Saturday, July 10, 2010

Zing Zang Zoom

The circus is back in town!! Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey has made its way to Houston again with their Zing Zang Zoom tour. After last year's fiasco, we were so wary on taking Andrew back. But he kept saying he wanted to. We even watched his DVD from last year and would ask him if he wanted to go. He said he did; and since I was going to have my little excursion to photography class and massage, we figured it could be something for him and Daddy to do.

To start the morning, Daddy took him to get doughnuts and kolaches at Shipley's. After, the boys took a ride on the Metro and headed down to Reliant Arena. They got there early to do the All Access Pre-Show and Animal Open House where the kids get to meet some of the circus folks and see some of the animals. Andrew didn't care too much for the clowns, but he didn't cry at the sight of them either. It was pretty crowded; and like many other two year olds, Andrew is not one to wait in lines for too too long. But he did wait for a little while and enjoyed looking at the animals, including the horses, zebras, elephants, and tigers. By then, it was time for the pre-circus events to end so they could prepare for the circus. There was a good twenty to thirty minute gap until the show started. Thus, Daddy wanted to buy some time and bought Andrew some nachos to munch on while they waited. Andrew was indifferent at first, not eating any. But once Daddy ate them all, he got upset. Thankfully, he was placated with some popcorn.

Then, they took their seats and waited for the show to start. During the first act after the pyrotenics, Andrew said "all done." He then proceeded to say "bye bye". And then he proceeded to cry. Such a little rascal. I figured that he would be okay with it since he said he wanted to go and he wasn't afraid of the fireworks on July 4th--then again, they weren't so loud since we were far away. Daddy tried to convince him to stay, but Andrew was not budging unfortunately.

The boys then headed back to catch the Metro, which they rode all the way into Downtown and back to where Daddy parked the car. Daddy then wanted to take Andrew to James Coney Island for lunch, but Andrew fell asleep in the car. So, Daddy headed home instead to let Andrew sleep. After his nap, Daddy and Andrew made the trip to JCI to get some hot dogs. Then, it was back home to play until Mommy came home.

We are disappointed that he didn't stay longer. But at least he had a good time in the Open House so we don't feel it was a complete waste of money. Anyhow, if we ever take him back (and that's a very big if), then we are going to come after the first act or bring ear muffs. After I got home and asked him about the circus, he pointed to his cheek and said "cried." Nice, apparently that's about all that stuck with him afterwards.

Daddy wasn't able to take a whole lot of pictures since he was by himself and Andrew didn't want to pose with the animals, but snapped some per Mommy's request.

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