Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Second Day of School

Andrew woke up this morning and we proceeded to get ready. We would mention school and we would hear him say "no school", but later would hear him also say "more school".

He got dressed and ate breakfast just fine. And he put his shoes on and got in the car just fine. We got to school and the drop off went great. We walked into his classroom and Andrew put his snack in his cubby, hung up his school bag, and washed his hands. Then, he went to play with the boats and the blocks. I said my goodbyes and left. There were no tears from either of us!!

It is early dismissal every day this first week of school so I picked him up at noon again (Mondays, he will go from 9am until 12pm; and on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, he will go from 9am to 230pm). So when I picked him up, he saw me and started to cry. It wasn't very long or very hard crying. He got over it pretty quickly as we walked out of school. Ms. Faruolo says it happens a lot as the kids are overcome with emotion and don't know how to express it.

Ms. Quiroz said he also cried a little bit this morning when he saw another class of younger kids on the playground. The playground for the two years olds is being renovated and not completed yet so his class isn't able to go outside yet. She said he cried about wanting to go outside, but not for very long.

So, we went home to eat lunch and take a nap. The rest of the day, he would said "more shcool" and "no school". So, I guess the verdict is still out. We will have to see how next week goes.

Here are pictures from this morning during drop off.

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