Saturday, November 21, 2009

UT vs. Kansas

Last night, we drove to Austin to attend Kathryn's 4th birthday party on Sunday. Andrew did great in the car and slept most of the way. He woke up as we were driving through Uncle Anh Tuan's neighborhood...maybe he just knew he was close to his uncle. He played for about an hour before wanting to go back to bed. And then, it took him forever to fall back asleep. I guess he was too excited!

Then, this morning, we made a trip to Toys R Us to buy some toys that were on sale (we even picked up one for Mommy and Daddy too--a new Wii game). After, we grabbed some breakfast tacos and then back to Anh Tuan's house to eat, play, and watch some College GameDay.

After Andrew's nap, we went over to Uncle John's house to visit. Peter and Kathryn were great with Andrew again; and he adores them both so much! He loves playing with all their toys; and the two of them are so good about sharing with him. Andrew also watched a little bit of Toy Story 2 on Uncle John's and Aunt Sharon's bed. But later, the kids wanted to watch it downstairs with the babysitter since John and Sharon were heading to the UT vs. Kansas game. Peter and Kathryn had their sleeping bags on the living room floor; and Andrew wanted to join. It was too cute seeing them lay together.

We went back to Uncle Anh Tuan's house to watch the game. Aunt Amanda came over too. I don't know if Andrew remembered her, but he was totally into her. He so loves playing with her--and she is so good with him!

To end a wonderful day, the Horns got another win! Texas, Texas, Yee Haw!!

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