Sunday, April 25, 2010

Morning Hike

This morning, we went out for another morning hike on a trail back behind my sister's house. The trail is really nice and provides amazing sights of the mountains, flowers, and animals. The three of us weren't ready to head out by the time Richard, Betty, Ngoai, and the kids were so they went ahead of us figuring we would meet up along the way. Daddy, Andrew and I walked around a bit and tried to look for animals. Andrew was getting pretty good at spotting them.

Before long, the group caught up with us (we didn't get too far) and Cara and Ngoai stayed with us for a bit while Emma and Brennan headed back up to the house with Pop and Grandma. Cara is so sweet to Andrew and he loves her so much. He kept wanting her to go exploring with him grabbing her hand as he always does to people. It amazes me up how adventurous he is. He ca be so braved and fearless that it scares me sometimes. I know boys will be boys, but he is still my little boy for whom I can't help to worry about.

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