Saturday, June 25, 2011

Selene's 3rd and Jolie's 1st Birthday Party

This afternoon, we went to Selene's and Jolie's birthday party at Houston Swim Club in Sugar Land. Andrew was super excited about a pool party and this was his first time in an indoor pool.

He went around the pool with James and Gage while Sheil and I chatted and caught up. He went down one of the slides once with Daddy there to catch him. He spent most of the time swimming with the noodle and pretending it was a fire hose. And Gage was really sweet with him like he normally is and they swam together for a good while too.

Later, it was time to eat and do the birthday cake. After more playing and socializing, we called it a day and said our goodbyes. It was a great party and we all had a good time.

Happy 3rd birthday, Selene and happy 1st birthday, Jolie!!

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