Saturday, November 13, 2010

Texas Ren Fest 2010

Today, we went to the Texas Renaissance Festival. We hadn't planned on going this year, but one of James's coworkers gave us some extra tickets. So, we thought "why not". Andrew would probably enjoy it even more this year than last.

This morning did bring some obstacles to our going to the festival. The first was the forecasted rain. It rained last night and the forecast was for 30% of rain the morning. When I woke up around 630am, it was pretty dreary outside and I wasn't sure if it was going to clear up or not.

Secondly, our son decided to wake up at 1230am. He came into our room and feabily attempted to go back to sleep. He was rolling everywhere and I don't know if he just wasn't able to get comfortable. For two hours, I tried to get him to fall asleep even laying down with him in his bed for a little bit, but to no avail. I finally gave up and woke James up to deal with Andrew. James didn't have much luck either for the next two hours. Finally, Andrew fell asleep on our bed around 430am. We were exhausted.

And yet, somehow Andrew managed to still wake up at 700am. Considering the lack of sleep he had, he was in good spirits. We got up and made waffles for breakfast. We decided to try to make it out to the festival thinking we would stay a few hours and Andrew could nap in the car on the way up there and/or on the way home. Nonna, who drove in last night, and Aunt Monica joined us in going to the festival. The drive was uneventful and Andrew didn't fall asleep. We did see two trains, which made Andrew very happy. And the sky cleared up and the sun came out after raining for most of the drive.

We arrived at the fairgrounds right at 10am and proceeded to the gates. It was a little chilly, but it's wasn't too cold if we were in the sun or the winds weren't blowing too much. Upon entering the festival, we walked over to the area with all the rides. Andrew had been saying he wanted to ride the elephants. We came across the pony rides first so let Andrew ride them.

Then, we walked over to the area with the elephants and camels. At first, Andrew said he didn't want to go. I think he was a little scared. So, we walked away to see the petting zoo animals. And sure enough, Andrew said he wanted to ride the elephants. I deferred to Daddy to ride it with him. Andrew didn't seemed scared, but more cautious. He did just fine. After, he said he wanted to ride the camel next. So, this time, I rode with him and when we were up there, he was taking it all in. He loved looking at the animals.

After, we got Andrew a slice of cheese pizza and started to walk over to the arena for the jousting show. Andrew seemed to enjoy the show (a lot more than he did last year) and even clapped along with the crowd. Next, we tried to whip and fire show, but Andrew wasn't too interested in just the whip cracking part and couldn't wait for the fire part to start so we walked to get some more delicious food. On the way, we stopped at the carousel where Andrew rode a wooden frog with Daddy.

Afterwards, as we were waiting in line for some food, the parade came by so Daddy took Andrew to go watch it. He's a big fan of any parades nowadays. After we ate our food, we walked to a bar where we got some beers. We wanted to take a bag of kettle corn home with us so we walked to the stand to buy some.

Then, we walked back to the car and headed home. Andrew fell asleep in the car for almost an hour in the car and slept for another two hours in his bed after we got home. I can't believe how long Andrew lasted. He was such a champ and was really good the entire morning considering how little sleep he had. And what I find funny was that he still had enough energy that he even ran some on the way back to the car.

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