Friday, December 11, 2009

The Leash

A while back, when Aunt Anh Thu was giving us hand me downs from Brenna, the lot also included a leash/harness thing. Before kids, I thought that I wouldn't want to use one on my kids. Then again, I know better than to pass judgment or say "never" because I know it will come back and bite me in the butt. Daddy isn't big on the idea either. But after experiencing the high energy level that is Andrew especially in stores, I was definitely reconsidering.

I thought I would give it a try and so I did when we were at the Asian supermarket in Bellaire with Ngoai today. I told Andrew he could sit in the cart or wear his backpack to which he answered backpack. He was good about walking around though it did take him a good while to get acclimated from walking too far and the leash pulling him back. For the most part, he did well with the harness and seemed to be okay with it. After the store, he even wanted to wear it at the next store, but we didn't really need it there. So, it must have not completely hated it, right!?

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