Friday, November 27, 2009

The Gonzalezes

James's good friend, Alex, was in town with his family over Thanksgiving. We were lucky to have them come by the house for the afternoon. Their eldest son, Diego, has grown up so much...I can remember him when he was younger almost Drew's age. And accompanying them were their adorable twins, Xavier and Sieanna, who are a little older than Andrew.

I think at first, Andrew was a little overwhelmed by two kids playing with his toys, but he came around. But he really took to Diego right away and wanted to keep playing with him. We ordered in lunch since it was probably the easiest thing our three babies. The kids played and played until it was time for the Gonzalezes to head out for their other plans.

We love seeing them and don't get to do it nearly as often as we like. But when we do manage to get together, we have such a great time!

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