Saturday, March 19, 2011

Houston Area Live Steamers

This morning, we ventured out to Northwest Houston for the Houston Area Live Steamers, a local organization dedicated to model trains. Every third Saturday from March to November, they are kind enough to give free rides on their trains. We had talked about going since last Fall, but never made it out there for various reasons. Since we finally had a free morning on one of the public run days, we figured we might take advantage of the opportunity while we could.

We had hoped to get there as soon as it opeened, but we were running a little late. By the time we got there maybe thirty minutes after it opened, a pretty decent line had already formed. Andrew did great waiting in line thankfully to being able to watch the trains come and pick passengers up. We made it through the line in about an hour and finally, our turn was upon us. Andrew seemed to really love it as he usually does with train rides. The neat thing about these trains they are about two feet tall and the passengers straddle these bench-like seats. And I thought it was really cool how we were out in the open. Andrew wanted to sit towards the front of the train and luckily, we got the car right behind the driver. Daddy sat right behind Andrew holding him tightly just in case. The ride lasted about ten minutes and was a lot longer than I had thought.

After our ride, Andrew said he wanted to ride it again. We had driven out a ways so I thought that we might as well make it worth our wild. It took us about the same time to go through the line again. This time though, Andrew wanted to sit in the back of the train and also, just Daddy and Andrew rode the train so I could take some pictures and video of Andrew riding the train.

Next, we walked to an area where they had set up some model trains and track, which Andrew liked. We thought we might be in for a fight from Andrew when we were leaving the trains so we told him we were going to go play at the park. He was happy about this and we drove to a playground that we had seen on the way in. We played for a little while and then made our way home. Andrew fell asleep on the way home as we had hoped!!

We thought the HALS had done everything pretty well; and it was nice how they opened their trains to the public these particular Saturdays. It was a great morning with my two favorite guys. Andrew had a good time, which always makes us happy. And Daddy and I were even more happy that he was really well behaved the whole morning.

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