Sunday, April 26, 2009

Weekend Update

Saturday, April 25th

Today, my former boss and his wife, Tim and Kim, were once again hosting a crawfish boil at their house in Sugarland. We had actually gone last year when Andrew was just a little baby. Anyhow, it's hard for me to pass up any opportunity to eat the crawdaddies, so we headed over there in the afternoon. It was sprinkling on and off throughout the day, but that didn't spoil the fun. Andrew was very curious about the pool and the pool toys, but didn't want to venture into the pool. We didn't push the issue because of his recent ear infection.

Andrew was very social, interacting and playing with adults and some of the kids including a little boy not quite a year old and Tim's son, Camden, who was really sweet to Andrew sharing his toys with him. Andrew enjoyed eating some potatoes, watermelons, and lots of sweets. Mommy so enjoyed the crawfish! So delicious! And it was wonderful getting to see the Mathises again.

Sunday, April 26th

So, Sheil and I have been talking about getting the boys together for a play date while giving us a time to hang out. We thought the zoo might be best so that the 3 year age gap wouldn't be too evident. We had planned to go last week, but the weather was bad and Andrew was sick. So, we rescheduled for this morning.

The boys were so good. Sheil was kind enough to bring his wagon, but Andrew wasn't digging it at first. But he eventually got in and rode for a little bit, but definitely not as long as Mommy would have preferred (as I had to carry him most of the way). We got to see the red panda (he was sleeping). Andrew took his first ride on the carousel. He was fine at first, but I think he got a little scared as it went faster and faster. He ended up wanting me to hold him. Gage and Andrew had a great time at the playground too. Andrew is getting better about climbing around and in the jungle gym.

We then exited the zoo and headed towards McGovern Lake at Hermann Park. Sheil was smart to bring some bread so that we could feed the birds and ducks. The birds (mostly pigeons) seemed to have ample food so we focused our efforts toward the ducks. Gage was hilarious as he wanted to eat some bread before throwing it for the ducks even thought we told him we were going to eat lunch afterwards. Andrew tried to throw the bread, but had just as good as time watching Mommy do it. He would even laugh at times. Too cute! As promised to Gage, after the left, we went to Collina's in Rice Village for some pizza. Daddy was able to take a study break and meet us there. The man has to eat, right?!

It was such a great weekend. Good company, good food, and good times!!

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