Monday, August 17, 2009

Doctor's Visit - Eighteen Month Weight Check

I had already scheduled an appointment with Dr. Isenhower on Andrew's 18th month birthday. Our pediatrician doesn't have a normally scheduled 18th month check up, but during our last appointment for Roseola, I had talked with the nurse about coming in for a weight check for Andrew. Since Andrew wasn't feeling well, I called the office this morning to see if they could fit us in today and do this weight check all together. Luckily, they could and had an opening at 4pm.

Daddy took off work early to meet us there--lucky for both Andrew and Mommy. I think Andrew recognizes the doctor's office as he wasn't too sure about being there again and was quick to wag his fingers at the nurses! Thankfully, the nurses found it hysterical.

Mommy is happy to report that Andrew weighed in at 22.2 lbs--putting him above the fifth percentile! Yippee! And Andrew actually cooperated while sitting on the scale to get weighed!

After the weigh in, we went back to our exam room to wait for Dr. McGrann (Dr. Isenhower is at their Pearland office Monday afternoons). But for the most part, Andrew did fairly well during the examination. By fairly well, I mean that he was somewhat cooperative--he did better than some previous appointments where he cries and wiggles during the examination. He still wiggled a bit, but not as much and didn't cry very much at all. Dr. McGrann said Andrew had a slight ear infection, which may be causing the vomiting. She gave us some ear drops and prescribed him some antibiotics if we chose to fill it seeing how we hoped that Andrew would be able to fight it off on his own.

Tonight, I leave you with a picture of Andrew and Daddy playing together before bed time.

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