Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday in San Antonio

This morning, we woke up and headed to 930am mass. I asked Andrew a few times this morning if he wanted to sit in the back with us or go back to the nursery and play with the other kids and toys. Each time, he chose the nursery.

When I walked in to drop him off, he didn't cry nor was he joyfully running off to go play either. He was definitely unsure of things. When I walked out, he didn't cry either, but he did watch sadly.

When Daddy and Nonna went to take communion, I went to go check on Andrew and get him. I watched a little bit and he was doing okay playing with some trucks. I walked into the nursery and he finally saw me after one of the nursery workers told him to look who was there. She said he cried a little bit while asking for me, but not very much. I didn't ask for clarification as to if he was crying or just a little whining. I told him he didn't need to cry because I would pick him up just like at school.

I took him back to the back of the church thinking mass was close to being over, but there was a little more left to go. Andrew kept yelling to go inside to find Daddy. I hadn't planned on going to go sit back with him and Nonna, but there was a little break that I quickly walked in and sat down in the pew in front of them. Andrew immediately went into his daddy's arms.

Afterwards, we met up with Janine and her family who were at mass too, but we didn't see until we had found our seats initially. We all headed back to Nonna's where we were going to cook a farewell Korean lunch for the Gonzaleses since they are leaving for Pennsylvania for Uncle Mike's new job.

After lunch, we hung out a little more. But eventually, it was time for them to head out since Uncle Mike and Thomas had a function to attend. It was nice getting to spend some more time with them. We are really sad they are moving away; it's been really nice to have them in San Antonio and closer to us. But hopefully, we will get to see them again soon. Andrew was tuckered out and ended up taking a three hour nap!! Daddy and Mommy both snuck in a little nap too while watching some football.

Then after Andrew woke up, we all drove down to Kiddie Park. Andrew's eyes filled with excitement once we got arrived and he saw everything. We bought tickets and asked Andrew what he wanted to ride first. Of course, he had immediately saw a ride with some train cars and he couldn't wait to ride it. He chose a red train and sat in it well for the entire duration of the ride. Afterwards, he picked to ride the boat next. I wasn't sure if he would let the employees help him into the boat and if he would be able to step in the boat okay, but he did both.

Then, Andrew chose to ride the bus (that happened to be on tracks) and sat with a few other kids. The bus went faster than I thought and I was worried Andrew might get scared, but he was fine. He did try to change seats for some reason in the middle of the ride, but I guess he realized how hard it was and went back to his original seat. Next was an airplane ride. Andrew chose a green plane and pretty much hopped in it by himself before the employee could help him in.

Next, Andrew and I rode the carousel with him choosing a gray horse to ride. He even managed to wave to Daddy and Nonna a few times. He's come a long way since not even wanting to ride an animal! Lastly, he and Daddy rode a helicopter. We actually had to wait another turn because there were no helicopters left and Andrew apparently really wanted one.

When Andrew was on the boat ride, he noticed a coin-operated train ride and just kept on talking about riding it. So, we went over there and he ended up riding it twice. There was a fire truck one that we let him get one and he rode it for a short time before they turned the electricity as the park was closed.

Then, we headed home to eat dinner--Nonna's ravoli, which Andrew loves and brajole, which Daddy loves (Mommy loves them both lots). Andrew ate very well. Then, we chilled a little bit and packed our things. We wanted to let Andrew digest his dinner some before hitting the road back to Houston.

We had a wonderful time with family and friends!! It meant a lot to us to see Jason and Shimul while they were here and to see Aunt Janine and her family one last time before they leave for Pennsylvania. Everything worked out very well and we were glad we got to do all the things we wanted, which doesn't always happens on the weekends.

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