Sunday, August 16, 2009

Weekend Visitors

We had two visitors this weekend--a bug and Nonna. Unfortunately, the "bug" is of the illness type and is definitely unwelcomed. Throughout the week, Andrew had vomited a couple of times. However, we weren't too sure that he was definitely sick because sometimes he vomits because he takes too big of bites or doesn't chew his food. But what sealed the deal was Andrew's runny nose and lethargic mood on Friday when we were down in League City. Then, my poor baby didn't sleep well at all Friday night. He was up several times throughout the night--we hadn't had such a rough night in a long, long time! Even the nights during HFMD weren't that bad.

Our second visitor was of a much more enjoyable nature thankfully. Nonna arrived at our house Saturday afternoon with perfect timing as we all had just woken up from a nap. We went out for lunch at California Pizza Kitchen where Andrew ate some fettucini alfredo over penne pasta. After a trip to the grocery store, we had a nice dinner at home prepared by Nonna and Daddy. After Andrew went down for the night, we watched Mamma Mia! (the film). Daddy wasn't too into the flick; so he worked on the computer while somewhat paying attention. Daddy just isn't into musicals like Mommy is! But I thought the movie was okay. I don't know if it didn't live up to all the hype that I had heard about it or what. I have to say there are so many other musicals I like better (e.g., High School Musical, My Fair Lady, and Moulin Rouge). However, I have to say, I did enjoy some parts of the movie and really liked the cast--very impressed with some of the actors' singing abilities.

So, anyway, either Andrew was really worn out or the Benedryl helped immensely--or a combination of both,but he slept so much better last night. He slept all the way until 5am this morning--so much better than the every hour or so that we had the previous night!

Sunday morning, we woke up and had breakfast before Nonna and Daddy headed to church while Andrew and I stayed home so Andrew could take a nap. Then, we went to Mai's for lunch; afterwards, Daddy and Mommy worked on putting up some decorations in Andrew's room while Nonna played with Andrew. Nonna made a delicious dinner, but unfortunately, dinner was interrupted with more vomiting from Andrew. My poor baby! James bathed Andrew while we finished eating. Then, it was time for Nonna to head back home.

It really breaks my heart when Andrew isn't well. And it seems like he is getting sick with something or another like every month. Sometimes, I wonder if he picks up these bugs while we are out on our activities. Last week, we went to the library, Gymboree, the museum, and the zoo. And what is sad, I do remember seeing a little girl with a runny nose at the museum and specifically hoped that she wasn't sick. I am not saying that she was the one who got Andrew sick--it could have been at anyone at any of those of places or someone somewhere else. On one hand, I love taking Andrew to these places because he has so much fun and learns a lot. But then, there are times like these that I worry that I am just increasing the risk of his exposure to unwanted illnesses. Like I always say, there are pros and cons to everything! Just hope my baby gets well soon!

Anyhow, thanks to Nonna for coming in and for everything from the delicious meals to helping with Andrew! We know it's a long drive and appreciate you making the trip in to see us. 

Since we didn't really go anywhere exciting, I didn't take much pictures; however, I did get some--as Joey Tribbiani would say, "some...not a lot." The first is from Baybrook Mall on Friday after Andrew had a taste of a chocolate smoothie (sorry for the sucky lighting of the picture--my flash was off). The other two were from Sunday when Andrew was playing trains with Nonna.

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