Sunday, November 22, 2009

Kathryn's 4th Birthday Party

This afternoon, we attended Kathryn's 4th birthday party after Andrew took a unprecedented two hour nap. It is like he knows we got somewhere to be and will either take a nap later than normal or sleep longer than normal. Today, he did both!

The party was held at Extreme Fun from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. By the time, we got there it was a little after 4:30 and the party was in full swing. Andrew didn't waste any time and proceeded to run amok through all the bouncers and inflatables. He wasn't scared to go in which he has been some previous experiences with inflatables. Andrew also loved it when Thomas came and played with him. Peter was sweet and played with Andrew even though he had some of his friends there. Andrew also tried to get into this pit of foam blocks, which was off limits to kids under 3, but Daddy didn't read the sign and let him anyways. But Andrew was okay with his dad and Tom. Andrew mainly liked walking around the perimeter throwing the blocks in.

Before we knew it, it was close to the end of the party...and time for cake! Andrew definitely wanted some of that action! Afterwards, we headed back to John's house where Kathryn had fun opening all her presents. Andrew tried to get into that action too, but was good about just looking at her toys.

It was getting late, so we headed back to Uncle Anh Tuan's to hang out and pack. Andrew did great in the car sleeping most of the way. It was a great weekend--with great family, friends, and birthday party. We had a blast! It is no wonder we love Austin so much!

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