Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday

Andrew woke up this morning and immediately asked for Papa and Ngoai. So, I took him downstairs; and Ngoai said that Papa had already left to go buy donuts for Andrew. Papa will do just about anything for Andrew, I tell you! It's so sweet!! But then again, Papa loves Shipley's Donuts too, so it's all not selfless. Later on, when Ngoai wanted to go on her daily walk, Andrew of course wanted to tag along too. He totally slows her down, but Ngoai says she doesn't mind. I swear these grandparents can't say no to their grandkids! But I guess that's how it's supposed to be, right!? I can't even begin to put into words how happy it makes me that Andrew loves spending time with his grandparents as much as they love spending time with him. He is so blessed!!

Later in the morning, Ngoai and Mommy took Andrew to go shopping and run errands while Papa headed to the grocery store to buy some stuff for lunch. I took Andrew to the water fountain so Ngoai could shop in peace for a little while. To our disappointment, the water fountain wasn't up and running, but to our surprise, the Easter Bunny was there. The line was incredibly long and Mommy wasn't about to wait in it! But I walked Andrew where he could get a closer look. He didn't seem too scared, but did seem a little apprehensive! Andrew did wave to him after I asked him too.

I took some pictures of Andrew in front of their Easter scenery. They were even giving out rabbit ear paper hats, which Drew willingly wore!! But it was hard to get a really good picture of him because he was constantly looking around.

1 comment:

45th President Sarah Palin said...

Time to put away the pagan bunnies and arm your family.