Monday, April 4, 2011

The Phamily

Tonight, we had a family gathering at Uncle 10's house since Duc and Y were still in town for the funeral service this morning. Nhat left earlier in the evening. I wasn't sure if I was going to go, but Andrew took a good and long nap until about 5pm. So, I thought since he wasn't going to go back to bed anytime soon, we could go down for dinner and just to hang out. I am really glad we did. It was just what we all needed--"pham"ily time. Yes, the reason we were all together sucks, but at times like these, you really need your family. And it was nice getting to spend time with everyone and just revel in the closeness of my dad's side of the family. We definitely laughed and enjoyed each other's company. It was good for all of us.

And let me mention, the food was incredible. The California cousins love seafood and they don't get the same things we have here in Texas. So, we ended up with oysters, clams, crab, and crawfish! What an incredible meal it was!!

Andrew had a blast hanging with everyone too and it touched my heart to see him spending time with Kristie. It was like he knew or something. It was really sweet to see them together and she is so wonderful with him.

I am just reminded once more how blessed I am to have such an amazing family. Not that I ever forget, but it is nights like tonight that I really feel how lucky I am.

I didn't take any pictures myself, but my cousin, Vanna, sent these shots of the family at the temple after prayer (I didn't attend but instead took Andrew home for naps).

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