Thursday, August 6, 2009

Evan's House

Today, we went to Evan's house for a play date. It had been a while since we last saw Evan; and it was so good to see him again. He has grown up so much, has learned so many things, and is talking so much more than before. Evan and Drew spent most of the time playing with Evan's Thomas the Train set, go figure. But Mommy is happy to report that the boys did very well playing together and Andrew didn't try to hit Evan. There were a few instances of them wanting the same toy, but for the most part, there was lots of good sharing and kindness towards one another!

Andrew also had lots of fun with Scout, their sweet dog who was so well behaved with Andrew around. Andrew is learning to be more gentle with doggies, but sometimes, he does gets a little rough with them like when he likes to sit next to them and ends up sitting on them. But Scout didn't get mean with Andrew at all and took it all in stride.

It was another great play date--Mommy loves hanging out with the Woo-Lin clan (thanks so much for having us over!) Evan is such a doll! One of my favorite moments from today was when I said "my bad" and then Evan repeated me.  It was just too darling!  He loves to mimic everything you say. And I am really loving that Andrew is learning to play nicely with other kids...for the most part. I hope I am not jinxing myself. Trust me though, we still have a good deal of learning to do about sharing, but he is learning.  At the same time, it makes Mommy a tad bit sad because it are things like this that make me realize even more that Andrew is growing up into a little boy more and more each day. Sometimes, I ask myself "where has my little baby gone?" James and I will just look at each other; and we are thinking the same thing...we no longer have a little baby, but a toddler. We do say it out loud at times too. Gosh, sometimes it is hard to believe that Andrew was so young, so fragile, and so small--especially when I go back and look at old pictures and videos. There are times that I wish that I could freeze time (or at least, slow it down) so I can have more time with he doesn't grow up so fast. But I know that isn't possible. I suppose I just have to take each day at a time and revel in the moments that I have with him.

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