Wednesday, January 5, 2011

This Day in History: The Proposal

Ten years ago tonight, James, Jenny (Bocangel now Payne), and I boarded a flight bound for Las Vegas. The plane was so crowded that we didn't get to sit together. I was sitting in between two gentleman while James was across the aisle from me and Jenny was a few rows behind us. The gentleman on my right and I started conversing and talked about our lives a little. Of course, I talked about how I was in my last year of law school and how James and I had been dating for over three years. The guy was a little older and I guess felt the need to impart a little bit of wisdom upon me. He told me how important was to have fun while we were still younger, experience life, and not to rush into marriage or anything--he wasn't against marriage at all, just for us to be really ready for it when we did. I responded how I knew that James was the "one" and we were definitely on the road to getting married (I mean we pretty much had known that we were headed for marriage from almost the beginning of our relationship and even picked out my engagement ring a few weeks beforehand!)

So, yes, I knew he was going to propose, but no, I didn't know when and where exactly. That was all up to James. And I had once told James that I wanted to go on a hot air balloon ride and sure enough, he had mention taking one while we were in Vegas. I thought for sure that he would pop the question then.

About halfway through our flight, I hear my name over the PA system. I didn't hear anything else. I wasn't sure if I had heard it right. And then, I immediately was wrought with fear that it might be some bad news about my dad like he had a heart attack and I would need to head back to Houston as soon as we landed. Something crazy. Something illogical. I know. I didn't know why they would be calling my name. But then, I heard it repeated. The pilot's voice over the intercom, "Sydney Pham, will you please come to the aisle?" I look up and see James standing in the aisle. It was pretty surreal. But I finally got it. I walked out to the aisle and what pops out of my mouth, but "You aren't doing this now, are you?" I was so in shock. James gets down on one knee and asks me those four incredible words "Will you marry me?" Of course, I say "yes" and we kissed to cheering and clapping from the galley.

Afterwards, the guy that was sitting on my left switched seats so James could sit next to me. I promptly introduced him to the guy on my right. Looks like we were closer to marriage then when we started the flight!

Once we landed, we were met at the airport by Anh Thu and Rick and told them the happy news. I called my folks on the car ride to the hotel. Anh Thu and Rick somehow bought a bottle of champagne super crazy fast and toasted us in the hotel room before heading out to gamble. It was an amazing night.

I later asked James what made him propose on the airplane. He admitted that his original plan was to propose on our planned hot air balloon ride, but he wanted to surprise me and he figured we would be higher in the air in the airplane than on the hot air balloon. Well, he was right on both accounts.

James, ten years ago, you made the happiest person by asking me to marry you. And now so many years later, I am still the happiest person having you and our son in my life. I love you so very much. Thanks for loving me this much!

I posted some of our engagement photos on our of our previous anniversaries, but here are some more from the shoot. Sadly, I don't think I have any from the actual night of our engagement...I may just have to check my old photos.

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