Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick or Treating 2012

Our family continued our yearly tradition of trick or treating with the Armstrongs in West U. We brought over some Thai food for dinner and ate before getting the boys dressed. Daddy arrived from work just as we were still getting everything--and everyone--ready.

Andrew was of course Optimus Prime. Ryan went as Han Solo while Linda dressed as Princess Leia. Max was Luke Skywalker, Rush was Darth Vader, and Griff even dressed up as Yoda. It was pretty awesome!

So, it was finally time to go trick or treating!! Andrew and Max led the way while Rush followed a little behind. But all the kids did great! They didn't forget their manners too much. I was very happy with the way they walk ahead of us and didn't run too far. And they all did a wonderful job with being safe and watching when they were crossing streets.

We ended up going up and down their street and one more before calling it a night. The boys seemed quite pleased with their stashes. We hung out at the house for a little while longer before calling it a night ourselves since it's a weeknight.

Happy Halloween, everyone!

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