Sunday, December 19, 2010

Weekend with Nonna

We had a great time with Nonna this weekend. First, on Saturday, we finished the third and final part of the Lowe's Build and Grow clinic where we made the engine for the train. It was super packed, but we made our way to one of the aisles and just constructed Drew's engine right there (there were lots of other people in the aisles with us). Andrew was cute about trying to help and he does a pretty decent job considering his age. I have to give him credit for being able to swing the hammer and hit the nail somewhat head on. I suppose he's getting an early start before he helps Papa on his little projects like Mommy did when she was younger.

Sunday morning, Nonna and Daddy were going to go to church while Andrew and I stayed behind at home. But Andrew was more than adamant about going to church too. I even couldn't sway him with a trip to Toys R Us. So, we got dressed quickly and hurried out the door for St. Anne's. It was pretty crowded as it usually is, but we found somewhere to sit. And I guess since Andrew wanted to go so badly to go this morning, he knew he better behaved. And he did. He was so good. He was very quiet and sat nicely the entire time. I was very proud of him.

Then, on Sunday evening, Nonna showed us how to cook brajoile so we know how to ourselves. She also made spaghetti which Andrew loves so he ate well. And it was also time to open some Christmas presents too! Andrew was so funny about opening up his gifts and being so persistent about opening the boxes right away to play with what was inside. Before we knew it, it was already pretty late and Nonna had to get back on the road.

Thanks again for coming in, Nonna, and spending time with us! We love you very much and are appreciative of all that you do for us!

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