Sunday, December 12, 2010

Early Christmas

This afternoon, we went over to Uncle John's house to exchange gifts since we weren't going to be seeing them again before Christmas. When we got there, it took Andrew like all of five seconds to make a dash for Peter's and Kathryn's toys. He loved playing with both of them in both their rooms and in the backyard too. Both Peter and Kathryn were really sweet to him; and they seem to all have a great time together. Andrew especially enjoyed playing dress up with the kids wearing Peter's old costumes for a little while and giggling hysterically!

Uncle John and Aunt Sharon cooked up a delicious lunch of steak and crabs. And after we ate, we had a quick celebration of John's promotion to Captain in the Austin Fire Department!! Congratulations again, Uncle Johnny! We are so proud of you and your accomplishment!

Then, it was time to open the gifts. The kids had been waiting anxiously all afternoon!! Andrew was totally into unwrapping his gifts! But after he would unwrap one gift, he wanted to open it right away and not want to open another one. Too funny!

By then, it was getting pretty late and we still had to pack at Uncle Anh Tuan's house before heading back home.

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