Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Doctor's Visit - Fifteen Month Checkup

This morning, Andrew had his fifteenth month check up. Andrew fell asleep on the car ride over and slept until we got to our room when he woke up after hearing another baby cry. Thankfully, Daddy came from the office so Andrew was happy playing cars with him while we waited.

Unfortunately, Andrew wasn't too cooperative during measurements or the examination wiggling about and fussing. Dr. Isenhower is still on maternity leave, so today, we saw Dr. Millan (we had seen her once when we came in one time when Andrew was sick and Dr. Isenhower wasn't available). She wasn't at all concerned about Andrew's weight. She says as long as he is still gaining weight over time and is somewhat consistent with what percentile he is (which is seems to be), he is okay. She called him "perfect" physically speaking. I was so relieved to hear that! I have to come with terms that he won't be the chunky baby that I hoped for. But as long as he's healthy, I will be more than happy; and he can be skinny.

Here are today's stats with the stats from his year check up in parentheses:
- Height: 30 1/2 in (30 in);
- Weight: 20 lbs 5 oz (18 lbs 1 oz; then 19 lbs six weeks later); and
- Head Circumference: 18 3/4 in (18 1/4 in).

Andrew is in the 5th percentile for weight, between the 25th and 50th percentile for height, and 60th percentile for head circumference.

After the doctor came in, he had three shots and cried for a little bit. But not too long--such a good sport. Afterwards, the three of us grabbed a quick lunch before James had to go back into the office. Then, Andrew and I headed home to play and for his afternoon nap.

Here is a video of him stirring in the kitchen...our little chef in the making!


Mary-Ann Hoang said...

Hahha. Freckin' cutie pie!

Anonymous said...

AJ is very cute!!!
