Thursday, October 4, 2012

Optimus Prime Fire Station

So, Andrew has been very obsessed with Transformer Rescue Bots these days. He loves the show and the few toys we have of them. He even wants to be them for Halloween.

A while back I had seen this Optimus Prime fire station on clearance, but didn't buy it. At the time, I didn't realize how much Andrew was going to like Rescue Bots. Luckily, I found one at the store this morning and there was no way that I wasn't going to buy it! The box was rather tattered or else we might have saved it for Christmas. But Daddy said to go ahead and give it to him now. I had put it on the floor next to his other fire stations that he was using to play with his Rescue Bots.

When Andrew came from school, he didn't even notice his new toy. I finally gave him a clue and then he saw it. And then he said "Where did that come from?" He was so excited and played with it for the rest of the afternoon.

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