipping more naps lately, but we just put him down earlier. I am hoping he's not dropping naps! I am going to be so sad when that day comes! Mommy's little lawyer will try to negotiate especially at night time. For example, he likes to swap more games on the computer for less bedtime books.

We've been working on his learning his alphabet and writing . He's been great about doing alphabet books where each letter of alphabet has a page with three words that begin with that letter. I have also downloaded some worksheets where he can practice tracing and writing his letters and numbers too. He can type "james5" for the password to the laptop. I am thinking about changing it to "Andrew" so he will have more motivation to learn how to spell his name.

Andrew is still very much the socialite. He loves to play with his friends and constantly asks to play with them and for them to come to our house. He also frequently asks when we going to Ngoai's and Papa's house and always wants to spend the night there. He also asks quite a bit as to when we are going to the airport to fly on an airplane to Aunt Anh Thu's house.

He's missing school too and asks about when he's going back and when he is getting his new teachers. Thankfully, summer camp will be starting soon enough.

Another thing he seems to be getting more and more ready for is his baby brother. Andrew asks me all the time as to when the baby is coming out. He's been talking more and more about holding him and feeding him. The other day, Andrew told me that he wants the baby to be super really tall because we have been telling him that the baby still needs to grow bigger before he is ready to come out.

Andrew has done some pretty funny things this past month. When he burps and farts, he will say "excuse me" as we have taught him. But one time, he instead said "I love you!" James and I just burst out with laughter and he thought it was so funny he got that reaction out of us that he will do it just to make us laugh again.

Another thing is that he is acting out the GeoTrax DVD down in League City. For example, one of his favorite episodes is where a train derails so Andrew will act it out and help the train get back on the tracks.

Here is anouther picture from today at Stomping Groundz and some videos taken recently.

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