Monday, February 1, 2010


Andrew woke up asking for milk and wasn't too mad when we told him he couldn't have any. We told him last night that when he woke up he wouldn't be able to drink or eat anything. We weren't sure how that was going to blow over, but I was proud of him for not putting up too much of a stink.

So, we arrived at Texas Children's Hospital for check in at 8am. Andrew's surgery was scheduled for 10am, but it was still contingent upon how Dr. Raynor's earlier operations were going (they do the operations in order of age starting with the youngest). Andrew quickly settled in and began playing with toys they had in the waiting room. James and I took turns following him around the waiting area. I took him to see the fish aquarium; and lo and behold, a nurse called us in for some preliminary vitals. I didn't know if I should go get James or just go in. I decided to just go in hoping Daddy wouldn't be needed. Bad call by Mommy!! Andrew cried and screamed when they took his temperature and blood pressure. When we went returned back to Daddy, James asked why I didn't get him. Well, if I had known, I would have!? Oh well, it was over.

Then, they called us back in into this other waiting area. We saw another nurse who briefed us on some things and checked out Andrew. Sure enough, he was totally complacent when she checked out his ears and heart (probably because he's so used to that). Then, we dressed him into his hospital "gown", which were these little yellow fleece pajamas.

One of the things the nurse told us about was the procedure by which they would take Andrew back to the operating room. Many younger kids are carried, but some are taken away in a wagon. The way Andrew sometimes gets when leaving me concerned me especially under these circumstances. They didn't want Andrew to be crying or screaming going into the operating room. She asked if we thought it might be better for them to give Andrew some medication to calm him down. Daddy was hesitant because he didn't want for Andrew to have drugs before he went under anesthesia. Mommy felt the same way, but I knew Andrew wouldn't be all right with getting carried away. The nurse reiterated how important it was for Andrew to be calm going in, so we acquiescenced. Andrew drank the medicine like he normally does...without question. We then talked to Dr. Raynor and the anesthelogist and completed all the necessary paperwork.

After the nurse administered the drugs, Andrew played with some toys. After a while, the drugs started to take effect and Andrew seemed to get a little woozey. Our poor little guy. Finally, it was time for the nurse to take him back. I have to admit I almost lost it. The fear and anxiousness were overwhelming. What made it even harder was that Andrew still cried! It was all out bawling, but it was definitely more crying that I had thought. I figured the medicine would have done its job, but I guess my little man is too strong for the drugs!!

Andrew went back around 10am. Dr. Raynor said the procedure could take up around 45 minutes. Daddy and Mommy went back to the waiting room where they had a little break room with coffee and muffins. Daddy tried to study and I started a movie to try to keep my mind off things. But about thirty-five minutes later, Dr. Raynor came out to tell us the surgery was over and it was a success. She said Andrew's passageway was almost completely blocked so we was glad we did the surgery. She gave us some post-op instructions and said that a nurse would come get us and bring us to Andrew. It wasn't fifteen minutes later that we were escorted back to the post-op area.

My heart just about dropped when I saw Andrew all hooked up with tubs and machines. I had mentally prepared myself, but nothing I did would prepare myself for seeing Andrew like this. I am sad to say that I wasn't the brave, strong mom that kept her feelings in control and her tears inside. I lost it. James kept reassuring me that Andrew was okay and this was all for the best. But it was just so hard to see him like that. He was so helpless. My baby was so helpless. And as a mom to feel helpless for your child made it all the worse.

The nurse told us that he should be asleep for at least another fifteen minutes. But true to form, Andrew didn't do what he was supposed to. He woke up shortly after we arrived by his bed. He was groggy and tired. They say most kids cry because they feel all disoriented and don't know what to make of it. He cried for a little bit, but settled down once I held him and rocked him. He went in and out of sleep and cried a little after that.

After they watched over him a little while longer, they moved him to another section of the post-op area. Andrew was able to drink some fluids and was able to have a popsicle if he wanted. He wanted the popsicle, but wasn't too interested in licking it. But he wasn't keen on letting it go either! He was so adamant about holding it. It melted in due time and we asked him if he wanted another one to which he refused. It was weird. I am going to chalk that up to the anesthesia. But finally, we managed to get him a new popsicle which he grasped onto with all his might. He also finally drank a little water too, which pleased the nurse who wanted to make sure he would be dyhrated.

Finally, we got the go ahead to be discharged. The nurse called the valet service downstairs to have them retrieve our car. After about ten minutes, we were on our way. We got downstairs and had to wait eons for our car. Daddy and Mommy were frustrated and annoyed. I even asked two different people to check, but to no avail. After what seemed an eternity, they finally bought it up and we were on our way home.

When we got home, we took Andrew upstairs and let him lie down on our bed and watched Dora the Explorer. He fell back asleep for about an hour or so. When he woke up, he was still a little disoriented, but not too bad.

Of course, being how it was such a traumatic day for Andrew, we had gotten him some new trains for him to play with. He was pretty good and didn't seem too out of it. When we asked him if he wanted to eat, he said yeah. When we asked him what he wanted to eat, he said mac for mac and cheese. I guess he wasn't feeling too bad to want that so that's what I made him. And sure enough, he ate quite well. To be honest, I was scared he ate too much! I didn't know what to expect from his little body. But I guess it was more resilient than I thought. I guess Andrew is just more resilient than I thought.

The rest of the day was pretty calm. We did our normal routine; and Andrew went down to bed relatively easily.

It was a tough day for all of us especially my little guy, but I am happy that he seems to be doing well. His ability to bounce back and his resilience astonish me. This kid never ceases to amaze me. We are blessed with such an unbelieveable little kid. I am so very proud of him. And I am so grateful this day is over and that he is okay.

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