Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Morning

Amazingly enough, Andrew went to bed fairly easy last night. I could have sworn we were going to be for a real battle with him being so excited about Santa and Christmas. But we were pretty lucky. I am glad he went to bed early because we end up having quite a long night last night putting together the play kitchen we got him. It took us almost four hours to assemble. We scoff how the instructions said that a power drill was optional. It would have taken us until next Christmas to get it done without our drill! Daddy says it was a rite of parenthood passage for us to go through. Fun times!

Anyhow, Drew woke up around 730am and promptly said "Santa Claus come our house right now?" I replied, "I think he may have already came." We proceeded to walk downstairs. Surprisingly, Andrew was a little hesitant. I think he wasn't sure what to do. His eyes finally laid upon the GeoTrax train set he had been asking about for months now; and he must have realized that Santa did come to our house and left him a gift. He then said, "Santa come down chimney" and clapped. And he was so concerned about whether Santa ate the cookies and drank the milk we left for him. It was so cute!

Andrew walked over to the train and just looked at it taking it all in. I really think he didn't know what to make of it all. He didn't want to open any other presents, but we told him to see what else he got. We showed him his play kitchen and he was so excited about it. We let him check it out for a little bit, but we moved him onto his other gifts under the tree. Once he finally realized that he had more gifts, he started to get into it. He would want to open the gift all the way to play with them, but we kept him moving pretty good. He received some play food, a Thomas the Train bridge, and a book about trucks. Granddad gave him two Thomas buildings from the new movie, Thomas and the Misty Island Rescue. Uncle Footon gave Andrew a Lego fire station set.

After opening all his gifts under the tree, Daddy took him to check out his stocking. Santa had also brought him Ferdinand, who is also from the new movie. He also got some Thomas the Train bath crayons. I also got to open our present from Andrew that he made at school--a wooden Christmas tree ornament that he painted and decorated. So very cute!!

Andrew and I got Daddy some new dress shirts and ties for work--not exactly exciting, but practical. My gift from Daddy and Andrew is a new point and shoot, but I need to still pick which model I want yet.

It was nice getting to have a quiet Christmas morning just us and Uncle Foo. I love that Andrew totally got Christmas this year and especially getting to see his reaction to his gift from Santa this morning. It was totally priceless.

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