Sunday, April 25, 2010

Emma's First Communion

Today, our goddaughter, Emma, took her first Communion (the primary reason for our trip to Vegas). The house was abustle with everyone getting ready for church. Rick took Pop, Grandma, Emma, and Brennan to the church first since Emma had to be there long before mass began--I didn't want Andrew to be at church any longer than need be). But it worked out well because Andrew fell asleep on the way there; and we kept him in the car until just before mass started. Daddy and I had to take pictures with Emma with the professional photographer so Papa stayed in the car with Drew. After pictures, Daddy and I went to go relieve Papa so he could go join the others who were saving us a seat.

We never know how Andrew is going to behave in church--sometimes, good and sometimes, not so good. But today, he was good...good, but not great. I mean, he could have been lots worse so I will count my blessings with his behavior today. We brought a Thomas activity book which kept him and Brennan occupied for a good while. But what did him in was that I left the pew to go to the side to take photos of Emma receiving Communion. Andrew was not happy about that at all. Oops! Daddy ended up bringing Andrew back and we switched places.

After mass, we took some pictures there at the church before heading back home. Emma chose a Japanese restaurant for her big celebration but it didn't open until dinner. So, we went home and had cake and champagne (Sprite for the minors) and hung out before we left for the restaurant. Thankfully, this time, Andrew wasn't so scared of the teppanyaki this time. We warned him about the noise and fire and also let him watch the fire part away from the table. Andrew totally chowed down on his dumplings; we had to order a second one because he wanted more after he finished his first plate!!

After dinner, I was outside with Andrew and the girls who happened to mention there was a Dairy Queen nearby. What better way to finish a meal than ice cream!? And as luck would have it, there was a special (buy one Blizzard and get the second for $0.25) so you can't argue with that!! Then, it was time to go home and rest before bed time. It's been an exhausting day, but so very wonderful!

Emma, congratulations on receiving your first Communion! We are so proud of the young lady you have grown up to be and are so happy for you on this momentous day. We are honored to be your godparents and so glad we could be there today! We love you so very much!

There are lots of pictures from today, which are posted to our shutterfly site, but below are some of my favorites.

1 comment:

Everson Cavalcante said...

Muito linda a família.
Que Deus continue abençoando vocês.