Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Note: These pictures were taken last week in Ngoai's garden in the backyard.

Note #2: I should share the story behind the blazer that Andrew is wearing. Back in law school, my mom and I would go shopping quite a bit--at least once a week. And the Gap was one of our favorite stores, including Baby Gap as we would love to buy stuff for Cara. Anyhow, one day we were shopping there; and I saw this blazer. It was regularly priced $98, but on sale for $9.99. I just thought it was so cute and figured if not for my own son one day, then at least I could give it away as a gift. My mom thought I was crazy to want to buy it. But I did; and 8 or 9 years later, I finally was able to dress Andrew in it! Yes, you can call me crazy, but all the waiting finally paid off!

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