Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Andrew's First Day of School

Well, it's over and done with! And there were no casualties. My little nugget had his first day of school. I don't know who it was harder on--him or me. But I am the only one who shed tears, so I guess it would be me.

This morning, Andrew woke up like normal. We got dressed and ate some yogurt for breakfast. Then, he went to play with his toys like he normally does. I told him it was time to go school. I could tell he wanted to stay at home and play, but he didn't put up too much a stink and followed me quickly.

We drove to school. I was scared to talk to him about school because I didn't want to make him nervous or upset. So, we looked for trucks and played train songs like we always do.

After we parked the car, we walked down the school hallways. Andrew was just taking it all in. The look on his face was apprehension. I don't think he knew what to make of all this. We reached his classroom and I set him down. He walked into classroom. And I helped him to put his snack (cheese cubes) in his assigned cubby and hang his school bag on his assigned hook.

Next, we were supposed to go wash hands where Ms. Quiroz helped us. And then, he could go play. He played mostly with the boat in the water tub.

Then, I noticed that the only other mother left in the room was saying goodbye to her daugther. So, I knew that I need to leave very soon too. So I told Drew I was leaving, but I would pick him up in a few hours just like we talked about. He gave me hug and kiss and went back to playing. So, I darted out as quietly and inconspicuously as I could as to not arouse any attention from Andrew.

I stayed outside the room for a bit and didn't hear any crying from Andrew. So, I walked back to the car trying to compose myself and willed myself not to cry in the school. I have to say that I wasn't able to keep it totally together and shed a few tears in the car. I was so worried about him. I know he was going to be scared and nervous today and I felt that for him too. I just hoped that he would be okay and maybe even come to like it.

So, I drove home and made some calls on various matters. The time flew by. Before I knew it, it was time for me to go pick up Daddy at his office and we were going to go together to pick up Andrew. Daddy had a work meeting in the morning that couldn't be missed or rescheduled so he wasn't able to drop Andrew off at school, but wanted to be there at least to pick him up. We walked to through the hallways; and I was so anxious again. I just hope that he would be okay and the teachers would give us a good report.

When we got into his classroom, he caught sight of me and ran to me. I picked him and gave him a big hug. He seemed a little scared, but didn't cry. He said and hugged his teachers goodbye and said goodbye to some of his classmates. He walked out with Daddy. We tried to talk to him about school, but he wasn't saying much.

We then headed back to Daddy's work and stayed to have lunch with him. Then, I took him home for a nap. He went down pretty easily. I am sure he was tired from his big day.

We had told Andrew that we would take him out for dinner to celebrate. He said he wanted to go to Nikos Nikos. But since we had just had it, I asked him if we could go somewhere and get noodles. He quickly agreed thankfully. So, we met Daddy at Maggiano's where Andrew ate his fetticune alfredo and my ravoli quite well. And he behaved great too! Then, for dessert, a bowl of ice cream. Everything was delicious!

When he finally started talking about school, he said he had fun and liked his teachers. But he also said "no school" twice during the day. When we ask him if he wants to go back tomorrow, he said "yes". I am keeping our fingers crossed!! But we are very happy how things went today. I am very proud of you, little man!

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